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Show I; Disgraceful Condition Prevails, 1 j Motorists Disgusted. S Reeve Tells Paper. l i Jfpgden Standard-Examiner: I have J ' 1 pust finished a ride through beautiful j ' 5den canyon. The river is roaring find the green foliage covers the moun-l fainside. It is indeed beautiful, and; I EJhds a charm that is almost unbeliev- ( able, but any person who must travel i over the present road loses all taste! for beautiful scenery; in fact one is , kept so busy dodging ruts and holes in the road that they forget they arc I iri a beautiful canyon and might well imagine they were a mile or so behind j the front line trenches in France, i dodging shell holes. 1 have driven through Weber canyon several times this spring and the road is far supe I rior to the one in Ogden canyon. We have been told that the canyon was to have a new Toad this spring. , Summer is here and the road is abso 1 I lutely in the poorest condition it has 1 ever been in. There is u sign of an I improvement above the dam but it i I seems no effort has been made to im- i i prove the canyon road. Why this dis i graceful condition when with a little effort the holes could be filled up and rolled and the road made a decent i highway j I The roadbed ,1s a good one and with : j i a crew of men' and a steam roller it ( I could be made one of the best roads J in the country. What to to be gained by advertising .Ogden canyon as an I asset to tho city and having the rond ( in such a condition7 The roads at - f. 13irch creek, North Ogden and Itiver- , dale have been improved and the can yon, the place thit should receive first m attention has not been touched. ) If a person takes a party of visitors j for a ride through tho canyon they are ' jolted and tossed about until they arc If we are to boost Ogden canyon ,! as the beauty spot of Amorica, which j; ' it really is, why not repair the rOad now, for next year. , OLIB REEVE. |