Show the ethe tragedy of i 1 11 motherhood ilio tie from the hinline inline journal it to tita avi contain lot of doctrin out nut of ilia aind wo it will furnish some ri leiff li iff hilltop Eill Hill tor I 1 A yount young wife gao up lip y hor hr hillila lite llila in ml sterling sterlin 0 tho the other kalny d yaa an fn tile final act of I 1 hood 0 just US aa the tn tiny babe gave i 1 I 1 I 1 ll 11 I 1 firt faint ury which Is the and slid f a law IN tile sul aig r passed int into 0 ih tile nal I 1 the shadow whick Q ak dath e bah iah ta F martyr fco the file sometimes itile ani orallo deni demand tind of th this is I 1 lazily z tra of ovet y I 1 intelligent wornall keniv angly uce accepts fits when eho she turis onti to become it a mother I 1 and tin tills luz lazar ardol dof motherhood motha Is ii onu ne of f tile the chief that have hav upon tile the coll 81 do rati vii I 1 iff fitl pill lilleo unco tile the ti tho ti hili lies sand tho s of men women tile thu risk of motherhood In lioom yet how br biilly v y filid ui lit with it superb curite cui ite fortitude he they I 1 accept und inett ineat tho tha danger they thay uie are liko file who aliu go into acito b its dall dandois pors und fid facin th thum m t th 4 collage cou lage tho youny couii of wham we write was voll of khotan th tile otan an or L r lay along tile tho path of inot lit yet et giov and resolutely bizay happily and iv wont ut along the baj way fr or gerfe hers wasil of love till alio downing crow ning pro duet of two tao loy lov ing souls A child of love what wit at a glo iotis to ho bo thus conceived thus ared r it 3 I 1 loert 0 I 1 rt itald tl thu brou brought ht forth A chilel of lovet love how deeply mid baw tiu olin aman 0 a nitin mun when abo felldin fella in tier hor huri id lie he mould become tile matli r oe his child This is tho the ext extreme lp in e test of a comans womans P luva ova atla no ito domall should cun cor corneal neat out to marriage marri iya aniess slit has this fad ingIn in herh her givart tait for tho husband ins tant is to be unless attle s sho she 1 pan ain measure up lip to this self sac rit rif icing leing test of motherhood what it chilt so children aro are born into tho world who luo have not this thi priceless heritage of elf tho child of love blut a pity that so i many ennant od 03 little creatures tire into to I 1 life I 1 f e poor little unwanted poor little strays upon tile of hn e el they ato outcasts ducas casts ls before they uio are burn born tuey buoy are brought into under tho the till nn anit mice of riot not la Is it any bondt r thit that th they ey yo go astray in after life lafoy NN fiat a pity that children ehll dron have to bo be ali ejiu ut burn born may 0 wo o not in dilyo tho bobo bopo that lit in some gomo far oft off lily day to bo be all children childr en born ofa of women wil bo be tho ch children ildrOn 0 of loo alinta glorious lay doy that will be when tant time wa iva will bo be in tile tho way of producing a raca of moil men an and d won women lell that will hlll her it a delight to lo iteck and I 1 jy to the gods some thoro arlay ba who will say that such buch wilt writing ilig Is as tills this should not lint bo be done aono for thu tho daily press but why not pray it in writing thus ihus wo 0 write into tile tho hoart heart of hut hu humanity anity into tho very of U 1 f 0 analoro ana lovo mother hood is ns as common as men and wol men it la the growling grow ging f natured nat tha ciote t fruit and flo flow mr s the tha angshed product I 1 vi hout y r aall this ars woud ui have uran in ill vain why vt altor it 11 gud god forbid clial lyly tho trivial things 0 uj 11 id be treated lo 10 tha 01 the u ow tl e w ilter il tyr mattea r of u tile lla laev itlie tb trolls tout h pur our ilyas to 1 I aku or liia I 1 ligpit ah e D by and ii 04 tift asi t along th thief lit pak I 1 I 1 t wis vis dom or duty in tr q Y 0 incy ill T I 1 jim 1 nal all |