Show t Produce Market Maket SALT SUT LAKE BUTTER DUER To Retailers Retailers Cartooned first trade S 6 26 Second trade grade 2524 2 Sweet cream eream 27 27 Parchment wr wrapped Vic IC c less les CREAM Frt First trade crade cream del del Salt BaIt Lace 21 n 21 Second grade crade cream del Salt Lake 20 EGGS New laid dos doz doZ 19 J Mediums new laid dos oot 18 I CHEESE Full Ful cream triplets Ib lb 1 14 Full Fl cream erlam longhorns lb Ib IH 14 Vi Full FI cream sandwich loaf loa Ib lb 15 15 IS Jack ack eh cheese 6 S I pounds each I Ib lb 16 10 Block Hock Swiss pound 25 bricks lb Ib lb 27 2 r pound 1 bricks r Ib 23 g Cream ream brick eik pound 5 g n bricks r Ib lb 21 Roquefort 3 12 pounds each Ib lb 80 60 Full fu cream ad daisies S Wis cured d. d lb 31 21 Pull Full Pl cream Wis Wi cured cure lb Ib 22 32 Pull Full Fl cream eream triplets Wis Vis cured lb Ib 17 1 Full Ful cream lon longhorns horns western cured pound IS IS 18 CHICAGO March 13 PoultrY Live AP Poultry Live 27 37 trucks steady hens over 5 S pounds 3 5 pounds n and under hens j 2 Rock broilers lf 4 J 2 ac colored orr d j b Leghorns Rock c springs irce colored Jo e lId Leghorn chickens r roosters 9 c heavy henT white ducks heavy colored lid lle small lOc turkeys geese Butter Receipts Butter t Receipts ec 6 creamery creamer sp specials 93 score f i o r e extras l 32 2 score extra firsts r I 91 90 rt 92 scores 24 c firsts tu 89 88 scores r 23 sec sec- 8 87 88 87 cor scores 5 standards 90 centralized cen ten carlots 24 c. c Errs Ecu Receipts 1391 firm extra firsts 18 H fresh trun graded firsts 16 c e current receipts IS 15 c. c Potatoes Receipts Potatoes Receipts 81 SI on track total U. U S. S shipments shipment old stock weak wl liberal Iberal demand and trading slow U U. U S. S No 1 I Wisconsin Round Whites tt few sales Nebraska Triumphs 81 I 7 75 Idaho Russets Russet 2001 mostly 1193 U. U B. B No 2 2 ol 7 Minnesota ota Red River st st. SO ne new stock slightly weaker supplies moderate demand and trading slow florida Fiorina bushel crates crate Bliss Triumphs 1 1 1 Idaho Idl nuu Russets t March sLID April NEW YORK March 13 f AP AP Eggs Re firm mixed colors cars 1 packs or selections from fresh tresh receipts 1 standards and commercial stand stand- ards G firsts 17 n HUc e sec sec- e mediums 39 pounds rounds and nd dirties No 1 I. 42 pounds 16 16 average checks cheeks lOc white eggs un nearby and mIdwestern marked mediums 19 other v. v whites hites unchanged browns nearby and nd western special pacts packs private sales salu from rom store c western standards 19 c. c Dressed poultry poultry Quiet Quiet and steady dead prices rices unchanged cd Live poultry poultry Weak Weak k broilers express 12 all freight and other express unI unQuoted un- un I Quoted Butter Receipts Butter Receipts weak creamery cream- cream cry ery ry higher than extra extra 93 92 3 score scort firsts tints 91 87 scores J 24 2 c seconds unquoted centralized 90 score core 24 2 He Cheese Cheese Receipts Receipts steady prices unchanged |