Show C W A REMOVES COMPANY CARS Corporation Trucks Ousted From Service Following Protests Robert H. H Hinckley state C W WAdi A dl dl- rector Tuesday ordered immediate removal of owned corporation trucks from rom civil works projects in Salt Lake Lak county Action followed protests lodged at the capitol Monday by pr private vate drivers About 14 trucks owned by companies compa compa- ales nies will be taken off jobs at close o of work Tuesday R. R F. F county count C W A manager said Until work renews renews re reo re- re news Wednesday he will not know how low many private owners of trucks will obtain employment as a result Some trucks now in use are pr owned he said The protests followed layoffs of a dozen private truckers on the airport project Monday I Means of expediting ing the change chang from rom the present C W A program t the to the he new federal works and direct relief re reo re- re lief plan which will begin operation operatic April 1 will be considered bythe Utah Uta CW and A. A and FERA committees FERA-committees committees at 2 p. p 3 m. m Thursday in the c capitol capitol- Robert Rober H. H Hinckley state relief relic director said sal Tuesday This will be the first meeting o ohe of the he state committees since the instructions instructions ions under which the change in program program program pro pro- gram is to be made reached here from Washington D. D C. C I |