Show sJmmELLION rile IVortli western Outbreak Assuming Assum-ing SerlwtisJProportioiis f WINNIPEG April IThe Stonies and Crees were joined by other bands yesterday yester-day in the attack on Battleford They killed James Payne and George Apple garth farm instructors and two settlers and burned a large number of settlers houses All the buildings in Battleford were pillaged and burned It is expected that Big Bears band and the Fort Pitt Indians will also join in the rebellion Big Bear with 800 warriors is with Riel who is now said to have 2000 armed men but no field pieces A Free Press dispatch from Battleford says Indian Instructors James Payne and George E Applegarth of Eagle Hills and two soldiers have been killed These were killed by the Stonies Settlers coming in were robbed of horses wagons and their loads Qtifr arc coming in I frtm distau > < ftlenieinS in a destitute i I conditition and collecting in the barracks I bar-racks where all are awaiting They have I I plenty of provisions and can stand a seige for some time Halfbreeds are reported going towards Clarks Crossing to cut the I telegraph wiresThey will probably be cut and communication from Battleford broken tomorrow Indians in Western Manitoba are showing signs of disgust HALIFAX April IThe Sixtythird rifles have been ordered to hold themselves them-selves in readiness to proceed to the northwest territory I |