Show CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD The remains of John G Robinson who tcmln died on Wednesday of pprllonllls wero burled vcsterday from the Twentysecond ward meeting house Tho Interment took place In the City a cemetery Tho Religion of Browning will bo the subject or a lecture at tho Flrat Congregational Con-gregational church on Sunday evening by Mlfl3 McDonald of Colorado Springs Mian McDonald Is 1 well known In literary circles us an Intoripreter e of Browning TonlglL will witness tho closing of Saltalr for the season or 12 The management man-agement has invited a number of prominent prom-inent citizens to participate In 0 banquet at S oclock and later enjoy a grand ball 0 Mrs W H Pcrkes who resides on Center street was badly burned by carbolic car-bolic ucld ytsicrday afternoon the Injuries In-juries cxtcndlnir over the arms side and breast Everything possible was done to alleviate the sufferings of the unfortunate unfortu-nate woman A crasa fire tho cause of which Is not known made the Urcllshters of department depart-ment No i hurry to the rear of jIG South Stato street yesterday afternoon The water was uocd to brush back the llnmva from whore they were endangering some nearby barns Members of the childrens choir of SU Marys cathedral will be gucsto of Bishop Sconlan at Caldcrs park today A pro cramme of Interest to tho little ones has been arranged I Including a number of games and contests prizes to be awarded to the successful contestants 0 William Gibson tho quarryman who WID severely Injured In an accident In llctl Butte canyon on Wednesday afternoon after-noon waa last night reported to ho doing well at the Holy Cross hospital His body was terribly bruised and hla feet KO badly crushed that amputation oCa portion of ono of them was necessary The Salt Lake and Davis County Teachers Teach-ers Institute which has been In session ses-sion since Tuesday lasl closed its suc reflfful series 0 meetings yesterday Prof Stewart of the university delivered deliv-ered an address In the morning on Education Ed-ucation Progress und the Spirit of tho Times Tim funeral of the late Walter Reynolds Reyn-olds was held yesterday afternoon nt tho Twentyfirst ward meeting houscr Bishop Woollcy had chnrgo of the services ser-vices and tim other s > enkers were Apostle Apos-tle Woodruff J M Tanner and Seymour Sey-mour B Young A large number of friends were present and followed the remains to City cemetery where tho Interment took place a With the approach of the opening of tho city schools the Salvation Army workers are looking about with a view to supplying some of the needy children vIlh bettor clothing For this purpose they request ihat all who have chil drens castoff clothing to cither leave them at tho Shelter No 37 Franklin avenue or leave an address so that the Army people can cal for tho clothing C 4 Sidney C Harris the messenger boy who was urrestod I couple of nights ago I on complaint of Ma employer that he had illchcd HJ from the till In the messenger mes-senger station was called up before Judge DIehl yesterday and pleaded guilty to the chargo but nl the request of thr Stnlcf counsel the case was continued con-tinued until this mornlngK session of the City court Harriss hal was fixed at SICJ Judge Diehl yesterday said that Thomas Peterson would have to pay to tho city of Salt Lake tho sum of JTO or lan culsh an qual number of days In the oldtlmo jai and each day take n turn with hlK mate on the bone dump In fulfillment nf tho law which saya no man shall Jump upon and baler another an-other human being Gladys YounG Is tho person whom Peterson Is giilliyeL having beaten 0 0 At a meeting of the Tabernacle choir on Thursday evening It was decided to take another outing to California such as the choir enjoyed Jnst March The route will Jo slightly different but the main features of the excursion will ho the same About 170 members of tho choir signified their Intention of joining tho party and others will be admitted as WOJ tho case before Pro Evan Stephens hns not fully decided upon the route and other particulars hut will bo ready to announce them In a alfort time Joseph Strnub evidently a newspaperman newspaper-man of Cheyenne Wyo has written to Postmaster Thomas asking that official ofcnl to locale If I possible hlK cousin who ho says Is I a member of the Mormon church and came to Utah about twenty years ago Ho lau ho has long wanted to wrllo hla cousin but as there was nothing In the last letter he received to indicate the whereabout of tht cousin whoso name Is John Straub he wants to know whether the poslmualor can lo cato him Tho only clew he had wan tho slmark on the letter This ho had Clipped and sent to Salt Lake I 1A new sinner was heard In the Tabernacle Taber-nacle yesterday when Miss P < lcrsen the young daughter of Prof Anton Pedersen Peder-sen aro o before 2COO people and ren dered The Day IK Ended by Bnrt lelt Miss Pcders has u contralto voice of fine CUll though lacking In volume vol-ume Iltr solo was warmly encored Tho accompaniment was a violin obligate by Master Arthur Pedorsin tho younger brother of the slncer nnd the sweet tones of the Instrument added much to the effectiveness of the r ong Prof McClellan played an ixcepttonally line programme Including the overture from Lohengrin and two Hungarian dances by Brnhm 4 cnnccs Rov H W Moorhcad of WMIIamsport o IIuifort Pa who has succeeded Dr J L Albrlt ton us paolor of the First Methodist church arrived In tho city last oven ing on the ilflsiycd Union Pacific train from the East He wag accompanied by his wife and two daughters and they are located for the present at JlL South Fourth East street The new pastor comes very highly recommended uc rccommelet le hns been In charge of the church at A lUInmBiwrt for a number of yc rand r-and the members of his congregation en tered a strong protest aijalnst his leav ing Ho will speak I tomorrow morning at 1 oclock at the First Methodist church lcthollll 0 0 < There woi < a very sad loavetaklng I at tho ppnllontlary yesterday afternoon when M F Morlensen the father of Potor Mortcn n the condemned mur derer of James P Hry visited 1 his son to bill him odbye until they moet fon unt mClt again which the father Raid would be In IL very short time The father hail just received word of the serious illneas wort Inc of his daughter who liven In Oakland Cnt BeiUUs lhe worry and strain und r which the old r MorUn cn has labored hero his health has bron In such a eon illllon that the high nltluido hero han beer 0 severe tax on him He will iv cnpirnte in his homo for a wi and will then return to do all In hln power for his I condemned 00 |