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Show I ' j Sister Mary's Kitchen 91 If one possesses a cream whip all WM well and good, but if one doesn't a IH pitcher is tho best thing to whip Hj cream in that I know of. Jfg Chill the pitcher and beater before JBm putting in the cream. A dove'r cgsr jLM beater is a good cream whipper. Put tho pitcher in a pan of Ice or Ice-, JH , v water and the cream will be sure to( whip if there's any chnnce at all. The pitcher is deep onough and small enough around to make it possi- HP- ble for every revolution of the beater lij 10 C0UntM . ujl Menu tor Tomorrow. Hilt BREAKFAST -Shredded pineapple, Hng scrambled eggs, spider corncako, cof-j WM LUNCHEON Salsify souffle, bread Jfjflfi and butter, rhubaro pie, tea. . fP'J DINNER Baked fish, shoe-string Wff ' potatoes, buttered beets, tomato sal- H ad, strawberry cream, meringues, cof- I My Own Recipes. T' If pineapple is allowed to stand over - night, less sugar is needed in the j II sweetening. One largo pineapple II ought to serve four people for two I- meals. The day it is used for break-II break-II - fast have some other fruit for lunch-II lunch-II eon tvnd dinner and put the pineapple I . oway in a covered dish for the next I day. I SALSIFY SOUFFLE 8 1 bunch salsify R 1-2 teaspoon lemon juice 'LqPI?'' 2 cups milk 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon minced parsley Salt Pepper Wash and scrape roots. Cut in small pieces and boil in water with the lemon lem-on juice till tender. Drain and rub: , through a sieve. There should be from one to one and a half cups. Add, yolks of eggs beaten till thick 'and .lemon-colored. Add milk and butter,: salt and pepper and parsley. Fold in' whites beaton till stiff and dry. Turn! into a buttered baking dish and bake! 25 minues in a hot oven. If the eggs; are not beaten till thick and lemon-1 colored, and stiff and dry, the. souffle will not rise, MERINGUE "Whites ' 3 eggs , 1 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons wator 1-S teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat whites of eggs with water till stiff and dry and beat a fow minutes longer to bo sure. Beat in part of the sugar and add the rest carefully with little Seating. Flavor. Drop from a tablespoon onto buttered pans' and bake in a slow oven for 30 min-, utes. I A "good neighbor" is loo often one who, when she has ten minutes to spare, goes and .bothers her who hasn't. MARY. |