Show Box Scores Whet Fans Fans' Appetites As Baseball Season Approaches Ball Still Makes Plunk in Catchers Catcher's Mitt l Hubbell HlIb Takes Same Sante Graceful Windups Windup's By PAUL GALLICO NEW YORK March 13 How How good it seems to anticipate the back in the papers Those set close-set little columns of agate t type pe of mysterious figures symbols and hieroglyphics arc are the certain harbingers harbingers harbingers har- har of spring j- j Wherever you may be wherever you may l live ve whatever the weather whatever the trouble the return of the he baseball box scores to the papers is s a friendly advice that softer sattel days day and better times are arc at hand that snows gill vill ill melt and t rf will become becom green again warmth and comfort will flow low from earth and sun again and that that time is not far Car off Sprint Spring at Hand When the ball baU players ore are that far along that they play regular length games then all the snow slush and ice and winds of March are arc false and lying and cannot endure April Aprilis Aprils is s at nt the door with a ga garland land in her hand land In the space of four days I left I snow and ice lee lain rain and sleet and freezing weather and met spring dallying too long in the south There was suddenly golf gol and swimming and flannels and a fight outdoors g on ona a soft summer night and then as suddenly a swift return to winter 1 I was in a hurry t tp tv get back and so soI I flew through h the sea seasons ons another curious experience of or modern life me As M WI winged north where winter still was the terrain below changed from pure ure green reen to W yellow from Irom yel el low to gray Then we passed the snow line tine where gray and white met and thereafter the ground was white and when we reached Washington winters winter's domain had become impregnable The ship was grounded and we we proceeded home by train Ball Dall SUM Still Smacks Baseball men are in uniform pitchIng pitching pitch pitch- ing and batting and fielding whipping whip ping the ball baIl from corner to corner of oC the brown blown dirt diamond set in emerald grass running and slid sliding Inc They talk the same and act the same their spikes glint the same in n the sunlight sunlight sun sun- light and the ball still sUIl makes that satisfying plunk as it smacks into a catchers catcher's mitt mittI I wish that you could have seen them too because then you would be patient and would know that they are not far off no matter how deeply you i sink ink in snow and slush or the streets drip dirt and water or the gray skies shed snow I have seen Carl Hubbell t take his slow graceful windup and place the thc ball within a hairs hair's br breadth of where he willed It It I have ha seen the ball streaking out aut of the infield for ox a true truc base babe hit and been close again to the tunes times and the things we Yle a all love best |