Show EDITORIAL PITH Twentieth century medical science will have to turn Its attention 10 the cholera I scourgo that Is devastating the Orient and Incidentally has a foothold In Manila Ma-nila The suppression of tho cholera pc tIn t-In tho far east would bo an achievement that would do more than any other ono thing to destroy tho prejudice against wootcrn civilization Omaha Dec Tho fact that onothlrd of Great Brit alas Imported food supplies 1 como from the United States our hara of the trade amounting to yXJCOOM0 In lOOOshowa how wicked and foolish Is the talk on either side of trouble between these two countries England cannot pot on without with-out tho surplus products of our farms and plains and our farmers would bo III a sorry plight If their best customer wcro lost either through war or commercial retaliation for our high tariff were that possible A granary add a market constitute con-stitute a strong bond of peace Now York World It Is I proposlerour for anybody to assort tljat there la In tho Democratic party to day n moro determined zeal for tariff reform than there was In ISO I On tho contrary them la far less of this zeal now than there war then The socalled Independent press whose Independence Is used habitually In a desperate effort to Let tho Democratic party on to Its feet again makes Itself ridiculous hy protond 1ns that this Is not the case There Is not enough genuine Interest In tariff re form In the Democratic party to hold a conference on the subject that would test tho capacity of a hall bedroom Now York Commercial Advertiser Tho resolutions adopted by the negro congress In Atlanta were wlso and temperate tem-perate There Is no raco problem between tho better classes of whites and blacks and both races gain when tho hotter elements ele-ments acLicrt thomnelvca Jacksonville Times Union t S If the I Democrats should got the House they could pot III the way of things and that It may bo assumed would bo the ex tent of their actlvlt If Uio business of the country could afford tho vacation a Democratic House would supply amusement amuse-ment and possibly help out In 1WI I But there Is so much to do It Is beat to keep tho House safely Republican Sioux City Journal A Western scientist Is Investigating tho Influence of colors upon mosquitoes bc llovlng that tho insects prefer certain shades and Unit persons who dress In cer lain other tones will be comparatively If not entirely I free from molestation Thus far he has not dlHcovorcd affirmatively I the special aversion of the mosquito whether It bo 1 bluo or green or yellow or what not lie has learned It Is reported that black and rwl attract the bugs and U may be assumed that his recommenda lions when complete will strike a blow at those popular pigments In the compost lion of human clothing Presumably tho artistic soul will sigh I at tho prospect of an unbecoming color being proclaimed ns mosquito proof Imagine all humanity within the anopJiclcH belt dressing In a sickly mauve or a ghastly sr nYa5h ington Star I Is I the confident expectation of those who have slven the matter the most mlter study that given cheap transportation so that American flour lrnnporlnlon lUl tho Asiatic market at the minimum of cost nnd China and Japan will consume In wi tho form of flour every bushel of tho sur plus crop which now reaches tidewater on the Pacific Thin IB not something In somethlnJ tho far distant future but a condition ex pected within r > comparatively brief period Thu gIgantic steamships now building to operate In the transPacIfic trade from Seattle Seallo are constructed large ly I on account of thc bolkf Unit the bread stuffs raised on the Pacific coast possibly as far back as the Dakntao will find an ultimate market on tho Pacific Innfnd of tho AtiantieSeattie AtlanlcSe lle Post Intelligencer |