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Show in LeKoy Shelby, Euirrtrf & m Argyle Utah Apr. Pn uriLit t ml r. second u' 1 ulJ class matter) published every Saturday was i idl things o Novemher 22, 1902. at the post ofiiee at Randolph, Bedi County, Utah. . The-peper,- 1 , S C u One Year in Athanee One Year if not in Advance fck LI I " 1 I O h 1 19 1910 44 To whom it may concern, The honorable citizen' of Ric.i to Pe it known that on the 24'h day oi ES in jed j be Hfe-shoul- " ' ' 1 the columns of the 5? ft Watches, Diamonds, ft Silver Ware, Cut Glass ft Hand Painted China, ft Finest stock carried in Dorothy Kfn s. v as hut d by aecnljent by iiltert Kennedy and Elijah Spencer, raid M rs Kennedy ,iasI! r j oblnlod to purchase nnotn ij1()rie ibe day following, bett'iuake j treat. pie, the weightier matters '" 1,25 the Id w, the vital qu lions j even acknowledge his part m tin ft lair " tuat touch our lives, to .sov f : ';or f at t mpting some settle-oADVEUTIS1N G HATES im-thi s causing Mrs Kennedy u.i ot ( Hi inches pt r Month 50o oi hem should bo passed Cards per Month 75c; Dnpliy to lioia id teeini-- s agiinst liim. After Local ahff Reading Notices ten cents per line for first insertion and five cents unnoticed and undisclosed. t; tnings had gone on tor some months, per line for each subsequent insertion. isAll Communications should bo addressed to TheNTws, Randolph, Utah. sid Spi no. r visited Ails Kennedj along that path does eit ter do t resto-dooior duty lie, -- Quincy (III) a ul asked what he eoud thini and old the freimlsliipbetwe.n SATURDAY APRIL 23rd, 19ln RANDOLPH, UTAH . tl.QO j j 1i f.Oo vix Months, if j aid in advance Sum pie Copy Sent Put on Request. of j - o Profe-won- y ! 1 r! C u- i vv n n n i j - Wyoming at i Journal. Official Directory martyr to the sometimes inex- ever intclliget.t woman w Laketown. orable demand of mclhei d. Tnis laztrd of molherhco 1 as plainly told in a liitndly way to well. pay his share and all would be Said agreement was made and said Spencer was to make Mtileniont shipping the beef cattle, ami now for the benefit of those who think said Laketown. Utah. settlement was made b it known that April, Li tn. 191b said Spencer has not paid a rent on an'n al. Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy . . r know- Edholm & Akin Co. af-e- u Jewelers' Evanston & Green River, TpZ ingly accepts hen she cons nts Mesdames Joshua Eldredge to become a mother. Ai.d this Probate and Guardianship hazard, of moth ;t hood is one of and Christopher Eldredge to arid from visit to their; Noticethe clti.-- f c'aini:, that women have afflicted bio. her at Garden City For further information apply ft upon the consideration. Hie en-rou- Restless and sleepless Wyoming. FORMERLY The Randolph Jewelers. te - i !4! j pai :::: ????????????????! ss tarried hor,v over Sat. and Sun. County Clerk, iuncc, the forbeatance, the jl? Blacksmith, Wheelwright & the tecclui ness of men and exchanged recitals of exper ?. Style and Painted in Notice to Creditors Cariiages Women Know tbenskot mother-bool- , tence with their girlhood kins and Farm Plows specialty. Implimentsa g deceased. Repuirn Estate of Robert Calder, yet how bravely ;,nd un- man from Bristol They visited Creditors will present claims with .e. Common Shoes Nos. to 3 per span.. 4.00 complainingly; with wi. at superb and were delighted with our vouchers to (tie undersigned at his .... 4.2-4 and 5 residence Jn Garden City in the CounChurch. eduiage, fortitude heui-u- i G 7 & be4.50 they Nos. of Rich and Btate of Utah, on or per span Last week the Ladies Releifi ty fore the 19th of August A. f 1919. accept and meet the dai gor, North Main Street 9: 1910. 