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Show lr r- - nr DONT FORGET t ira'r1 From the Cottage Window In your next Grocery order, gently but firmly insist on Hewletts Teas. The pleasure enjoyed will repay you for, the trouble. XXX By DOROTHY Hewlett Bros. Co. Qavln Cuthbert tossed feverishly shout his great four-pos- t bed, muttering broken sen.nces. His mother trained every nerve in an effort to catch the words. Perhaps her mother GUARANTEE.! -A IrRw.APICOp love could fathom some slight longing In her son's ravings. As she bent over him to smooth h1 A Good Suit costs say $40.00 she caught the word rumpled A Good Watch costs say $40.00 "music." hair It was repeated again and with an accent of longing You wear th suit six months. Y ou gain Mrs. Cuthbert stood suddenly erect carry the watch twenty years or Why had she been so dense? Gavin more. Figure the comparative music and through bis delirium cost. Why dont men carry better loved very soul was calling for It watches? We sell better watches hisShe quickly enumerated her musical friends and realized that her task would be difficult: It was August and the citys population was scattered broadcast She and Mr. Cuthbert had SALT LAKE CiTt UTAH returned from the Isle of Wight at the first Intimation of their sons Illness. They were now In Kingscroft." their THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO country estate In Mottlngham. To find some one who could wield the power of song? Mrs. Cuthberts hand was on the bell to order the landau for her drive to tbe station when she stopped. An idea bad suddenly ....IS VIA..... presented Itself. Often when driving down the lane, Mrs. Cuthbert had beard a woman's voice emanating from a tiny, wistaria-coverecottage that nestled Just off DEETH U wly 65 milt, free JARBIDGE the road. Beyond the fact that a Mrs. tbe mis list af bath tbe Seetbera as it uj Wallace and her daughter from Amer-I- c Pacific aaJ tba Weiten Pacific RailraaJa. occupied The Cottage, Mrs Cuth. berts knowledge was limited Feeling that tbe voice that came from the CBAGER WIRE & IRON WORKS cottage would appeal to Gavin she did SSI STATE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY not hesitate in her purpose. Ten minutes later, the jeavy gate of the cottage swung back, admitting her to the gardens. When a young girl with two thick braids of golden hair answered the fall Mrs. Cuthbert of the brass knocker faced a very beautiful picture framed In the low doorway. I hope Introductions are unnecesdifferent The above represente one of the many in ao small a community, began resisary ot we for Fence manufacture Iron designs dence, cemetery lots and public buildings. tbe elder woman with a smile. Write for catalogue and prices. 1 have come on a peculiar mission, MEN AND WOMEN to Learn she continued, but many things are Barber Trade in Eight Weeks I am Tuition, with set of tools. 65 permissible where illness calls JAE18IDGE DEETII, NEVADA I d aweet-smellln- g Tuition, with partial set of tools, 55. Address MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE 13 Commercial Street Salt Lake City. Utah 8EAL8, STENCILS 1 A DOE 8, TRADE CHECKS, Etc. Full line Rubber Type Outfits, and supplies in stock. , Mail orders receive prompt attention. SALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Laka City A Narrow Escape. Two Irishmen, bent on robbery, held After a ufr a passing Scotchman. long, fierce fight, in which the Scotchman almost bad the better ot it, they succeeded in conquering him. A thorough search of bis clothes disclosed one lone , piece. Troth, Pat, said Mike, 'disgustedly, if hed had tin cinls Instead of a nickel hed have murthered the two of us! Everybodys Magazine. Had No Reason to Complain. Here, said the disgruntled actor, I dont want this part. If I play it Ill have to die in the first act Well," replied the manager, what are you kicking about? You die a natural death, dont you? If you got a chance to come on in the second act Chicago Record youd get killed. Herald. April Fooled Hia Mother. Robbie ran Into the sewing room and cried: Oh, mamma! Theres a man in the nursery kissing Fraulein. Mamma dropped her sewing and rushed for the stairway. April fool! said Robbie, gleefully. Everybodys Magonly papa. azine. Its Something in a Name. Well, well! surprisingly ejaculated the patent churn man who had not visited the hamlejt before in several When did you change the months. name of this hotel to the Taft house? "Right after we built on that big bay window, replied the landloni of the hostelry at Whittlesville. Puck. His Object. "He says he would like to meet the woman that can beat his wife cooking. I suppose he would elope with Houston Post. her. , Not the Same. What cle? do you call your mule, un- You mean w huts his name, boss, Houston or whut Ah calls him? Post. Damon, to His Pythias. You are a true friend Dueli3t The to me. You always support me at painful moments. I remember that you were a witness at my marriage. Rlre. Official Rudeness. Mrs. Newly I shall never let that operator send another telegram for me. I just gave him a message for the mj husband, and the first thing officious old thing did was to read it. Lippincotts. What are they giving away over here? Come along, Jack. Its a demonstration of face powder, of no Interest to us men. Oh, I dont know. Lets ask for taste. Washington Ileiald. a The Important Problem GOOD QUALITIES OF DOUGLAS to see it the eyes of this plctun matched tbe gown. His concentrated gaze drew her attention and she turned to meet his eyes. Yes. they are blue a toue darker than Come here!" be called Then, when she stood beside him. Are you real?" With a whimsical smile be stretched out a doubting hand. "Oh. yes. very, very Ruby smiled real." "You know. he continued, holding fast to her hand, I Imagined that I was entering another world and that you were there to welcome me with his voice became your music, but softer "you have brought me to life in our own world" He raised her hands to his lips before letting them Where is mother?" go. His mother had risen at sound of her name and dropped on her knees beside the bed. My son. "Little mother It is good to bo back with you. he said. The girl went quietly out. Tbe following days saw Ruby at the patients piano very often. And it was not long before be was ushered back to tbe glory and strength of life. Late one afternoon when they bad finished tea and the twilight shades added harmony to An already great friendship, Gavin voiced a well matured thought. Under the lightness of his words his voice rang with s steadiness of purpose. Miss Wallace, I am going to inflict a heavy punishment on your arts for having wielded their powers over me He when I was too ill to resist." looked up to meet an interested glance from his mother and a startled one I shall send you to from the girl some terrible music master who will make you breathe from your diaphragm and place tones in your head until you are completely his slave. When that Is accomplished you are to come back and show the world of art what a really great voice is. The girl was silent; two large tears gathered in her eyes. When she spoke her voice was low but tbe quality I can say nothing spoke volumes. at present you have made too much possible all at once. 1 have longed for what you have put before me and now 1 I want only to cry." There, there, said Mrs. Cuthbert, rising. If you must cry cry here on my shoulder. But Im not going to," came a muffled voice. I am too happy to cry. Not many twilights had come and gone before Gavin and his mother were t&ain alon$; each kneva great long to lng for the music of one voice.