Show RHYMES OF THE DAY I stood In the road at midnight No the clock was striking 1lrec And my thought wns sad of the wife so mad Waiting at home for me S S Chicago Journal They got the bent of meats they can The packers claim and yet Were pretty sure Its not their plan To can the best they got Philadelphia Press 4 HIS AMBITION There was an actress onco who wed A glided gushing youths youth-s mad and merry dance ho led Ho pawned her gems In sooth And they wore widely Interviewed Anroad and over here She sighed low can you he ao rude Quoth he Its business dear MyMy antics aro not llladvlscd My name full oft you scan And when Im amply advertised Ill be your leading man a Washington Star HOMEWARD BOUND Wlfios coming home noxt week From her long vacation Wltlcs been away to seek Health and recreation Home shes coming from the seaTo sea-To the hired girl and me Wide left me In July Soon shell bo returning For her cheering presence I Ilavo been fondly l yearning Life shall soon regain Its xcst Wlflcs coming homo to rest Chicago RecordHerald |