Show The past present and future of I Hoods Sarsaparllla are I has cured I It Is curing It will cure ADVERTISED LETTERS I flcmmmnimmlnm tmmmcaiioi for at the imostoffice SnIt Lake CIty Sept JD2 10 obtlin thesc letters Limo uptlcanl mlHl cal fur AthprtH d lclor nnd must give lho date or the list J 1 not called fm wIthin l WI otis Lime will he sent to the Dead Lelcl Olco LADiES LIST Anderson 1111h Klcl Mrs J T JIord lIj I n Jokel Thlrcd Jmrowmm Carrie M n 1111c Lulu Jrowl BrOWI S irby Mrs R I liemO Mrs jlOX 1ur801 Mrs Jan Bird Auble n hey Mrs A Jnnlta Igi Dolly Lhllc Ethel Bowlln 11 1i L 3 Lewis Thimy BllccnloLk Itl Lelno Myrtle Dory lr John L Llehtcnuteln llr J llim In J T Little Irma Uceh Irn JUlO lmmdsemm Ameln HOlt Illc Menlo Jessie Biehl Mary 1 lchels AIr J J nll Mrs Nerel ller JOBphlno Bllrt Irs R I llwn J nlll numam Alnlo ltcAlhul la B Burham I Elen ILn Irs l I 110G In 1 1 11 I iiiimim Miss il Houleof Jcttlo 1hrccr 0 Ruth lulcnbur = or 11n 1lahon AIrs P H Umt Mrs ItoSu Iulson Mrs S E I lce Vlolel illlocl Amandl Cal1on llg Albert Murray Grace Chaco iIrs 1 B Murphy Maggie Clark Mcmi 1 MCCImI S A Cotter Mrs n 1 Neger Mary Cimurcim 119 Celia Nichols Elsie hml 115 C Norman Uuna Crllc1 Ella Nowcl tlutry Carter Mis G P ONell Eva Cahl1 Mrs J J OCrJn Im Ella errIhmiimm Mrs J Ormnn Emnm Christensen 1alnl Olsen JolmnlL Cooper MIss Mit ONeill Mary M Cloue Inud ONII Inmc Clifford Iar PIuhh LillIan Carmon Lucy G Peterson GIIslc Cunln LIzzie PhelpH Mlmt E E Clark Lou lerkltmmm Della Cook 1Izzle J Polerl Anlio ChurlI lIJ96 0 Peak AlIce B CnmbCI Mrs n D PmJO leo Car nglon Stela PrIce LizzIe Collnn Sarh Hued Mrs A G Code lioslo HI1sI Alma Chlllen en 118 T RIce Harrllt Cohn 131 nohh Jnnlo Dash Miss ddIQ necd Ioilo Davis Mrs F E Rtynohls Mrs L Drulch Ethel I Hul l lmlle Douln 18 N itue VIola V DavIs Mrs Hooth Rohblns Mcmi Oscar Dala Mrs Vm H Rlohmond R A Enmery I Miss Irene Hnleel SUMII Free Miss Clara Ralston B a Forth Mrs Della Rcc o f40la W Fowler Carrie Rile > lillo Freeman Salio Slulcy 11 A GOldlth A Scol Clara Green Jnnl Snowden Annlo Graham J H Schol AIJu9ta Gnrr1 Jcnnlo Schmldl Anml Garrett 1s Jima J Srxtmmcem Mcmi Albert Cues 1llu Siimmpson ELlith Grham Mnr Savage Ellen Gray MmLr3 E Sohllnler Mcmi E Glass Mrs lan Russell Mrs li J Grll Miss Sadie Scott Mrs A Grm Iis Sarah Spllnun Margaret Gouldrnn Lena Stanle llnl Vu B Griffin Mrs 1 S A SLocle r 0 C 111ion Mrs J 1 Shlmn Nrc FIurmilm Mrs A S Slrds Llz7la 111 2tlrm Annie Smith Alm hull Desslo SmIth l3essle Hoyt Mr E C SclunldL Anll harrison Edith Smith Mcmi Mary Hnmlton Grace Swnyer lemul HnrCl1urt Mrs 1 V Srlt Lizzie lutchlson llnnlo Sllhun Myrtle I bulges Mrs M M Srltwrs Mrs M Ilotchmiciss Mrs N S Tcasdel M 1 Flempstemuul Ilmle nlhot Julia Hoyt Mrs Vlbur True Anna Jone Ir A Walters Fannia Jones Mcmi G Winberg Mrs Johnin lls Arthur nre Brlha 10hnson Edith Json Mrs A M Johmmn Laura lllnnw il Ira John ol 118 N llum Timerlsh Junl l F Wrlsht llald Johnwn Angie oodwnrlh lila B Knapp Smlo Vlllorwood 1 ICeeglLn 111 Voting Mrs J C GENTLE lENS LIST Am Gold I Co IhllHOI 0 TArt T-Art Paper Co Llh A A 1lnH Chas Ilpplncott A HAsh H-Ash IL S 101en GCI K Andersol r Ii Llio wr mower JaM Leonard E P onarc arUcl Ho LJHI R J Emil Ashcr LyttQ H R Oncon Cho loomlM J 0 alchnrd H r Loc Joe Banter Colhln JockhfrL C Bnlen er l I Losimmlky Leo Bimimimeimman Ceo llorrl t U Baron Shorl1 Morris J J JJatcnzo SnhatQr Murpimy Jan not l limos Miller C Brooks Chn3 lofetL n n Bnrrel E G McDI1ll J C Brmrmurgy Vm Icrclr Eilor Bowrln Harry Nmlomm