Show I DEATHS John Olsen Jr John Olson Olsen Jr Jr 64 84 of ot 16 Tenth East Eat street veteran of or the American war died In a I local hospital Monday a at 5 44 4 3 a. a I. I m us of following an A operation for lor appendicitis Mr Olen an of or the r News ewi press prea was born n In Salt Lake June 14 1879 and lad hod lived here r C virtually i nil all le hi M his life He was wu a member of th the E E. 1 A. A Wede wood camp No 1 1 United Spanish Wa War Wa Veterans the Maccabee lodge tent No 2 of Salt Lake and the Odd lct Fellows lodge No lb 6 6 of Evanston Wyo Od He lie e also lo was Wa a member of ot the L. L D. D S. S church Surviving 1 n are his widow Mrs s Mary Marr S S. 0 Olsen a son O rehl his father A J John D D. Olsen and th the following W brothers r r and sisters Jim te ter i Olsen s of Salt Lake Mrs Violet l Gibson and V Olsen of Los Ls An Angeles ele Mrs Kath HaSh Hu Huches of ot N. N N Y and Mrs Mr George Benson of Brand Brond Island nd Neb I David E. E Latter David I E. E Latter r 71 71 a retail e grocer roeer dIed dice 1 at It his home me meaH aH C Vt street t Monday J noon o of 1 infirmities Incident to age ue He had been ill 1 11 for several months month Mr Latter Later was WI born In Ontario Canada and had been bren In tn the retail grocery business In n Salt S1 Lake 13 U years scars He was wu a a member of the Independent Order of Foresters Forester Surviving are his widow Mrs Mr Minnie Matter Latter three sons Harold Asa Ass and Lin Latter jitter Later and a daughter Mrs Mr Pearl all of Salt Snit Lake and Ind several brothers brother and ana anc sisters aster Robert T. T Pringle Robert T T. Pringle 63 6 tOlmer resident o of Salt Lake and later of Los An Angeles grim d died rC Sunday morning oAr n hlf at-hlf while visitIng with tl h his l sister Mrs Mn R. R R Monro Mono of ot West Summerland Summer- Summer and land B B. B C. C said ald word received In Salt Lake Monday Mr was wag born bor In England Erland Octor Octo- Octo ber er r 16 1670 a son of Robert o r T. T and Marian I. I Pringle He lie came to Salt t R Lake JB with II hi his ils parents when nhen three years rears year old and had lived Ived here until About 20 years ago ao when he moved to California His wife Ire n. n Elizabeth Baits Bain Pringle died August 19 12 19 1932 Surviving are six sisters Mrs R R. R DWells D D. Wells Well of or Seattle Wash Wah Mrs Mr Thomas Thomaa Thoma Rus- Rus sell sel ell and Sirs Mrs Mr C. C Burro of Salt Lake Mrs v V. V J. J Hardy of San Francisco and Mrs Mr J J. J S. S Early of l Minneapolis n p fl Cl Minn f nand Funeral services and burial will wl take place In Canada CanAda Darlene Heugly Darlene Dulene Heugly old month daughter of and Florida Florida Wheat Heugly o of 2210 East Thirty third South street dicen died dice ded dedIn In n a local loal hospital Monday at a. a m. m of whooping cough The child was born In East Mill Mi Creek April 26 1933 and ond Is I survived by her parents and seven sisters sister Jane Edith Berice Bernico Genieve Mary May Jean Elaine and Marlene Funeral nerl services will 11 be bc conducted conduced Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- Thur- Thur day noon non In the Mill Mi Creek L. L D 0 D. D S 5 ward ud rd chapel chapel Friends may ml c call coll 1 at the Deseret mortuary 36 East Seventh Sou South h street until Thursday morning morl Burial will 1 take place In the tho Mill 11 Creek Cree cemetery Charles E E. E Kane KaneS Kaner Kanee Charles r E. E Kane Cane 5 57 of West First al' al tSa rJ S South street e died eln in a a. l local hospital o Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 1130 p P. P m. m of Mr Kane ne nea a was t born r 1 In F Pennsylvania Jn r gf and d had lived relatives In Utah 19 years yeas There are no known Mary Lewis Wilson Wison GUNNISON GUNNISON GUNNISON Mrs Mary Mar Lewis Lwi Wilson Wison 78 78 wife of Hyrum Lorenzo Wilson Wison died at athe atthe atthe the he family tamly home Sunday afternoon from a D paralytic stroke suffered two weeks ago She was wa born bor In GIneth Glamorgan shire Wales June 2 2 1856 a daughter of ot Evan and Martha Price Lewis Lwis She came with her parents t to America In 1869 ar arriving or- or riving WI bf In Osden on Ot the first au Union Pacific train rain 1 The They went to Coalville where her father engaged In mining several years year Later th they Y moved to Goshen She was married October 4 1875 1815 In the Salt Lake L. L D. D S 8 S. S endowment house They moved mo to 1 Fayette iy tte In 1880 1830 and six years year later came to where Mr r. r Wilson engaged In