1 hey are like men who into Society gave the Church a splen Date of first publication April kind-nessan- Horseshcer d ! First-clas- s - 1 13. j go 0 Roff Randolph, Utah. Kd ward Calder, laid heavy battle knowing its duugeis ' aud Executor of the estate of Robert Calder s;;;;5s-2ss:::si;;:i5;;;;;;Utii5J;ii5;asus;;si;;uii5;s5;5 stair Demlswl- facing them w th unlhuehing cirpet- along the aisles Nebcker Hart Xebiker & Thatcher ways. Tuecaipet and laour was courage. pry ayggaaeCT HSgKZtat 1 of the will Attorneys for the Executor. offering The young wife ef whom we all the free live in write was well aware of the dan- ladies. Long may they Uinta Elevator & Milling Company the land of ttu brave aLd the which Notice for Publication lay along the path of ger free, DEPARTMENT OF THE how motherhood, yet bravely DISTRICT. INTERIOR had a Circledale .missionary and resolutely, 1, few happily and Judge, First Judicial iMih't, U. S. Land Office V. 11. Muughn. joyously she went along the way oeuelit party last week raising Balt Lake City Utah R- C. Call seven dollars for each mission for hers was a child of love Attorney, April 9th, 191o We will till any order and in any amount and for any kind of Btate Senator, Third Scnuttieid m from their l.e burg, ary the Notice is of hereby given that Albert crowning produei two lov llurtoiur. orial Dbt. Grain, at the lowest market prices. Our prices defy competiSince our last esteemed com- E. May tie, of Garden City, Utah, who, ing souls. A child of Love! What Btute Representative, tion, get the same before buying. on Nov. 3rd, 1904, made Homestead Joseph 'f i a glorious n heritance to be thus munication two wee strangers entry No. 16142, Serial No. 02111 lor We are agents for the celebrated Garton Pedigree Oats conceived, thus nurtured under of the male persuasion have come BEi section 30, Township 14N, Range Does Club.' has filed notice of ' in- Commercial B.L.M., 5E, a woman's ieirt, handling BLACK VICTOR and REGENERATED S WEE DISH and thus among us, ohe to the family of ten tron to make Final five year proof that sound good to you? If it SELECT. x brought forth! A Child of Love! Victor B. Satterth waite anu the to establish claim to the land above L oosst th. for does just before the Clerk of the Distdescribed, How deeply and how trucl a other more recently to Alfered You FARMERS OF THE BEAR RIVER VALLEY1 ant riet Court at Randolph, Utah on the woman must love a man when Keans home. Reckon they have 1st day of June, 1910. ' ter plant these oats and Increase ur crop from 25 percent The ideal hush,. rds and id she fells in 'To 50 the best OAT on the market. Claimant names as vvituess her heart that she a grtut desire to get hereon the C. eal wives are often found with- would like to Ed t . Joli Easier, .. become the mother 1910 census numeration. WVstou samuel and Thomas Calder, of Don Mr. McKinnon Jt We ' i out jideas enough between the of Iiis child IIandmpH6"utah haj This is the extreme The conferuuce at Garden Gity Hodges, all of Garden City, Utah. ' agenV-v- as to sell any of the gjftods hand our authority twbforone go-ime of either 12. D. It. Thompson. Register. testofa womansalidi.ig love, last Sunday with Eiders RichX led by this Company, kind. auu no woman should consent to ards and Haywards presiding Notice All kinds ol GRAIN and GnASS SEFjru SOLD BY DS. Gel unless she has this was a a je n joy able tccassion and We heard a tnan the other day marriage Unitedt Bates Land office, in touch with us or our agent. for the hus- laigely attended. ' feeling in her Lake City, Utah, to work. a chance for kicking band that is to be; unless she A nl 15th 1910. Spring has come. The birds That man was a false alarm. Ma can measure up to this are here and so are the' arum m - r Wilom 1lt No man who wants work these Rpwrri Notice is hereby given that the .state exalted test of mother- ers from Z.G.M 1 McDonalds of Utah lias filed in this office- - lists of I will give 5 reward to any persou received and noted for report to the to 1 without be needs General Land Office at Washington