E l1on L3eclcsteud Ceo Meimhi Id Been L J Inthson Lieut Lcut Blood D P Maglmrie Loin Blood Coo lalhrle J lm lu h ROIL Vi 11nrll jIda Neal Blair John t1cLznmgimilim G C Battle Ralph lcSwun Jacob Brokes Robl McTickcr Felix 1lcelccr Felx rlmll m Prln Co Normal Brlulcn Go A School lroJlc John T Iitillem Julian HIsnol Mr NULLS Vm J Dnrton Evan P lcFnrlanc J W Blndl c Israel 1 MeCummme miitcr jleClle BOlcber cr J 1 ZlcCo E C lter Bray John lchaclKn Edw frown K MIlls C R Brown T L 1Cell R L Brown Chas IlreIr R 2 Chester G Moiland Leo Chamhcrln Arthur Nash Ceo R Con CoIl Co Nelson C H Campbell E L Ollel ChrIs Cnmphel Frank Olsen 0 J Cnrn Mark OBrIen lI J Calaln VIctor Osbor Jas E Chapmn A G Olnrh Jan Crockol G D Pctnn Tacit Cortner J G Parle H A Curry Joe Parker Ed Cornalc PaL lamcr rank ChurchIl Hury Ponlo Oliver Ionon herbert Polock I E Cluyton J V Palmer r R Clark Putrlck Palmer W CummhtJt Samuel ltLerSoim 1clco Connor Th08 QuInter A S Chnnlier Roll Rowle 1 A Crntllml Frnlt Rooli Pimli Crant F 1 Roel hi Cook F U floblimis Eciw nohln Ecw Coomhs Coo lckwll R U Dc FrIes Joo Hlsr n T Jclutcr S 1 RCI 1 Theo H I Darst 1 A Hclmont Than Dickson T J Hand John Donovan 0 Reynolds 0 I C Doherty G 1 Recd Dmhl DlellI Rolln John Ducbler M G Redtllng Mr Duhum Dr N Hetch Otto Duke John Rwcc N X DIGln J J Rnnt R Duncan Luls Sampson 11 DOne 1 J Smith 0 C Drlc C I Smith Vmn Bbcrsolo D C Sml h Wpdo Iln G W 2 Smih 1 Enmery A SmIth I D Egan G V Spencer W P Ehlyemu J Simuimley m 1sl V L Slmlc W B ErIckson Oscar Sunhuek Oscar Forbrche J A 2 Stewull C Jirn I V Srll Shoo House VSUHt 1V N SiOHI hll Wi For J J Moore Wimm Foley J ir Shamblcr Ed 1lcleer uI Shleltzel J g nlrbnnk Frank Sodcrhe John Finch C W Stohen Ired GrIffith J Leo SllhlcrJ El Chlel W L Slolnhu Ch3 Good 1 D Stnnscl C V Grlsle L A Stilmlom Fred Glrel N H Scott Franl GroeHbeck E J Sclmmmeidei J 11 Gwynno A 1 Scharer J F I Grecn 00 Sar W G Iiarniami J C Slweer Miller Holard J W TelCord J r Haler J C ulor AI HolmcR B Tone C 1 HamIlton J K lhurcr V D Hanel Rev F ritylor J B Inckworth A 1 Inndle Mr I Jaclwl Iicharl Vail A n Inrrlngton flm Vondrlh 1Tr Ilarrlnglon IJ A Volts Tburn Iegemmmcr C Vencroo Santo lIane W VJnarde j1 Ha > ward l Vatel Vm C JIett A H oIM Mr Tem V alcol Chins D Hot gins J09 Vqbb Chester J lolunl John Weston Clams 111 A P Veston 1 B Huntcr 0 I Valln G 10plelns L Welsh J p 1lanNfn W D VntJon L 1nrmal S Volner Lawrence JSm G C VllcruurJ 0 Josln 11 aton It 13 Jnnatt N g Vlg onor Sol E Jakupson M alhburg lj Jocob A C Warumhck W I lenson Anton Weuhi A C Jenlcn ChuA Wilkes Art Janus F V Wllie C w JohnMon Frank lloms Mr Klnpusky John llr Ceo KInney C Wimitne3 J R Kellh Chins IRon 2 KIJIO Cha I WillIams Thomas Klmlcy C Ilte l1 Klmo Mr Vommter C V Krhl W F Walcott ChuB D Klhnhn Mr oolen D G Llldt 0 1 0 01 e F B rm lowr Leo oodworth B 0 Lown M K Wolfe Fred TlrfJ r D Wij HI Lwser J H Voudfonl Jon IlchlmAttln ii hll Mr 1r Lee C W Jc1 kslr arr E J 7 LelcMr FORT DOUGLAS STATION Clark A R Sanlger John Chrlnlonacn M Thomau Wm F 0 1 Hannay A K B I llowlnt Mrs Jasi T I ITurhui AVm Mcxel Mimic Nora Kcnnody Jon CALDERS PARK STATION Beau Wayne Mill Miss Creek Creek I Pit kip Orson Gil Ekgvlot Erik East dor Park MURRAY STATION Anancarch Tom McCaughey J AV Bale Helen 0 MIoliion MInnie Ber ErIck V Olen SI I E Halrtcl Gem P Poulnon C M limbo oJhp Record Keeper Tout lanngun 2 No 19 Gibson T Roth Lena Hoclund Augusta Sturm Gco lydo 1 Lyman 2 Swterson L Johnson Jncr Stark JomoQ Llndborg LA A L THOMAS Postmaster 9 r ONE DOLLAR SALE