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Show LITTLE. BENNY iSl Wot e Bookl I By lEE PAPE J THE YVERMS IMITATION ' A PLAY Scene. A werm and hia wife on a I rock aloncolde ot a river, i Worm. Hay, I think wo better novo ! off of this rook. His wife. Wat for? We bin living heer for 3 yeers now and jest wen lm gotting use to it you wunt to mo n ; somowarcs elts. I never ?aw onybort , so full of foolish idocrs. j ; Worm. Well slpposo I fall in tho I river some day and Somo fiah eat me j up. This rocks too neor the river,! i thats wats worrying me. j His wife. O go on, shut up. Youro j enuff to make a body nervlss Jest lis-( lis-( sening to you. ACK 2, J Scene. The same. Werms wife. Wat In the wcrld aro I you doing, gottlng in all thoso funny 'Shapes? If you got roomatlsm wy , dont yon say so. Worm. Roomatlzm nuthing. Im practicing glvlnar a imitation of a werm on a fiHh hook, so In case I fall in the fish Will be afraid to cat me. His wife. Good nlte! j A OK :. I Scene. The same. Worm. Help! Im falling in the river. Well, hecrs ware I give my imitation. imi-tation. Fish. G, heer comes a funny shape-werm. shape-werm. Herray! ' Werms wife. Look at that fish eating- my luisban. It must of bin too dum to know wat tho imitation was sipposed to be. The end. |