Show PERSONAL MENTION I Prof and fn J J McClollan left last i night for Payson to visit relatives for aCC a-CC days I harry W Noson John Crltchlow TT TJ Dunn and Henry McCornlck left yesterday yester-day for a pleasure trip to the coast They KO Jlrst to the Paclllc Northwest vltming Seattle and Portland and from the laCier city go by boat to Snn Franclnco Hon Luther Tuttle of counl HOI 1uthCr Tutl Snnpotn county mopped off In Salt Lake yesterday on his way to California Ho has not visited tim Golden Sinto nlnco ISiS when he was tho Mormon battalion there an a member of toron talion and looks forward with pleasure to bin present trip A postal carl from E W Duncan announces an-nounces thai ho and a party consisting of In Duncan Miss Edna Duncan D H Lowthor D Sprltz and wife of Cincinnati und Judge Moscly and son of Alexandria Ln are enjoying fine weather good llsh Ing and plenty of duuu as well as the wonder of nature In Yellowstone park Prof I Stoivnrt has returned from a lecturing lec-turing lour through southern Utah Among other places visited were Cedar City Pnrowjm Beaver nrclovllle Koo nhnriMi Loa Lymon Thurhcr Burrvllln and RIchMeld Interest In educational matters was manifested at nil placen where Prof Stewart visited and ho predicts pre-dicts that the Institutions of the Stato will bo well attended this year I |