SAt 1 e ISH0ES K It For Man Woman nnd Child Wonderful values Up to Chid m t values for Women up to 52JJO 5 value0 for Men up to 130 values ll lust for Children As lonG aa they l j HUSLER9S FLOUR supple the right elements ele-ments for nourEshmeftk and makes delicious nutritive I nu-tritive palatable bread I AH the largest and best I bakers use it Try a sack I lRm Jo EL KIVSW9 DENTAL i 2 PARLORS I 240 3 MAIN ST N < sxt door north of rJ WoJkcr house i Good Set of Teeth for 8 0 Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty SECRET SOCIETIES ASONS ARGISNTA LODGE NO3 F AND A M Stated communications hold at Masonic Ma-sonic hal the tlrot Tuesday In each month Members of ulster lodges and uo Journlni brethren arc cordially Invllod to lt nd NED WHEAVETT W M MOSES C PHILLIPS Secretary UTAH COMMANDERY NO 1 Knights TemplarStated conclaves held at Masonic hal on tho flrnt Thursday of each month at 8 oclock Vlslllng Sir Knights aro courteously Invited W H CUNNINGHAM E CIA C-IA B SMITH Recorder WASATCH LODGE NO I F AND A M Regular meetings held at the Maaonlo hal the second Friday ot each month Members of olstcr lodges and oojournlng brethren In good utandlng aro cordially Invited to attend GEO I DERN W M A J LOWE Secretary MT MORTAH LODGE NO 2 F AND A M Regular meetings held at Ma conic hal tho second Monday of each month Members of sister lodges and so journing brethren In good standing aro cordially Invited to attend CHARLES FRED JENNINGS W M CHRISTOPHER DIEHL Secretary UTAH CHAPTER NO1 R A M Stated coTivocatlonn held on the first AVcdncsday of each morMi at Masonic hall Sojourning oompanlonn arc cordially cor-dially Invited to attend I WM J LYNCH O E H P M C PHILIPS Secretary EL KALAH TEMPLE A A 0 N M S Regular ocssloiui on third Wednesday of each month at Masonic hall at S p mAll m-All nobles sojourning In our oasis f cordially cor-dially Invited to meet with UB IRA O RHOADES Potentate L B SMITH Recorder LYNDS CHAPTER NO 1 i 0 E S Regular moctlnsn held at Masonic hal of each month tho first Friday c Sojourning Sojourn-ing momnTfl cordially Invited to attontL GEORGEANA HIGSON Vf M A ANDERSON Secy WOODMEN OF THE WORLD DESKIVET CAMP IW MEETS EAERT Friday night nt S oclock In Knights of Pyihln hall Ti M Main street E L SLOAN Consul Commander T B NEwMAN Clerk MODERN WOODMEN GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP NO 10071 Modern Woodmen of America mccta every Tuesday S p m Modern Woodmen hall No 1 West First South Visiting neighbors arc cordlallv Invited JACbB SWART V C G M SULLIVAN Clerk FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA Kvorcrccn lodge No 151 meets every Monday Mon-day at L O O F temple JOHN JAMES F M I J HESS Secretary B P O ELKS X W Nrf1WS XrfW B P O ELKS THE BENEVOLENT and Protective Order of Elka meets each Wednesday evening at S oclock at 59 Stale at Elks hulldlne H E DEARDORFF 33 R A AV RAYDOULD Secretary I O O F X v > s FIDELITY LODGE NO 1 T O O F meet every wouome Friday night at S oclock VLora wouomeC H PEARSON N O J C SMITH Se EAGLES XI WNM IWI W EAGLESS LAKE AERIE NO C7 Fraternal Order of Eagley meets every Sunday evening at 720 at A O U ever hall 103 So Mum utreoL JOHN McNAMEE W p i ABQ BBJUaBTJJSN > V e rry T GRAND DISTRIBUTION FOR 1902 THE SALT LAKE TRBE ASIDE SETS 35000 r TO BE IVEN AWAY TO SUCH OP ITS BBABBUS WHO GIVE 2BTAKE SUC N ESTThLj REAER ETIT ON THE TOTAJ COMBINED VOTE OF UTAH IDAHO A VrYOMING TH TOTA Thero haa been deposited na WHAT WE WANT IS THIS 5000 ADDITIONAL the copy of certificate of