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Show THINGS BEGIN Much Speculation in Chicago as to How Long Convention Conven-tion JViHLast. CAMPAIGN MANAGERS STILL ARE BOASTFUL Hotels Crowded and Political Noise and Confusion Much in Evidence. CHICAGO, June 1. While the Republican Re-publican national committee is grinding grind-ing away at the contests, things are beginning to stir about the headquarters headquar-ters of tho presidential candidates and their delegates. Hotels, already overcrowdod with an abnormal Business, Busi-ness, are beginning to show the first symptoms of a campaign week of noise and confusion. Hcadauarters are blossoming out with banners and lithographs, litho-graphs, but tho campaign managers have not yet emerged from the state of confident predictions. Only two of tho candidates, Governor Lowden ana Major-Gcrioral Wood, are lu the city, but Senator Harding and Senator J oh'nso lUjWlU- arrJoafijUn-lc.eilv. - -Estiri:ates of the probablo deration of the convention are as numerous as the candidates arc various. Some con-lidcnt con-lidcnt ones have mado railroad reservations reser-vations to return home on Thursday of convention week. The prediction that a presidential candidate probably will bo nominated pn Friday night and a vice presidential candidate on Saturday nigHt scorns to be regarded among most of the politicians as probably prob-ably being more accurate than any other. Tentative Program. The general accepted tentative program pro-gram seems to be Tuesday for temporary tem-porary organization and koynoto speeches; Wednesday for permanent organization and work of the resolutions' resolu-tions' committee framing tho platform, leaving Thursday and Friday for balloting bal-loting If two days be needed. All tho politicians seem agreed that no ono is going to be nominated on the first ballot. Many of thorn are going so far as to make predictions of what Is going to happen on the first, second sec-ond and third. Then come the san-gulno san-gulno predictions and claims of what Is going to hapepn . on the fourth. It took three ballots in 1916 to nom-j nom-j inate Charles Evans Hughes, and that , was the first tlmo sinco 180C that more than one ballot had been required to nominate a candidate. In 1900 and 1904 the nominations were made by j acclamation. Wood Conference. I Principal interest outsldo the na-' tlonal committee meetings today, centered cen-tered about a conference of the Wood managers which has been called to I decide who Is to take charge of the j general' forces on tho floor of the! convention. - There bus been talk of a showdown show-down between Frank II, Hitchcock, and William Cooper Proctor, but Mr.i Hitchcock's atlitudo has been described describ-ed as one of agreement with whatever; tho general's managers decide upon, and his friends are saying tpday that anyone expecting a rumpus in the ) Wood camp over the question of lead- j ' ershlp will be disappointed. |