farming Wison Mrs Mr Wilson Wison was WA Relief society counselor counselor counselor coun coun- several years year During the Influenza epidemic In 1918 Mrs Mr Wilson Wilon worked day and as a nurse Surviving her besides her husband are seven even se en sons and nd daughters Ryan Evan an and Reese Wilson WILon Mrs Mr Nettle Jensen and nd Mrs Mr Rachel W W. Peterson Gunnison Mrs Mr Maggie Monic W w. James Fayette Mrs Mr Emi Emily W. W Santaquin Mrs Mr Maul W Childs Richfield 45 5 grandchildren 10 great grandchildren Ireat and three brothers brother Arthur Lewis Lwis Ire Fre- e- e donla donin Ariz Cass Lewis Lwi Delta Dela and Joseph Lewis Gunnison LwIs Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- serice at t 2 p. p m m. wi In irs the L. L D. D S. S chapel with wiLts wih burial In Gunnison City cemetery under under under un un- un- un der direction of the Peterson mortuary Jacob Hans Jensen HUNTSVILLE Funeral Funeral services series for Jacob Jacob Ja- Ja cob ob Hans Han Jensen 88 88 pioneer of or Utah Uth who died Sunday night at the home of his lits daughter Sundy here hee Mrs Mr A. A W W. will wi be b conducted Wednesday at 2 p. p m ni n. n In the Holladay Holaday L. L D D. S. S ward chapel Interment will be In Salt Lake City cemetery under wi the he direction of the the Deseret mortuary Mr Jensen en was born bor in Haverup Denmark Denmark Den Den- mark en December 6 6 1845 and came to the United St States tes when a a boy with wih his parents par- par nU Hans and Sissie M. M Jacobsen Jacobsen Jensen ensen ent During his tarl early ye years n he lived In Salt Sail Sal Lake ake and engaged In the freighting business busi busi- ness making trips to Missouri Misouri and return return In n 1868 he made a trip to Omaha with an ox x f team and ab brought U Immigrants lr t to ta l Utah He le was wa an nn active member of the L. L 1 D. D S S. church hurch and from 1869 1669 to 1872 he served zeneda a mission in Denmark He married marIed M. M Anderson Anderon August 16 6 1872 In the Salt Sat Lake endowment house Mr Jensen had resided In Holladay Holaday since his marriage until 18 months ago aro ao when he e came to HuntsvIlle Hunts to make his hi home with his daughter Mrs Jensen Jense died a number of years ago aiO I Surviving year are two daughters daughter Mrs Mr chade Shade HuntsvIlle and Mrs Mr E. E J J. J Laney and a son on Hyrum A. A Jensen Marlon scion 19 grandchildren grand grand- children and six great Michael Standley Michael LOGAN Michael Standley 84 84 8 died Monday Monday Mon Mon- da day Michael LAN At his home South First Frt E East st street after a lone Illness He lie was ater born In Iowa May 7 7 1849 son on eor of Alexander 1 r h and nl rl da Upon Upson Up Up- son on Standley He lIe le had resided here since 1907 His first fIrt wife M Mary ry Etta Standley died several everal Hs years year ago aro His Hi second wife Mrs Mr Naomi Kemp Standley Standle survives also a son sa and three daughters by his first wife wie Mrs Mr Mary Anderson Anderon College Mrs Mr Lucy S Salmon Idaho Mrs Mr Edith Stratton Lo Logan Logan Lo- Lo L- L gan un Myron Standley Ogden ORden Olden and a D son and i four daughters r by lonh his ds second d mar mar- i I Mrs s. s Leila Lelia Anderson e and Mrs R Rachel Anderson College Mrs Mr Naomi England Logan Loun Anderon ogan Newell Nevel Standley Honolulu Mrs Mr Priscilla Miles Mies Holladay Ralph Gull Gul SPANISH FORK Ralph FORK Ralph Gull ten month old Infant of Ralph FRK-Ralph Rulon J. J J- J J. J Jand and Gul Amelia Amela Tadd Gull Gul died at a local loal hospital Monday Monda after a weeks' weeks Illness of pneumonia D He was born here June 21 1933 He is 1 W survived by hi his hb parents two brothers Danel Dantel Dan- Dan tel lei el Rulon and LeRoy Roy Tadd Gull Gul his hi nand grand parents Mr and Mrs ln Daniel Gull Gul and Mrs Mr J James mes Hutchinson a ft great grandmother Mrs Mary Hallam Hallarn 1 3 all of Spanish Fork Friends I m may anal call i at the Claudin rJ Funeral home until Thursday morning when the theody body ody will be taken to the family home Funeral bod wi services will be conducted Thursday Thursday Thur- Thur Thurs Thurs- day at 2 serIce p. p m ni m at 11 the L. L L D D. D S. S Third ward City chapel cemetery with wih interment n In Spanish Fork William Wiliam Storey MORONI Wililam MORONI-Wililam William Storey 79 9 dIed ded at his hi home MORONI hero here Sunday alter after an Illness of 18 lo p bre rs months oo of neuritis and c complications n Mr Storey was wa born bor In Stevens Point Wis WI June 7 1854 a son of George