Show Title Tilt Looms As Moguls Confer i I NEW YORK March 13 UP UP- UP Mad Madison son Square Garden officials hope to announce Wednesday that Champion Primo Camera Carnera and Maxie Bacr Baer have been matched for a heavyweight heavyweight heavy heavy- weight title bout in June or Septem Septem- ber oer I Colonel John Reed Kilpatrick 1 president of the Garden Lou Louis So So- resi Cameras Camera's manager and Ancil Hoffman HoHman Baers Baer's manager were to continue their conferences Tuesday Date Suits Maxie The They conferred lengthily Monday after alter Hoffmans Hoffman's arrival from San Francisco Colonel Kilpatrick said considerable progress had been made but nothing definite had been done He denied reports that an agreement agreement agree agree- ment had been reached Hoffman said any date suited Baer if the Garden Garden Gar Gar- den gave Maxie a large enough percentage per per- of the gate to take care ofa ofa of a financial agreement Baer has with Jack Dempsey PrImo Plans Tour Hoffman said he heas was as willing to sign ign with the Garden for Baer to defend the title if he wins it under Garden promotion on condi condition on the Garden guarantees to take care of Dempsey in that bout also is is understood to prefer a September date to June because the delay elay would give Camera a chance to o pick up some extra money by fighting once or twice in South Amer- Amer ica ca He is ready to sign i if Camera receives 37 2 1 per cent of the gate |