Show f t Li y Layton Notes g 1 gLayton 3 y LAYTON Myron LAYTON Myron Whitesides who is attending the Utah State Agricultural tural college in Logan spent the week weekend weekend weekend end with his parents Mr and Mrs M. M Pratt Whitesides LA LAYTON Silas LAYTON Silas Smidge From Turnip Ridge a comedy in three acts sponsored by th the Columbine camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers was given Monday Proceeds from this play will be used for the construction con con- of a pioneer marker which will be placed in the Layton Loyton lylon park LAYTON LAYTON Mr and Mrs Stilson A A. A Whitesides visited friends in Brigham Brigham Brigham Brig- Brig ham City Sunday LAYTON The LAYTON The Misses ReIn Reta and Vera Sill spent the week end visiting friends in Salt Lake |