Wells ADDIONAL certfcnto Send In your estimate of what the t l lmato total In addition to this Extraordinary Pre Fnrgo Co bolow will show I volo will be for tho thrco Staten viz mium of JIOOOO ofer < EXlraortlnlry l al mako UTAH IDAHO nnd WYOMING To the an estImate The Salt Lake Tribunes line 525000 for tho benefit of YOINC set aside an Additional Premium the who tC Addltonnl of 32300 benQft one makes time NEAREST 32 thl J RE9 correct coroc to the person who may havo itHImatul readers of tho DAILY and estimate of the aggregate of the TOTAL Limo exact total Of Iho veto ON OR BE VOTE In Utah Idaho and AVyomlnif for FORE August IS 1002 provided such per WEEKLY Salt Lake Tribune non > ald In advance for thcre n months VEK Trbuno ConLrcsHmcn there wIll be nonb n11d Ir10 ITlhnnco COIrClmel gIven n a premium oubscrlDtlon to The Dally Salt Lako Daly Lok nnd the InterMountain Farmer mium of SGOOO To tho ono who cntlmalcs Tribune or for an annual subscription to tho EXACT total voto there will be given Tho AVockly TrIbune or Tho InterMoun and Banchman This amount wi laln Farmer and Ranchman To the aub Rchmn an cxtraord I T1Y Tnchmnn extraordinary additional premium of ncrlbcr I paying In advance and submitting will be given away to tho per S KO or S10000 in nil That IH to say If an estimate of Limo exact total of tho vote I unv one should estimate the EXACT to on or before September 15 JM2 1EOO will m Jt sons who care to in a loull Islmnte gXAC1 SCllcmur r 1Eo wI engage tal bo of the Vote such peraon will not only b paid and to tho person paving uub contest which will EDUCATE receive S5000 for tho cdtlmalo of the scrlptlon In advance and submitting an wil EUOATE NEAREST to the total vote but In addi eallmutts of the crcact total of the vole an THE HEADERS IN POLITICAL ton the J30CO extraordinary premium for or before October Z 1DOJ J10JO will Of b POLITI-CAL MATHEMATICS the EXACT cstlmale of the total vote or j > ald THEMATIC 510000 In all OI al TOTAL DISTRIBUTION OJ v CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT NOT SUBJECT TO CHECK jl Well t l No 32110 rt t gn y q 3 1IUto Yi 35000 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH June 30th 1902 Perry S Heath Publisher and General Manager has deposited t with Till TVFl VE THOUSAND wih us TflTY TfOUSND DOLLARS in current funds payable pay-able to himself on the return of this Certificate properly endorsed Countersigned E P OAYLORD Teller J E DOOLY Cashier v The Conditions SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION or thIn conical arc these To Bo Awarded on tho Estimate of tho Combined Voto of Utah Idaho Remit 51W tho regular subscrip nnd Wyoming November 4 1902 I tion price and you will receIve a t years Sail Lake subscription Weekly Trlbuno to either or The Tho To the one making the nearest correct estimate of the exact InlcrMounlaln Farmer and Ranchman total of the vote 1 1 0 6000 00 Ranch-man and can an bin It one estimate To tho second nearest I 400000 on time contest ti 50 In advance for 01 conltat 15 To tho third nearest 3 ooo 00 Tho Ackl L Trlbuno and inter 0 j Mounlnln Farmer and Rnnchman To the fourth nearest 1 I 2OOO 00 combined for one year entitles the To the fifth nearest o 0 0 1000 00 nubscrlber lo ont esllmalc To To tho nest five nearest S50O each 0000 Mubmll tho eiilmalc alone with f lcares eoc 1 2600 00 < tmatc wlh out subscription requires a romlt To the next ten nearest 100 each 1 1OOO 00 i anco of r cenui You can remit To the next twenty nearest S5O each 1000 00 