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Show ADAMS BOOSTS SELF AS LIKELY VICE-PRESIDENT CHICAGO, June 1. Sentiment uncovered by representatives of Samuel Adame of Greenwood, Va., the only announced candidate for vice presidont, favors Gover-, nor Lowden and Mr. Adams Cor presidential and vice presidential honors, Mr. Adams said today. The only serious contenders in the vice presidential race besides himself, Mr. Adams reported, are Governor Coolldge, of Massachusetts, Massachu-setts, and Governor Allen, of Kansas. His opinion, .however, Is based on tho belief that the vice president presi-dent should not bo a man who had contested for first honors hon-ors with tho president, and said ho would work , with tho president presi-dent without friction. Mr. Adams traces his family tree back through a long line of statesmen, including John Adams and John Qulncy Adams, both presidents of tho United States. Ho Is the oditor of a fruit growers' publication. Mrs. Adams is here with hor husband. Sho has written much on farm problems. |