Show ZOO WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PROPOSED City Officials Decline to Give Free Service A move looking to establishment of t a private water system for Hogle Garden Zoo was launched Tuesday after city commissioners refused to toIve give Ive free tree water to the institution Robert M. M Stewart head of the Salt Lake ake Zoological society appeared before be be- fore ore commissioners to make the re re- quest I 1 am nm opposed to giving free tree water to o any org organization or private enterprise enter enter- enterprise prise irise said Commissioner George D D. He called attention to the agreement existing now between the city ity and the state building commission which provides free water and added Pretty soon nobody but private citizens citi citi- zens ens will be paying for their water and nd there will not be a sufficient amount mount to supply their needs City eng engineers will cooperate with Mr Hr Stewart in planning a private wa vater va- va ter er system for the zoo designed to use water from Emigration creek it was announced |