Show WHEAT T UNSETTLED DESPITE ADVANCES CHICAGO March 13 OPt OPt-Dut Dust W-Dust storms storm over a large area of Kansas Kansa and nd Nebraska as well wel as sections of So South th Dakota and Iowa led to late rallies allies in wheat prices prie Tuesday Upturns Up- Up Up Upturns turns urns though failed to go above Mondays Mondays Monay's Mon Mon- days day's finish and the close cose was wa ea easy Trade attention was wa largely directed direct direct- ed d to Washington Wahington and for lor the time being eing no ad advices vices from there concerning concern concern- ing ng grain gave much encouragement to o friends frend of higher prices price Wheat closed cosed unsettled 8 1 to 8 5 under Mondays Monday's finish May 88 8 3 to 88 18 2 1 corn 4 1 to 12 2 down oats oat 4 1 1 to o 8 3 3 off of and provisions unchanged to 5 cents cent decline decie r. RANGE KANGE OF LEADING FUTURES Wheat Wheat- Open High Low Close l May r K r. r Ch 83 88 l July July Uly 4 4 8 83 88 83 88 Sept pt 90 90 so 90 8 89 i i 8 Corn Corn Corn- Cor- Cor ly Mu 51 i 51 t 51 i 51 i July Jul 53 53 53 Siz 55 5 2 55 53 55 53 O Oats Oats Oats- May l 34 34 34 July Uly Scot n 35 35 t U 34 34 1 35 33 r Rye Rye Rye- May MO ay Re eo 60 T SOT 60 en 60 foi 60 July uly 62 62 1 61 61 Sept 64 gi 63 63 Barley Barley- May ay Daley- Daley 47 47 47 July M ly 49 U 49 43 49 U 40 i j 48 Lard Lard Lard- l MI May lay Lad Lad- ln July Uly Sent ent Bellies Bellies May lay Uly July 83 35 CASH SI C. QUOTATIONS CHICAGO March arch 13 AP Wheat AP Wheat No S 5 red aid ad nd musty mush le No Io 5 hard U 14 24 Corn 2 mixed 49 4 lc e No 2 yellow cz No 2 yellow e 10 old old 60 No o. o 2 Oats Oa-No Oa NO 2 white whit c No 3 white 34 m 63 o. o Rye Rye Rye-No No rales ulu Barley Barlev Timothy Barle seed seed 2567 50 per ocr cwt Clover seed aeed oer nr er cw cwt cwt Lard Lard Tierces Lad Loose Lse lard ard le Bene MINNEAPOLIS POL MI MINNEAPOLIS March 13 1 AP Wheat AP-Wheat Vea AP Wheat Receipts Receipt 31 cars ears c c lower No 1 norther north north- Cr ern er dark northern 88 dark hard had Montana c C amber durum red durum c. c May 85 c July Septem Septem- ber 23 5 He belor Corn Corn No o. o 3 yellow n fT W e. e Oats Oats Oat No 3 white c. c Hurley Barley Bule Flax No 1 1181 Sweet t clover seed H seed S. S KANSAS KASSAS CITY KANSAS CITY March 13 AP AP Wheat AP-Wheat- Wheat I Receipts 34 54 Mear ears cars unchanged to ic c lower No fo 2 dark dak hud hard 83 1 8 0 hard haid 82 Q n 2 ic r red May July HC September I Corn orn orn Receipts 21 can cars unchanged to Uc c clower lower ower No 2 white yellow 4 C mixed U nominal May Mar I n no July auly o Oats Oats Oats-No No receipts unchanged to c I lower No 2 hl white 33 33 Ie c. c c Rye flye 59 59 I c. c 41 1 ia Sc I LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL t March 13 g AP SpOt AP-SpOt pot P-pot Spot wheat Western Wester Australia 45 Russian 3 31 d 4 futures close dose Mirth March May MI C July Jul October Marc c exchange 1508 |