Show ol Why Hospitals Use Usei a 3 Liquid Laxative rf i Hospitals and doctors have always used liquid laxatives And nd th the thc public is s fast returning ng to laxatives in liquid form Corm Do you know the reasons r The dose of or a liquid laxative can b be measured The action thus be can regulated to suit individual need It forms no habit you need not nol take a double dose a day or two later J C Nor will a mild liquid laxative irritate lie Uis kidneys kidney ii The right dose of or a liquid laxative t brings a perfect movement and there 5 i I no discomfort at the time or after The wrong cathartic may often orten do more harm than good tt A properly prepared liquid laxative f Ji like Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Pensin i r brings safe sale relief relic from constipation J It gently helps the average persons person's c b bowels wels back to re regularity Dr Cald- Cald j i. i w Ils Il's Syrup Pepsin is an approved v liquid laxative which all nil druggists r keep ready for use It makes an ar ideal family laxative laxative- effective for all l ages and may be given giyen n the youngest child Member A Advertisement 4 I b. b r GET UP NIGHTS USE AND GIN Make This It Is as M valuable to tho the bladder a as 05 castor oil oU to the bowels Drives ou out Impurities and excess acids which c cause caus use the Irritation resulting In getting up nights frequent desire le leg pains and backache On account t o othe ot or orthe the alcohol use vise Juniper oil from which gin Is made Ask for th the bladder o al also aIo o containing 1 leaves Vs etc After four days s I If It no not pleased your our druggist drus will wm return your you our ic You arc t bound to sleep bette aster after this cleansing For sale by tl all drug stores Distributed by Keller Company A bur Ohio Adv Jr DANDRUFF 1 Ends Overnight There is one sure way that iC tails fails to remove da dandruff c compte n pl and that is 5 to dissolve it i it entirely lY To do t j jg g get t some plain ordinary ordinary- von yon apply it at night when re sing enough to moisten te ze sc scand Kt and in gently gently- wit with th th ger tips Jt nine most inot ol dandruff will be bc gorie gone and pd j tW three more applications wil wUl dissolve and entirely d sign a and d matt matter r uch d dandruff n r have hD t-t t You You will will find fIna too that an itc and digging of the scalp will st strip p. p stanny arid and yo vill fl be lustrous glossy lossy silky and look and feel a hundred times b be You Youcan can cah get liquid arvon aV at drug drugstore store It wont won't cost you than thirty five ve cents pie remedy n never ver fails CA A Ad 11 I e you can have I P 4 V WP ELECTRIC ELECTRICs s pf- pf plenty of always it-always ready and it COSTS LESS No matter when hen you yu v want ant it it- it f V i Stored hot water vater brought t to you El Electrically tri tri- p cally is is s always there there in in abundance nce An And it comes to you now at a a new nev low lov cost The rate for tor stored Electric Water Vater Heating S 5 is Is now so 10 low that this modern convenience convenience is Is I easily within S the reach i of your home to supply the needs of the whole le family at any time of the ther F day r or night 4 S AN INSTALLATION INi IN S 4 i YOUR HOME HOiME WILL CONVINCE CON CON- YI VINCE E you OF THE EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY EF f LL S A AND N D LOW COST OP OF TIllS THIS NEW I SERVICE CALL US FOR FU FURTHER R TI E R PARTICULARS i LARS t f 7 s S S f jf f I Efficient Public Service 5 S k S 'S S 5 S 5 SS |