Show WAR ASSISTANT HITS INNUENDO Assistant Secretary Strikes at Insinuations in Supplies Probe W WASHINGTON March 13 P Re P Re Replying plying to what he termed a campaign campaign cam cam- campaign of ot Insinuation and Innuendo Harry H. H Woodring assistant secretary of war said In a statement today he welcomed the investigations being made of transactions in iii his office and was vas confident of complete tion Woodring one of the chief chIc witnesses in the grand jury investigation of war v department purchases and sales denIed denied denied de de- de- de nied all charges a against the war de de- de Meanwhile the Rogers committee investigating in in- war department expenditures expenditures expendi expendi- tures planned to study testimony before before be be- fore the grand jury which yesterday refused to return any indictments The committee today questioned Brigadier General Oscar Westover assistant assistant as as- chief of the army air corps about a letter in which he said Burdette Burdette Bur Bur- dette Wright representative of an 3 av aviation aviation av- av laUon company apparently had gotten gotten got Rot ten an entering wedge w dge which promised promised promised prom prom- to complicate the purchase of airplanes with a PW A al al- I- I location Woodring said in his statement the only changes made in any army purchases purchases pur pur- chases of motor vehicles were to broaden broad broad- en rather than restrict competition I |