Show Cnmo Near Uolnc1 n Crlpnlo Tosh Westhafer of Loogootco Ind Is I a poor man but be says he would not be without Chamberlains Pain Balm If I It cost five dollars a bollle for It saved him from being a crlpplcv No external application Is equal to this liniment for stilT and swollen Joints contracted muscles stiff neck sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains It has also cured jiumerou0 cases of partial par-tial paralysis It is for sale by all drugclsta 3 1Fij l lM FLOORS 9 35x240 feet completely filled with the Latest and Beat Styles In Everything to Furnish a House complete LARGEST STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE FUR-NITURE IN UTAIL I 1 Harris Furniture and Carpet House i 234236 S STATE ST t nl jl IA > 07 < 201L Burton Coal and Lumber Co Offlco 00 W 2nd So Yards cor 5th So and 3rd W Telephone 808 R 1 I 1 c J J C r Of Success j r II f 0 r the r I C u j SuccessfuL 1 rA 0 bI I tti la l I l n Z L I i J I s > sy y Pay 1111 r 1 0 Due j > < J r I > Toll to the 1 Toilers j > i > The Tribune Opens Its Purse j to Its Readers for Estimates as I to the T ota Vote of the States of Utah Idaho and Wyoming I for Congressmen at the Next Election November 4th Making = Mak-ing the Queen States Doings of ft Greater Import < I What the Voters of the States of Utah idaho and Wy = r omrng Say with Their Ballots the Country Cocks Its Ear toI ilear What Will Be Done I November 4th Next 3S to the Respeclive Congressmen The l Trdnune Wants Every One of Its Readers if > > Estamate i r rT y I I Yotfq Can Estimate This Way 1 Twelve estimates and The Daily and Sunday Tribune for a year for 1200 One estimate and The Daily and Sunday Tribune for i 1 a month for 100 i i 1 One estimate and The Weekly Tribune or InterMountain I I 1 InterMoun-tain Farmer and Ranch in in for a year for 100 i One estimate without subscription for 50 cents As many as you want at that rate I i flow the Rewards Will RunG I We will give 5000 for the exact estimate We will give 5000 for the nearest to the exact estimate esti-mate We will give 35000 in the whole 1490 rewards Send your estimate in care The Tribune Distribution t Bureau P 0 Box 129S Salt Lake City Utah < I W Sl fr K OW3 A G i > > YR fJaJ eur QU aJK W 1f HASES rr r p Y |