Show LOCAL JOTS The Grand Jury was in session today One drunk in the police court this morning 5 The Bicycle Club will give an exhibition exhibi-tion at the Pavilion Friday evening A pertinent query Will the Underground Under-ground road give conference rates o The municipal election of Park City will be held on the 5th of next month I The Cattle Convention will meet in the Opera House tomorrow at oclock a in I The cast for next weeks Patience performances will be the same as the first presentations A convict named Wat rim made an unsuccessful un-successful attempt to escape from the Pen lust Monday A drunken soldier was arrested by the police this morning and turned over to the Fort authorities The Utah Commission met in Washington Wash-ington yesterday and will convene in this city on the 10th inst A large number of tourists passed through via the D R G this morning Several of them stopped in this city The Molecular telephone petition for aright a-right of way through the streets did not come up before the City Council last night A number of New West teachers arrived ar-rived from the country towns yesterday to attend the meeting of the Utah Association Asso-ciation It was found impossible to t get the Continental Con-tinental ready for the public today The reopening therefore will take place tomorrow to-morrow Those who attempted to tic up Dr Benedicts injured finger today realize what it is to be caught napping on All Fools day The funeral of Mrs Hannah C Sanders will take place tomorrow Thursday April 2d at 2 p m from the Fourteenth ward Assembly rooms Friends and acquaintances ac-quaintances invited The Rebecca social of the Odd Fellows to be given at their hall tomorrow even ing promises pleasant time to those who may attend The regular anniversary exercises of the Order will take place on the 27th inst II There arc several candidates for the clerkship of the First District Court Among them are one Republican and one Democrat of this city and a Provo Republican Re-publican The position is worth three thousand a year The dry bench water questionwill be discussed in the council chamber next Friday evening Arthur Brown Esq will be present on behalf of the dry benchers The question will hardly be settled at one meeting |