Show SUGAR OFFICIAL FLAYS BANKERS S. S H H. H Love Ch Charges New Money Men Are Linked With Wit Foreign Interests r Charges s' s that v tha New York banks are arc linked with Cuban and ther foreign sugar interests interests' in an attempt to destroy destroy destroy de de- de- de stroy the beet sug sugar r industry in iri the United States were w were re made by Stephen H. H Love executive of the Utah-Idaho Utah Sugar company before the western governors' governors conference here Tuesday Mr Love told governors and representatives representatives rep rep- from l 1 western t sfern states that New v York Y banks own 75 75 per per percent cent cerit of the sugar mills in Cuba Cub and md that millions of dollars have been spent by foreign sugar interests to fight light the domestic ic beet sugar Appointed by Governor Henry H. H Blood to serve serve serc on a committee e to pres pre pre- present present pre pre- s sent nt to th the conference a resolution urging Immediate passage of of- the Jones Costigan bill with an amendment amendment amend amend- ment allowing unrestricted domestic sugar prod production Mr Love refused I 1 cannot indorse the Jones Jones-Costi- gan bill in Its present form he hede de dc- dared It provides for a reduction in the tariff on foreign n. n sugar of 47 cents per pounds and a processing tax of at 50 cents per per pounds No one knows in the thc west vest how the tariff reduction and the processing tax cart can be bc me met by the beet sugar Industry industry industry in in- without increasing domestic sugar prices es to a point where the Industry Industry Industry In In- will will- not be able to compete with Cub Cuban n and other other foreign su sugar ar producers With these provisions in effect it itis itis is my belief that the b beet ef sugar Industry Industry In In- cannot exist in the United St States tes The suggestion that the conference indorse the amended Costigan Joncs-Costigan Joncs bill came from E. E Clark W. deputy attorney Horney general of Idaho Following Mr Loves Love's withdrawal Gover Governor Blood app appointed J. J W. W Gillman Gill Gill- man man vice president of the National National Sugar Growers' Growers ass association cia ion William Continued on f Two e-Two SUGAR OFFICIAL FLAYS FLA S YS BANKERS S. S H. H Love Charges New York Money Men Are Linked With Foreign Interests Continued from Pare PARC One Peterson director of the extension division of the Utah State Agricultural Agricultural tural college and George T. T Cobbley member of the Idaho delegation as a committee to draw up a resolution for presentation to congress on the sugar question It was expected the resolution would demand sugar beet production for the United States without without with with- out going into the merits or demerits of the tariff and processing tax features fea fea- tures of ot the Jones-Costigan Jones bill All speakers at the morning session of the conference presided over by Governor B. B B. B of Arizona and devoted to a discussion of the sugar problem in the the- west agreed that the beet sugar industry faced a serious si situation in jn view of at legislation p pend pending nd nd- ing tag before congress Opinions Differ DUrer on Bill nUl There appeared to be considerable consider divergence of opinion on the question of whether the Jones Costigan bill blU would work a hardship or would benefit benefit benefit ben ben- the beet sugar industry of Utah and other western states This difference dif dif dif- ference became more and more evi dent as each of the forenoon speakers presented his views Mr Cobbley reviewed the economic importance o of the sugar industry to the west and concluded his analysis of the sugar problem with the declaration declaration decla decla- ration that the present tariff of 2 per pounds on sugar is lower than the thc duty on any other major crop The J Jones Costigan bill would cut the duty on foreign sugar to per pounds i Mr Gillman Giliman urged that the conference conference confer confer- ence adopt resolutions requesting immediate immediate im im- mediate legislation tion on the sugar question question ques ques- tion in view of the fact that contracts contracts con con- tracts are b being Ing held up up and planting is being delayed because of the me measure measure meas meas- lS- lS ure now pending before re congress congress Love Leads Opposition The opposition to the Jones Jones-Costi gan bill however was led by Mr Love who declared that the proposed reduction in the tariff on foreign sugar would be a death blow to the domestic industry The consumers' consumers only protection against high sugar prices is competition competition tion afforded the foreign producers b by the domestic growers The low tariff on sugar Mr Love said is the reason why there is a sure sur plus of ot the commodity in the states Cuba and other foreign countries able to market their sugar here Under under un un- der the lowest duty in the world have flooded this country with their product product prod prod- in competition with the beet sugar interests he declared Letter Letter Attacks Attacks k G. G O. O P. P Governor Leslie A. A Miller of ot Wyoming Wyoming Wyo Wyo- ming read to the conference a letter from R R. E. E Laird appointed by hin hinto him to make an investigation of the sugar problem There are a 3 number of Republican politicians seeking to take advantage of the situation and are arc advocating more for lor the sugar Industry than they can ean hope to get but there are also a number of congressmen who realize that the administration desires desires' not only to stabilize the sugar industry but to help Cuba Governor Miller read from a report He expressed the belief belie that whatever whatever whatever what what- ever sugar bill is passed by congress will permit permit- a reasonable expansion of the sugar beet industry In the United United Unit Unit- ed States With the sugar discussion concluded ed the governors adjourned until 2 p. p m. m when the thc public lands issue is scheduled for debate The several states are known to differ in their views on this this question question and s some me controversy controversy con con- is expect expected d. d Leaders Start Sugar Blockade By CHARLES O. O GRIDLEY Tribune Washington ton Correspondent V WASHINGTON ASHINGTON D. D C. C March 13 13 Administration pressure to prevent the house agricultural committee from reporting the bill making sugar a basic commodity with the reduced Cuban and Philippine quotas approved approved ap ap- ap proved by a 1 subcommittee made its appearance appearance Tuesday as the lull full committee committee com com- again delayed action on the measure measure re Chairman Marvin Jon Jones who stands stands by the White House in its wish to give those island producers the high quotas recommended by the president tons for Cuba and tons for the Philippines persuaded persuaded per per- the committee to let further consideration of ot the bill go over until later this week Chairman Jones said he expects to confer with Secretary of at State Cordeli Cordell Cor Cor- dell deli Hull HuH and Senator Pat Fat Harrison chairman of the senate finance com corn in an effort to reach an agreement agreement agreement agree agree- ment on the Cuban and Philippine figures He used the delicate Cuban situation and the pending Philippine independence bill as arguments against any precipitate action by bythe bythe bythe the committee It looks to me as if it we may get no sugar bill at all at this session observed ob served Representative Fred CummIngs Cum Cum- of Colorado head of ot the house beet sugar bloc on leaving the committee com corn meeting |