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Show SEVEN SENTENCED TO DEATH BEFORE SQUAD GUATEMALA CITY,(. Guatemala, May 29. After a trial court martial seven participants! n the bombardment bombard-ment of the capltol In the April revolution revo-lution wore sentenced to death before a firing squad. They are J. C. Chajon, Larrave, sub-secretary . of war; M. L. Arrlaga, C. L. Reglly Gallan, Felipe Marquoz and Giiborto Mancllla. Tho prisoners wore given a legal trial, the first time In 22 years or since the Incumbency of the late President Cabrera, persons charged with a high, crime were granted that privilege. The hearing took place before a great gathering gath-ering of people. When sentence was pronounced, the people cheered. Tho prisoners may have recourse to the suporior court. The revolution In Guatemala lasted from April 8 to 14. when President Estrada Cabrera capitulated to the revolutionary forces under Carlos Her-rena. Her-rena. For several days Guatomala City was bombarded by Cabroraist troops and according to reports, many persons were killed. |