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Show COURT WITS ON" ! U.SMiBT i Changes In Constitution Cannot Can-not Be Submitted to State Referendum Vote WASHINGTON, June 1. The supreme, su-preme, court failed again today to decide de-cide the validity of the prohibition amendment and portions of the cn-j cn-j fprccmcnt act and recessed until next , Monday when the present term will close. ' j The supreme court ncui mat teo-I teo-I nral constitutional amendments chn-J chn-J noV. be submitted for ratification to a I referendum vote in the 9tates having I roferendum provisions In their constl- I unions. The court declared inoperative the Ohio state constitutional referendum amendment insofar as It affects ratification rati-fication of "?dcral amendments. Ohio supreme court decree dismissing dismiss-ing injunction proceedings brought by Geo. S. Hnwkc, of Cincinnati, to prevent submission o fthe prohibition and woman suffrage amendments to the voters were set aside by the court. The supreme court refused to interfere in-terfere with dcclnions of the North Dakota" supreme court declaring constitutional con-stitutional a scrlts of state constitutional constitu-tional amendments and satutos to carry car-ry into effect an indusrtlal program in North Dakota and permitting state bond Issues to finance the enterprises. Government appeals of the federal anti-trust suit Gainst the Quaker Oats company were d'smslsod today by the supreme court on motion of the government. gov-ernment. Dissolution of the company under the Sherman act was asked by the government, but the company won In the lower court. |