Show STREAMLINE DESIGNS ARE FASHION FEATURE FEAT RE i Streamline The new note in feminine fashions borrowed directly from the mechanical mechanical mechanical me me- Influence of the day trains day trains motors and planes was planes was strikingly evident In the first nights night's showing of the new spring fashion revue of Auerbach company presented at its store on Monday night The revue will be repeated Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p. p m. m Admission is by ticket only but those tickets may be obtained tree free ree of charge from any Auerbach company clerk Seating accommodations accommodations for more than 2000 per night have lave been made and in view of this theres here's heres no reason why any fashion- fashion minded minded man or woman In Salt Lake City need miss this fascinating and beautiful spectacle Gives Gins Complete Show v Miss Agnes Stewart Auerbach stylist who assembled and directed the revue has outdone all aU her previous prevIous previous pre pre- efforts in this new revue In addition to presenting more examples exam exam- Dies ples of ot the latest in fashion she gives the he audience an elaborate show complete com com- complete with theatrical features One can easily Imagine one is seated ata at ata a Paris showing or a movie fashion follies tollies I Getting back to streamline streamline its its it's evident evident evi evi- dent in all the new lines No more of bulky sleeves or exaggerated prizefighter prize prizefighter fighter tighter shoulders From the tip of her ier hat with its forward sweeping brim to the tips of her work open shoes milady of fashion is 3 one smooth flowing line Women willave will wil have lave to keep an eye on that hip and waist measure Richness of Material Richness in in material is likewise a anew anew new lew keynote Never in many a year have lave suits coats gowns and lingerie been of such high quality quality nor nor so ultra feminine They reflect Deflect a sort of Look out prosperity here we come cornel feeling The parade of the 28 models ten of ot them cunning youngsters began with the new attire for the bathing beach beach The Ann Lindbergh coat a tricky new knee length jacket designed by Mrs Lindy for her personal use on her ocean hops Is attractive and practical Although tailored the newest in sportswear and suits all carry a anum num ber her of definite feminine touches The windblown motif to predominate nate with belts pockets am and the he fullness in skirt and jacket alike all carried to the front There are arc some grand new colors in these these ver ver verdure dure green daffodil yellow cedar bark brown and Mexican clay red Dark blue and black too find high favor avor but with the trim in perky yellows reds and blues Cocktail Gowns What used to be the formal ormal afternoon afternoon after after- noon frocks are now cocktail gowns gowns-a owns a concession to the trend o othe of at atthe the times The gowns arc are names for favorite cocktails and are Intriguingly Intriguing intriguing- l ly adapted to the names There was champagne for Instance It was a n clever use of ot white organdy organdy or or- gandy with splashed water color print dancing over it t. t Or the Martin Martin Mar Mat tin Uni a sophisticated thing in black horsehair lace Evening gowns apparently have hav given up up trying to be sensational andare and andare andare are concentrating on beauty in line material and color They too have hav names to match their allure allure Below Belov cd ed Mystery 1 Innocence Thrill Materials are arc sh sheer r and clinging anc and colors with the exception of one o or two vivid prints are in pastels Everything from Queen Christinas Christina's high and a monks monk's low slung collar colla through Chinese Spanish Elizabethan and Indian has been taken tak talc en as by designers designe s for their new creations creations and and have been used in deft def and unexpected ways Watch fo for these tricks as as' Miss ML Stewart In he her running talk points them out Ghosts of or Fashion An interesting interlude was th the Ghosts o of Fashion parade with th the styles all done in glittering white whit taffeta of ancient Greece Marie Antoinette An An- Antoinette toinette Queen Elizabeth the Crinoline Crino line girl the gay nineties and Miss ML 1928 presented The shining white satin curtain fo forthe for forthe the new big stage formed an exquisite background for all the models but i in particular for tor the finale a n tableaux tableau for four lour brides and their attendants Novelty was introduced here in th the use of pastel yellow and pink and a dead black as well as white for th the bridal ensembles |