Show BOSTON CUP TO CLEVELAND McKerron Has No Trouble in B ting t-ing Lord Derby and tho Monk Cleveland 0 Sept 5At Glcnvlllo this afternoon John A McKerron placed I the Boston challenge cup In the permanent per-manent possession of the Gentlemans Driving club He rather easily out laced hIs Pall oC rivals Lord Derby and The Monk being a slralghlheat winner Lord Derby drew the pole iind rushed over the half In l02 t Mc Kerron traveled the second quarter In 20 accondH and caught up An open Ing showed Itself and he was pushnd 1 In next the rail He workid up even to the Derby home Half way down the stretch Lord Derby made a tiring break and M50rron jogged home U he Monk had given up Just after the Half wan passed McKerron wits allowed to set the pace at the start of the second heat and at the last quarter Lord Derby sCt call for the leadet He had him aught but broke atuln at the time when hf bail I hiD only chance to vinrlic ci Ihuslasm of 12000 people was unbounded unbound-ed edThe The pacing cup also slays In Clove land 1 as Ananias outraccd Fred S Vcdgcwood while Shadow Chimes would nol pace al all |