Show GOOD au QUALITIES OF 11 DAHLIA JACK ROSE sells til AIL prices far above chrysanthemums because of brilliant Drini ant crimson decidedly richer shade than found in so much has been said pro and con about this dahlia that I 1 would like to clear the atmosphere instances have been brought to lu my notice where a distinctly different variety was sold hold lor for jack rose Koge the old question of properly growing and handling the bloomi bloohm has baa also a great deal to do with this as with auy any other flower writes L 9 peacock of 0 berlin N J in gardening last fall jack rose nose was condemned by a great ninny many who had seen flowers from certain sources source sand and on seeing seelus blooms grown by us ua could hardly conceive them to be the same variety it was certificated by tho the pennsylvania horticultural society after having been critically examined and passed upon by expert committees at both the september and october meetings it was then pronounced the finest crimson dahlia on the market cut blooms selling for six dollars per too blo blooms onis now after another years growing luring during which we had several acres alter after one years experience under ad verse conditions in the face of th perfect flower how erf produced liy by compete coni nj growers in n probably the worst leasot we have experienced in the last ll 11 I 1 years with v etli the exception perhaps 0 01 1895 another thing not to be forgo forgotten aten li the file forcing quality ot of jack rose koso which la Is even today teeing placed ot os the market and sold bold at prices fai a above chrysanthemums as it has that thai brilliant rich crimson that appeals to all and lannot cannot bo be found in tle the chrysanth chrysanthemum einum a decidedly richer shade than found even in rose perhaps one of KB its best qualities 1 to largely responsible for tho the criticism of the color and I 1 wish to may ny most emphatically it does not bleach one fourth as a badly as lyndhurst Lind huret anti and yet lyndhurst la Is the standard vermillon vermilion scarlet lendhurst Lind burst Is inclined to show the open it allowed to get old enough to fade but jack rose hose con finues to untold for days ii until lil finally dahlia jack rose we can c an only sidd add to in the praise ex tended by us last year it was wa the healthiest plant we had bad on the place the first fint to get into bloomard bloom blo omand and every flower was waa perfect the entire season which in our location was wan a most trying one owing to the extended drought in justice to the fie many florists lorl sta and seeds men who have stocked up on jack rose it la in only fair to say that no attention should be paid to detrimental remarks made by inexperienced growers or even experienced growers who only know the variety there la Is at being absolutely full and even then the petals which have become somewhat bleached can beye be removed moved and it IS still a perfect flower if jack rose kose blooms were cut in the same condition and with the same regularity as lyndhurst there would be no complaint that the color was not everything that could be desired the only criticism made on jack rose has been length of stem and color and as I 1 am only answering tho the criticism I 1 an am not extolling the other merits of the lower flower |