Gerse and Amanda Amand Kump Hump Storey He came to Utah Uth with his parents when he W was a small smal boyle boy wih Ife He le married marIed Louise Luie Cloward in Moroni in 1882 She Sho died 12 1 years year ago o. o He le Is J survIved survived survived sur sur- by eight tons sons and d daughters r. r I. I W. W Storey Salt Lake e Arthur Storey Blackfoot Black Black- r foot e Idaho d J Ray Storey t rM Mohrland Mohrland- I d Randall Ran Ran- dall dali Storey Castlegate Le ie L Roy and Leo Lao Lo Storey Stores dRI and und Mrs Mr Ethel Bailey Moroni Mrs Mr Myrtle Hutchison Mt PI Pleasant 29 grandchildren grand grand- children one great and a its els- Iste Is- Is te ter er Mrs Rome Bradley r Butte Mont nl Funeral sol services gr l e will be conducted C In thed the East d ward wad chapel Wednesday at at 1 p. p m. m Interment wilt will wi be In Moroni CU City cemetery c 1 I I I i I I Gertrude Nesson N HOWELL HOWELL Oertrude Gertrude Nesson Neson 8 died early carlY Monday at the family home after a few hours hours' hour Illness caused from an Infection Sh She was a daughter of Edgar and Nellie Nele MorrIson Ne Nesson on born bor June 10 JO 10 1925 in but had lived here most of her life Besides Beides Ue her parents she Is survived b by bi a brother rother Ray E. E parent Nesson Nuson and her Mr and Mrs Mr Chris Chri of Bothwell Bothwell Both- Both well wel and Mrs lu Barbara Nesson Neson of Temon- Temon ton tn George Edward Hellewell Word OGDEN Word has been received In Ogden Orden ogden Og- Og den Word of or the death hI at a n. n m. m Sunday Sunda of Oeone eorge Edward Hellewell of oC Heyburn Idaho who died at the hor homo home of af a daughter Mrs Mu Veda Platts In Paul Idaho Idaho after three weeks weeks' Illness Mr Mr Hellewell Ines was born here hee Ma May Mai 20 a a son Jon of ot Robert and Elizabeth Cole Calf Hellewell He lie le married marIed Mary Marl Ann Burrup July Hele I 22 1873 1813 In Silt Salt t Lake For r many years he ic was l employed o by bi the Union p Pacific nc railroad rail rail- road oad In Ogden In 1889 he moved to Downey 7 Idalo where he en cd in stock raising until 1803 when the tle family settled on the She Minidoka project taking up a homestead at Heyburn at He was an In active member of m the L. L 1 D. D S. S church In 1905 1906 1901 he was u sustained as I the elder of Heyburn branch of 01 Burley Hurley I L L D. D 8 ward And e la June mur June 1900 10 1 became bishop of Heyburn ward nd retiring In n 1918 He He- HeIs Is I survived by his hs widow and eight sons OI and daughters George E. E Hellewell Jr o Mary Nicholas Rupert Mrs Veda da dao Platts and Robert g la Hellewell e t Paul t Idaho James B. B Hellewell Heyburn Mrs Mr Vernon L. L 1 Cobabe Los Ls Angeles Mrs Mary C. C Dixon Rupert and Mrs James B B. B Delamater Ucla Dela- mater Logan 42 grandchildren esa and d eight i ire great grandchildren t- t ren Funeral services will wi be bo conducted at P. P m. m Thursday at Heyburn Place PIce of Interment Interment In- In has not noL yet been decided decided Mary Owens N. N CODER Mrs Mary May Owens Nolan OHan Ion on 63 63 wife of ot M. M M J. J 1 former resident of Ogden Oden died Sunday Sunda night at her ver home In Glendale Cal following a brief brie illness of or pneumonia CI according to word received here Monda Monday Mrs Mr W was born bor In Ireland and c came ame to tn the th United States when hen n a I girl irl settling In New York tat state She was wa married marIed to Hugh Hurh Nolan and came to Ogden about bout 1900 Mr Nolan died here hero in Oden 1903 In n 1922 Mrs Nolan was wa married marIed to Mr and they moved to California shortly afterwards c. c Mrs Mr was wa a member m of St. St Josephs Joseph's church f he the Catholic hg c Sto Woman Woman's Womans a league Ot the Ce i Promoters Promo Promo- tr era of 01 the League Lague of Sacred Heart Jert and the St. St Josephs Joseph's s Sewing society Surviving are the he husband and a sister In Ireland Funeral services will wi take Ireland place at the Holy Coly Family church lu in 11 Glendale Gendale Wednes Wednes- du day ay morning and interment will wi be In a Glendale cemetery Carrie M. M H. H Boudrero Fun LOGAN Funeral Funeral u-I u for far Sirs Mrs Carla Carna Car Car- Ca- Ca CarIe rIe na la Marie Ure Hansen n wife of Lehigh Boudrero who died ded Sunday after afler a Ions Ion hinges were wele conducted d Tuesday ut at II 2 p. p m. m In the Logan L li D D. S. S Fourth ward chape with lh burial in the Lotan Losan Lun City c mt- mt cry i-cry t ry under th the direction of the be Richards Mortuary company i |