employ hood days , by the said Btate, under finding any horse descuued as follows; D. C. Failure so to protest or contest Ogden Pbarruacal Co, aud others, lands, selected meat ten hours. There is all One bay horse branded 'Zou the within section 6 of ttie Act of Congress, approvv What a pitv tis that so many the time specified, will be con Last week a horse fell o er on ed July 16, ,1994, as Indemnity School left thigh. kinds of work in this district sidered sufficient evidence of the nonchildren are born into the world a rocky incline in the canyon, lands, viz: and good wages can be secured One bay horse w ith a strip in face mineral character of the tracts and the who have not this priceless heron left selections thereof, being otherwise free r rs" Si BE Bee 19: SIViSVYJ; NElSWi; branded a Bwan neck with Nephi Wahlstrom. He is re by good men. from objection, will lie approved to the Bee and of 21, 20, NWjsiW NiSEiSec. the Child of Love. Whut itage Y from the accid- T. 12X. It. 7E. B. L.M., 'erial 05S75; shoulder. tate covering nicely a pity 'tis that so many unwantbranded horse Brown E. D. R. Thompson IsBee. Ni.WY 'j; NElSWi; SvViSEi ent, ed little creatures are ushered BWINEI sec. 20; NKisWi&ec. 7; Sljslioulder All liorses branded P on Register. Our villiage carpenter George S W; BWlSEl Sec. 8; N EjSWi sec. 9, leftshnulder and aU i randed into life! Poor little handicapped, N R. 7F1., S. LAI , Serial. 05874. 40 Oil left shoulder. All horses brand-e- i unwanted beggars! Poor little Webb is with usodcb again after ;1 12 NOTICE bob shd runnel of vaid lists, so far as they rehis United in labors States Copies artistic the Land Office, Crnnty strays upon the shores of tine! ou left shoulder. One bay Balt Lake City. Utah. late tisaid tracts by descriptive They me outcasts before they Capital. Feb. 19, 1910. branded have been conspicuously horse with stirrup on who to die, ly Messrs Josiih and Luther posted ill th is office (or inspection by on right shoulder. All liorses through jUre born. Tuey are brought into drag To Whom It May Concern and by the branded with double arrow Notice is hereby given that the State a weary life with thtir eyes person interested beirg under the an influence of Tuft are preparing to leave their any h ead WUl It ft sliouldtr. or Utah has filed in this office lists of public generally. half open; lacking principle, mor rk t and' tumult. Is it any wondr r hrme in Bradford for a new oue lands, selected by the said State under jjr During the period of publication of p'sf al, independence, stirring decis that they go section 6 of the act of Congress, approvastray in after life? in Basalt Idaho. The good will of this notice, or any time thereafter, ed July 10 1894, as ion, generous resolves or even What a Indemnity School the people goes with them. Oae and lief ire final approval and certificat-I I. as. L'ci.di o pity that children have lands, viz: under departmental regulations of ion, the slightest ambition; whose1,to be Cokevilic Wyo t,hus born! May we not in- of his little boys was thrown off April 25, 1907, protests or conte- is NWiNEJ; NEiNWl Sec. 26: NF-lives are purposeless, aimless,,. . to the of claim State the of and a on any against a stick pony NWI Sec. 25, T. 13 N.. R. 6 E; BIG alighting dulge the hope that in some far Notice the tracts or subdivesions hereiubefo-NEi Sec. 33 : NWJN El Sec. 34, T. 9. X defenseless; and who live moie off under his chin above the described, on the day to be, all children born stuck ground that the sail e United States I and Office, 4 E., BEJilWi; R, indolence from mere than from of ,NElSi Sec. Is; women will be the children of throat. He was taken down' to is more valuable for mineral than for jlfLake City, Utah, Lots 1 and 8 Bee. 5; Lots 2 and 3 Bee. Mar. 9 ,1919. calculation. James Ellis. Berin' 18, T. 12 N., R. 5 E., S.L.M. love? What a glorious day that