Show Ended At Last The GriffithsIreland case has been terminated ter-minated at last and Judge Zane drew along a-long breath of relief when it was submitted submit-ted to the jury this morning After being out a short time the following verdict was returned We the jury in the above entitled en-titled action do find for defendant defend-ant for a return of the property proper-ty described in the complaint or in case a return tliereof cannot hft hnri than fn i I its value assessed at 2861 la dA 357 damages interest on the said value from the date of taking under writ of replevin to date of verdict for the taking and withholding with-holding the same making a total of 3039 This amount will have S to be paid by Messrs Nicholas Groesbeck and Simon Bamberger Griffiths bondsmen butt it is understood they are fully secured |