Show UTAH STATE stare ot at the weber club agdens organ tallon are planning the lection J ti tion of 0 a now new club house th of Brig hain city are dischi discussing the advisability of acha af lf holiday for the he gumfor from all ot at the tha intermountain states will gather in salt lake lak a on 0 ia june 3 15 for their annual session n walcha to list last several days daya oivi artisans are to forni form a political party ot at their own a committee ot of sevena been selected to prepare a declaration ration ot of principles and formu aai for a new party the assessed valuation or of provo C citie e ruperly for IDIO 1010 exclusive ot at ty Y assessed by the state board of amounts to 1 an In irease ot of over the year 10 haa nana thorne thorae and james hayes will not stand trial for tile the murder of 0 oco gen W sell the salt bait like lake grocer grocea who was tiled by one of tho the men when robbing his store until earl din kin june hodij y one out alit 0 twenty six samples or alk collected from the dairy wag orin thilo bile on their rounds in salt lake to bo be below the city stand artl artlan ar j I 1 ln n tests testa made by city chemist let 11 ia U harms john T lim gordon a mason while work insi inglat at the new court house in brigham city was at the bottom of an when a large rock fell on gordon was seriously hurt huit bulla Is recovering c of at ili hie elland hand cart V vet iet edans ei binn held a meeting in salt lake city on thursday and formed a perro anent organization to tc be known as aa ma lie daughters of the hand cart vet ar grafl 1 4 association boric york or of repairing the west western ern pa rac alon tile the shores of the he lake ajo it suffered buffered from the recent sla duts is IB progressing rapidly it la expected that tho the line will will be opened during the week jhb county commissioners have de ed 0 o hold the first good loads con atlon at ephraim Ephr alm may alay 17 brot 0 0 aad lyman and the Jb r V e salter Jf and 11 satt san evarl g t le sm anil al atone ne fred freda hock beck a libb doiy 1 avas burned to death at the side bide afi of bonfire which he and a con pan ion had built near the trot hot aprin sprin springs B total iota north ol of ogden deck was in and hla his clothing caught fire salt lake capital to a large extent will provide for the new water works system that will supply deliver beaver city work will be commenced immediately dia tely and the plan Is to have hare the system completed and ready for use within a year the city council of 0 provo has ordered an elect lore to be held tuesday al may ay 24 at which time the taxpayers wilt will decide whether the city shall chall be bonded for or 0 to build new water works and to build a new electric lighting plant snugly secreted lit in the rat lal or 0 list her kinky hair worth or of diamonds amunds dl an and d other jewelry valued at 1000 which aia supposed to have been stolen were found on oa cora coia wallace a who claims salt 1 lake alls as her home hoine anil and who was arrested at dolse A corps ot of oregon short line surveyors are now in cache for the purpose of laying plans and making surveys for the improvement and reconstruction of 0 the cache valley branch bran cli which was built by larl halll young and anoil as the utah central losing night ot of the road in till the dark graham Oraha ui ii u driver dilver for the P J construction company drove hla his team attached to a heavily loaded wagon into weber river near ogden ORil rin I 1 late te tuesday night and was drowned a tile the team valued at I 1 was drowned despondent over being deserted by her sirs mrs rilen ellen toms aged 27 years enra of salt lake city zt attempted tempted suicide taking a largo large dose of morphine her predicament wis was discovered by neighbors and she was hur vied to the emergency hospital and will recover prevented from informing 9 liln hig fani fam lly illy or of the dilding place a of if in gold silver and currency by being stricken dumb john J jones of 0 american fork saw hla his wealth so go up lit in smoke when the savings hidden in tin an old stovepipe in the stable were ci 1 isumer by flam es which de desti stroked oyed the stable Willi william arn 11 brown a neg beko 0 o convict ho bo with the notorious harry hairy tracy dave lump lamp ond frank edwards Ud Ld warda wards escaped front the fetah state prison oc tober 8 1007 1097 was returned from the penitent lay at lansing ka kaj kai j sunday morning to complete the of 0 a thirty months sentence heavy frost front over stilt salt lake and provo valley and as AR far north as cache valley thursday night causon a vast amount of 0 damage to trull fruit crops although in the larger orchards harda chera budke pots were kept burn bura tog ing ue the icca was waa comparatively light |