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Show I LIBERTY BONDS i ixvESTMi:.vr sbcurities I JflHoilearjo ' OOOEM SALT LAKE H 1 00 CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley &" Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your nomc and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney PUIa for pain In sides and back; Theuraa tlam. backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere Advertisement. ' SAGE TEA KEEPS J When Mixed With Sulphur it I Brings Back Its Beautiful H Lustre at Once H Gray hair, hOAvever handsome, de-notes de-notes advancing age. We all know tlw advantages of a youthful appearance Your hair is your charm. It makes or imars ihe face. When It fades, turns l gray and looks streaked, jifst a few ap-1 ap-1 plications of Sage Tea and Sulphur en-hances en-hances ilK appearance n hundred-fold, Don't stay gray! Look young! Eith- ' er prepare the recipe at home or got from any drug store a bottle of Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound, AvhSch is merely the old time recipe irn-proved irn-proved by the addition of oiher ingretl- tents. Thousands of folks recommend BB this rcady-to-usc preparation, becauso Jb W5 it darkens ihe hair beautifully, besides, , ffr no one can possibly tell, as it dnrkens V so naturally and evenly. You mois-ten mois-ten a sponge or soft brush Avith it, W" draAvins this through the hair, takiiu; fh one small strajid at a time. By morn-ing morn-ing the gray hnir disappears. Afler an- IT, other application or two, its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, K glossy and lustrous, and you appear St years younger. Advertisement. ju LIFT OFF CORNS! i Doesn't hurt a bitl Sore corns E lift right off with fingers. K Magic 1 Iff ra j Costs few cenis! Drop a little Frees- one on that touchy corn, Instantly that I corn stops hurting, then you lift It I right out with the fingers. t- Why wait? Your druggist sells a tiny k i bottle of Freezone for a few cents, suf- 'ficicnt to rid your feet of every hard . corn, soft corn, or corn between tho ' toes, and calluses, without soreness or ' S Irritation. Freezone Js the much talked ' of discovery of the Cincinnati genius. ' " Advertisement. ' . t mlfiztk ThTjoy oTa! I. 14y Perfect Skin ' ftW sSw happiness that cornea r j. wr Kvito onc ,hru possessing F 1 T wVa skjn of punty and1 i beauty. The soft, dis-1 1 , languished appearance it 1 I , SL rcnders brings out yourr natural beauty 10 its full- s I " ExpecfdntMothers v4 S A Soothing Emollient I i 0 M Alt Prutglsis ) ; jngjLXATOR co. dot t.n";.. r, 3 I,'. 1 1 1.1,, . m.i 1 TT-iri-rJ , L ! Comfort Your Skinl I WithCuticuraSoap Jp and Fragrant Talcum r excessive acidity I 1 is at the bottom of moat 1 ' S digestive ills. I I for indigestion afford pleas. ; H ing and prompt relief from . j the distress of acid-dyspepsia. |