I nt the rato of SlOO for additional 5 0 10000 J addi-tional Bubucrlnllons same and estimated or To the next fifty nearest 20 each I 1000 00 r give the subucrtptlon to friends and To tho next one hundred nearest 10 each 0 1000 00 oubmlt the csllmales yourself Or To the next three hundred nearest 5 each 1 500 00 you can submll any number of uHll I 00 I I mnlca at the rale of M cents for To tho next one thousand nearest 2 each t 2OOO 00 each eHtlmate Or send JI 00 u for ono I months subscription to The SaIL In all 1490 prizes to amounting 25 2500000 r1 40 00 Lake Dallv Tribune and Tnako an nmountng 1 00 DaJ Each months subscrlp And if any oubacrlbor estimates the exact total vote an EX lon paid In advance Is entitled to THAOEDINABY DIVIDEND of 5OOO OO one estimate A full years sub 50000 f serlntlon paid In advance at tho i rate of JlCO per month will cntllle Totl 1 3000000 you to 12 esllrrmlcfl Subscribers To Daily Tribune renders 5OOO ADDITIONAL 5OOOOO In arrearw by paying arrearages In j all paying Irreart8 f may Income entItled to an estimate 0 I nl 1 I S 35OOOOO for every dollar paid IN ADVANCE f AD-VANCE on account vult future sub A grand otal of 300 to be divided among the readers of The i croton Daily Tribune Tho Woekly Trlbuno and the InterlTouiitain Farmer and Send for lnnks If lh can gather you Ranchman If thero is a tie in the estimate of two or more for n persona er more nubicrlptlonn tliau provided tc to cstmato Peron8 fot o pro-vided on Limo blank below 1 any of tho prizes the amount thereof will be equally divided L THE VOTE OF OTHER YEARS The Contest i TOTAL VOTE FOR UTAH UTAI Will close at 1 oclock midnight oa Ii 1832 l Total voto for Congrcsa JM57S Tuesday November ith All letters ISO Total vote for COIILTCHH II tiC received bearing a Salt Lako City Kj Total vote for Congress 77413 postoftlco mark dated up to or before 1SOS Total voto for Concrca G7X be-fore the hour of mldnlcht of November 4 ISO Total vote for Congress D275 No-vember 4th will b received jD After the vote shaH have been cast TOTAL FOR IDAHO the awards will be mado by an Impartial Im-partial committee upon the ccrtlfl vnrlnl commltto cerlt 192Totni voic for Congress 3 < cates of the Secretaries of State oC 1591 Tolal vole for Congress 1 tho Staler of Utah Idaho and ad liOij 1 Tolnl vote for Congress G Wyoming as to the total number of numbr 1S5S Total vote for Coniiresa 33091 votes cast for the office of Congressman 1C00 Toiul vole for Congress 55970 Con-gressman In their respective States which will be officially certified to wi otelall cctlCd t TOTAL FOR WYOMING under the tOlls of those officers Tho awards announced th aa by tho 12Totn vote for Congress 17261 announce l 0 i7i1 commltlce together with Iho Sec 189i Total 1 vote for Consreis 19126 conmltee 1KH > Tolal vote for Congress < COSS3 relarleB certlllcates Tlll bo pub llshed In both The and Dally Woek lbS Total vote for Cone lhcd Dal ant or 19t > 71 ly I Salt Lako Tribune and In The 1KO Total vote ror Concrcsn 20078 Trlbunl The 0 InterMountain Farmer and Ranchman an soon as possible after Aggregate Vote of Three States for Congress on Which af-ter tho election a Guesses Are to Be Made Use the following blanks for fiondlnc In subscriptions and estimated t 1592 Arprerntc vote for Congress Utah Idaho and Wyoming 71206 esti-mated which can bo cut out and 1SSI ABtir < gate voto for Contrrcaa Utah Idaho and Wyoming m IS79 mailed to The Salt Lake Trlbuno 1SJW ARgrcRale ota for Congress Utah Idaho and Wyoming 1Il J