Show WORK TO BE PUSHED Latest From Chicago on Plans of the San Pedro I has been known for some days that a most Important meeting of some of the San Pedro directors and other railroad officials was lo have taken r place in Chicago yesterday Senator Clark was to have been there and Senator Kearns was there The Tribune Trib-une made efforts to get the details from Its Chicago correspondent who last l night sent the following Senator Kearns for homo departed to nlcht He snld he could not divulge any I details nt present He In to meet Senator Sen-ator Clark when he gels home The latter could not be here being detained nt home on account of business All thnl can be said now Is that the San Pedro Los Angeles Salt Lake railroad rail-road will he completed nnd In running order ulthln two years and will he nb fiolutcly controlled by Clark Kearns and their associates All contracts have been let and the work of construction will be pushed vigorously I Rates for LiveStock Show Chicago Sept 5The Western Passenger Pas-senger association today granted around round trip rte for all points In Its territory ter-ritory to time International Live Stock exposition at Chicago of ono fare plus 52 for three Gelling dates beginning November No-vember 10th To exhibitors a ccrtlfi cale plan has been arranged at the same rate tickets to be on sale from November Novem-ber 25th to 30th I Railroad Notes Mr Gonlfl will pass some time In Colorado Col-orado The Pocntello shops are going up very quickly I I Low rates for Conference and Fair are announced The new machinery rate to Denver goes Into effect on Monday General Superintendent J H Young went south again yesterday The local office of the Illinois Central Is being refilled and paInted The Coos Bly has been sighted como com-o ing around by the South shore The fourth conch to be modernized has gone through the Westerns shops The Coo Bay would 10 well If It were to come In via Deep creek without reference ref-erence to a branch II IJ huntington succeeds the late I John W Mackay as director of the Minneapolis it SJt Louis Assistant Traffic Manager S II Bah cock of the Rio Grande was expected to return on No 3 late last evening from his trip with the Gould party to Colorado li E Dunn traveling passenger passcnrer agent of the Short Line leaves today for San Francisco for a short vacation Crltchlow H1 W Nason and Henry McCornick The Kllpatricks will store their out fits In Ogdcn this winter but It Is suspected sus-pected it will be hut t temparary storage stor-age for they will possibly be needed dpwn on the desert below Callcntcs all WinterTime winter-Time Tribune editorial rooms acknowledges acknowl-edges the receipt o f splendid map of the world and four framed pictures of the Union Pacific from Alfred Darlow the genial advertising agent of the company com-pany at Omaha The map is I a most comprehensive one and treats especially especial-ly 1 of the new possessions In tho Pacific Pa-cific with routes to and from the Orient Ori-ent The pictures show some of the route most Interesting scenes on the Overland |