To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that the Btate will be! When that time comrs and so far as we can learn he is Copies of said lists, so far as they so to Utah lias filed in this office lists of of failure within contest, protestor we w ill be in the way of produc- doing nicely, relate to said tracts by descriptive side of The Tragedy the time specified, will be considered lands, selected by the said State, under have been eonspicously postMr. & Mrs. George Early wil sufficient evidrnce of the divisions, a race of men and women 6 ing section of ttie Act of Congress, r Rflotheihood. ed in this office for inspection by an.V selectof ttie and tracts ttie ved 16, 1854, that will be a delight to itself summer in their former home July aslndemnity School person interested and rl lie follow ing taken fmm the Quincy by the public ions thereof, being otherw ise free from lands, viz: s in and to Circledale, generally. jiy the Gods. he (I1L) Journal iqiptals to lisas containwill to the Stati approved objection, a SKI Sec. 24 T. 12 N, R. 6. E, During the period of publication of E. D. It Thompson, Register BKJ NFJ; HEi NWJ and Some there may be who will ing a lot of sound doctrin out of the Wm, Early purposes to soon lot 4 Bee. 1 this notice, or any time thereafter, and T. 13 N. It. 6 E., B. L. M. Serial 05608 ordinary and we reproduce it bclicvt-in- g iiefore final approval aud certification leave that such for Canada with several as tl is say writing that it will furnish some one good Copies of said lists, so far as they re- - under departmental regulations of Apr. should not be done for the dady of the younger Hodges where lute to said tracts by descriptive sub - 25, 1907, rtading. Editor, protests or contests against Foundations But why not, pray? In they a hope to establish homes divisions, have been conspicuously the claim of the Slate to any of the press, A sweet young wife gave up h sted in this office for inspection by tracts or ''subdivisions hereinbefore A. V, Eastman of Woodruff writing thus we write into the Fortunes Ik any person interested and by the public described, on 'the grounds that the her life in Mt. Sterling the other heart of humanity into the very beamed rn us as we write getsame is more valuable for mineral than generally. day ia the final act of mother- ci'adelof Life and Love. Motherthe spuds he bargained During the period of publication of aKricultural purposes, will be received ting hood, Just as the tiny babe gave this notice or any time thereafter and'8ntl liotcd fr report to the general Are right here in the advertising hood is as common as men and for last winter. columns of this raper. before final approval and Ijand oflice Rt Washington D. C. Fail-- , the first faint cry which is the certification, If What youre soiling; has merit, it is the the under of act women; crowging departmental regulations of ,lre tlw protest or contest, within ADVERTISE sign and signal of a new life, the IT. suff time d 25, consider 1907, be 'April ,Iwcffid "ill An ad. will sell it for you. protests or contests excelling nature: the perfect young mother passed into the evidence of the againsts the claim of the Slate to any Public LkKoyBhklbv, Notary fiuifc and flower, the finished of the tracts or subdivisions herein-- 1 cllaractcr of the tracts and the News Office, Randolph Utah. Valley of the 3hadow which we descriiied, on the ground that '0,'s thereof, being otherwise free from (Uiprrigl, MV. bj W. X. t.) an uncomplaining product of creation- - without call j and did cleaning. They . - i 5 5 M j f Evanston, Wyo. - - cim-Uophe- r - peViLave f ' h.-ai- t self-sacrifici- 1 - 1 j - i 05-52- non-miner- appro-characte- 1 vfor j j j i non-miner- seleot-befor- e h the same is more valuable Tor mineral obJeetion, will be approved to the than for agriculturol purposes,' will b E. D. R. Thompson Register |