Show MASS MEET GALLED CALLED TO DISCUSS BONDING P.- P. T. P.-T. T. T A. A Granite District Citizens Citizens Cit Cit Cit- to Assemble 5 I IS Wednesday S J s I Is MAGNA MAGNA MAGNA-A A mass macs meeting will be beheld beheld held jointly with a T. P.-T. A. A gathering gathering gather- gather ing ng to acquaint citizens in this end of f Granite district with the proposed bond Issue for the district Wednesday evening in the Cyprus high ugh school auditorium according to Mrs C. C E. E Pickett president of the Cyprus T. P.-T. A. A Board officials Including B. B E. E Mix local ocal member will be present to fully explain in detail about the proposed issue for building improvements and needs eeds In Granite district Although the bond is popularly known as it will vill only be in the ne neighborhood neighbor hood of as as the federal government gov gov- eminent gives a 30 per cent grant und under r provisions of the public works adminis administration tra tion A general round table discussion will also be held and every patron taxpayer and citizen is invited to voice oice his opinion whether for or against the topic for discussion Preceding this consultation will be beheld beheld held with teach teachers rs in their separate rooms from 7 to 8 p. p m. m A very short program n will be given in the auditorium audi audi- orium as it is planned to use the larger portion of time for discussion and nd explanation of the proposed issue |