Distribution Bureau Salt Lako JS5S Ascrceatc Vote for ConKrcts Utah Idaho and Vyomlnj 128ttTr City Utah Additional blanks furnished 1POO ARBrogaio vote for Conirrcsa Utah Idaho and Wyomlnj 177SOJ fur-nished on arjollcatlon bbnk Blank for Wee kly Subscription With Estimate Blank for Estimate With Daily Subscription I i Estimate Estimate Name Xame M 1 ti i Street r Street 41 POStOfflCO r Postofllco State Date Postofflco I L I desire to become a subscriber for The Weekly Tribune i Trib-une and herewith enclose SlOO for a years subscription State Date subscrip-tion and my estimate on the total voto of Utah Idaho and Wyoinlnrr for Congressmen at the election to beheld I desire to become a subscriber for the Dally Tribune held November 1 1002 1 subscribe to the conditions Trib-une and hcrnwlth enclose 1100 for one months subscription q named In time offer sub-scription to The Dally Tribune with my eallmale on the r I total vote of Utah Idaho and Wyoming for Conf rci3 I Cut close alone tho back lines mon at the election lo be held November 4 I 1WB I subscrIbe cose sub-scrIbe to the conditions of the offer as published IY Cut clone alone tho black lines InterMountain Farmer and Blank for CndL Hanchman cosc alonl Subscription With Estimate f you wish to make ono or more Estimates without Sub m = j scrlptlons fill I out Blanks as follows Dlanl for Es timnto Without Subscription f f r Estimate Name l I 4 Estimate J m Name 7 streot 0 I Street Postofuice e 0 Potoftlco r 1 PostoCtce State Date I r dCllrc to become a subscriber for The InterIoln State Date h c taln Farmer and Ranchmnn and hurewlhm oncloe J 1 f for n ycrimmm 9ulHlrlUon and 0 olmatc on thc total T herewith enclose 51 cent and my elmato on the vote ot Utah Idaho ful Wyoming or Congressman uL totpi olo for Con r 5smen at time election to b hell the ecclon to ho hold November I 92 lsubcrlbo to In Utah Idaho and Wyoming November 1 102 I sub 4 the CTlllan named In time offer scribe to the condttloimim of time offer as DublIShcd 4 Cut clciHj along the black linen Cut closo along Ihe black lines Box Mail 1298 all blanks with remittances to Salt Lako Tribune Distribution Bureau Salt Lake City Utah P O No weekly subscriptions with estimates accepted for more than ono year to any one address If more estimates with weakly subscriptiona are desired it will bs necessary to send the sebscriptlono to different addresses each for one yearr additional estimates without subscriptions can b had at 50 cents each Make all orders and checks p payable to Salt Lake Tribune Distribution Bureau Do not put more than ono estimate on each blank T tw 1 No changes allowed after estimates are once made Additional blanks furnished on application or can bo had from Tribune agents everywhere Twelves months subscriptions to The Dnlly Tribune are entitled to twelve estimates one estimate for 1 each months subscription paid for in advance at tho rate of SlOO per month L Tribune employees will not be permitted to make estimates under any circumstances either directly oi > X indirootly l SPECiAL NOTICE All intending contestants for prices in tho grand distribution on the Congressional vote are particularly particu-larly requested to AVOID THE RUSH AT THE LAST MINUTE by purchasing ESTIMATE BLANKS in advance thus having their names recorded and making their ESTIMATES ELIGIBLE AT ANYT TIME before MIDNIGHT NOV 4th 1D02 Send estimates with remittances or cash for advance blanks Salt Lake Tribune Bisfributon Bureau P 0 Box 129SSalt LakeCity Ufafr 1 |