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Show k Fans Treated to Classy Sport Card at Local Park I Baseball Game And Track Tilts Thrill Thousands Of Fans Haymond Clips Off Century in 9 4-5 Seconds and Furlong in 21 3-5 Seconds; Martin Covers 2 and 2-3 Miles in in 14 Minutes and 5 Seconds, Winning; Layton Wins Exciting Game From Ogden, 10-3. a Thousands of fails were treated to a real athletic dish at Lorin li, Farr park yesterday afternoon. Two ' Ogden A. A. athletes were starred while the Ogden and Layton baseball base-ball clubs were also in the limelight. lime-light. In the race events Haymond Hay-mond showed his old-tirne class by tripping the century off in 0 4-5 seconds, winning with cane from Hogan and Everett a who were Riven Riv-en a handicap of 12 yards. Haymond Hay-mond showed a burst of i-peed in the last fifty yards and was simply simp-ly burning up the gcound when he crossed the tape. In the 220-yard event Creed 'cov-i 'cov-i ercd the distance in 21 3-5 at'C- ' oncls after giving the stars a han dicap of 25 yards. lie caught. Ev-cretts Ev-cretts of "West High on the stralght- away and -won by inches. Mis speed j In thi3 race, considering the condi tion of tho track, was remarkable. 1 Bob Martin had his hands full in M the special two and two-thirds mile 1 Sj$ event Creed Haymond covered the wj flr. quarter against the champion ! and Everett of "West High covered ! !jfl the next" half inll. At this stage ' m of l,he race Griffen of Ogden High ; f'Mj took tho reins Griffen stepped out I Ht " and gave Hogan of West High a halfl iji lap over the champion With sev- J en laps remaining Martin managed I I to finally pick up the remaining i distance. I The final 220 yards of this race I va3 nip and tuck and full of ac- ! tiun, Hogan and Martin running neck and neck until the .final ten yards. ; Martin nosed in a winner by inches, 1 his time being 1-5 minutes and 5 seconds The' three track events were thrillers thril-lers and gave the many fans present pres-ent an idea of the worth of the i Etellar runners.. I The second gala feature of the day was the baseball contest between be-tween Ogden and Layton, with I,a- I ton pulling in the home stretch a j 10 to 3 winner. From the tap of the gong In the first spasm the Invaders In-vaders started their scoring. Two tallies were registered in the first ' frame, one in the second and two In the third inning One tally in ; tho sixth and four In the ninth gave the visitors their totals. Ogden chased over one tally in the third and twjo In tho fourth for their only scores of the day. Errors were the chief reason for the defeat of jthe locals, five being chalked against I th players. 'Layton was charged ,with two , errors. j William, on the flab for the win-. win-. nera twirled good ball, but was accorded ac-corded good support. Allen, on the mound for the locals, worked well, but his support was ragged. The hitting of S. Adams, Garrett, Borstead, and' Myers were features. Running cutches by French, Schultz and .Myers were fielding lcaasics. The score: LAYTON. AB. R.H. O. A. iM. Adams ss 4 1 1 5 3 ;G. Adams lb t 1 1 7 0 ; Garrett, 3b i 1 2-2 1 IS. Adams 2b . -1 3 3 5 3 Mann c 5 1 2 G 3 Borstad cf ... 5 2 2 2 0 Simmons If :. 5 0 0 0 0 O. Adams rr...i 4 0 0 0 0 Williams p 4 10 0 0 t 1 Totals 3!J 10 11 27 10 OGDEN. iw AB. R. H. O.A. 'Myers If V.;.... 5' 0 2 2 0 SchulU ss .. 3 0 0 3 2 French 3b 4 0 1 0 3 Wcssler 2b 4 1 1 0 3 Peterson lb .. '....2 0 1 14 0 Owens rf . . :. . : 4 0 1 0 0 Miller c 3 1 1 S 0 Butterfield cf 4 0 1 0 0 Allen p 4 1 1 0 3 Totals 33 3 0 27 11 Scoio by innings: Layton .. 212 000 10410 Ogden 001 200 000 3 Summary: Brrora French 2, Peterson, Pet-erson, Schultz, Wessler, M. Adams, Simmons. Two-base hits S. Adams, 2. G. Adams. Borstad 2, Garrett 2, Myers. Stolen bases French, Schultz. Sacrifice hits Schultz, Peterson, G. Adams. Sacrifice fly Schultz. Wild pitch Williams. Struck out By Williams Wil-liams 4. by 'Allen C. Bases on balls-Off balls-Off Allen 1, off Williams 1. Double play M. Adums to S. Adams to G. Adams. Left on bases Ogden 11, Lay-I ton 5. Time of game 2 hours. I |