-Fthe heart of the mother Ruby Wallace had wrought a great love and in tbe oi DAHLIA JACK ROSE confronting anyone in need of a laxative is not a question of a single action only, but of permanently beneficial effects, whlqh will follow proper efforts to live la a healthful way, with the assistance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, whenever It Is required, as it cleanses tbe system gently yet promptly, without Irritation and will therefore always have the preference of all who wish the best of family laxatives. The combination has the approval ot physicians because It Is known to be truly beneficial, and because it has given satisfaction to the millions of families who have used it for many years past To get Its beneficial effects, always Slls at Prices Far Above Chrysanthemums Because of Brilliant Crimson, Decidedly Richer Shade Than Found In Jacqueminot. So much has been said, pro and con, about this dahlia, that I would like to clear the atmosphere. Instances have been brought to my notice where a distinctly different variety was sold for Jack Rose; the old question of properly growing and handling the blooms has also a great deal to do with this, as with any other flower, writes L. K. Peacock of Berlin, N. J., In Gardening. Last fall Jack Rose was condemned by a great many who had seen flowers from certain sources, and on seeing blooms grown by us could hardly conceive them to be the same variety. It was certificated by the Pennsylvania Horticultural society after having, been critically examined and passed upon by expert committees at both the September and October meetings. It was then pronounced the finest crimson dahlia on the market, cut blooms selling for six dollars per 100 blooms. Now, after another year's growing, during which we had several acres. after one years experience under ad verse conditions, in the face of th perfect flowers produced by competenl growers in probably the worst seasot we have experienced In the last 21 years with (be exception perhaps o) 1895. Another thing not to be forgotten li of Jack Rose which is even being placed on the market and sold at prices fai above chrysanthemums, as it has that billliant rich crimson that appeals to all, and cannot be found in the chrysanthemum; a decidedly richer shade than found even in Jacqueminot rose. Perhaps one of its best qualities Is largely responsible for the criticism of the color, and I wish to say most emphatically. It does not bleach as badly as Lyndhurst. and yet Lyndhurst is the standard vermilion scarlet. Lindhurst is inclined to show the open center if allowed to get old enough to fade, but Jack Rose con tinues to unfold for days, until finally the forcing quality y well-informe- d buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. The Response Mechanical. It is the custom in convents for the nuns to respond to a knock at the door one-fourt- with the words: "In the name of God, tue phrase being equivalent in conventional parlance to our worldly enter or come In." In a convent in one of the western cities not long since, the mother superior had a experience as a result of this custom, ome one in the outer world called the convent telephone number by mistake. The mother superior, roused from her meditations,, picked up the , receiver In tbe and responded mechanically: ' name of God." Madam! called an irate masculiae voice at the other end of the wire, there is no occasion for you to swear at me, even If I have made a mistake In the number. Profane language is prohibited over the telephone!" , Queer Attribute of 8almon. Only about 20 per cent, of salmon spawn before they return up the river from the sea, and those that do return after spawning are coarse, and, when cut up, while In the flesh; in fact, are known as bull trout, for bull trout are not a different kind of fish, but are plainly salmon which have spawned. d $100 Reward, $100. Th readers of this paper will be pleased to hM there Is at least one dreaued dlseuse last srieoot has been abte to cure la all Its stawe, and that H Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh t ure Is the only positive cure uow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a oousiiuiuonat discuss, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken to tematiy acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy kur the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient the constitution and assist-ln-g strength by building t-up nature In doing - work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its c iratlve powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It fails I pure. Hend for list of testimonial CO Toledo, O. Address F. J. CIIKVKY Hold by all Druggists. 75s. Take HaU's Family PUis for constipation. that Dahlia Jack Rose. we can only add to the praise extended by us last year. It was the healthiest plant we had on the place, mans? the first to get into bloom, and every was Something told Gavin that it flower was perfect the entire season; best not to tell the girl until such time which, in our location, was a most as she herself beckoned him. Her letto the extended one, owing trying ters from Germany were filled with drought humorous, and sometimes tearful, acIn justice to the many florists and counts of her studies and always. Inwho have stocked up on seedsmen termingling, were little phrases of love Jack Rose, It is only fair to say that and gratitude for those who were no attention should be paid to detriher benefactors. remarks made by Inexperimental One evening, after three years bad enced growers, or even experienced passed. Gavin stepped into the draw- growers, who only know the variety room looking so handsome in bis Mrs. Cuthbert 8tood Suddenly Erect. ing evening clothes that even his mother going to ask a very great favor of you. stopped to caress him before putting Miss Wallace. the question uppermost in her mind I hope Mr. Gavin Is no " Gavin thought her wonderfully lovely, No he is no worse, but be calls radiant with some inner excitement. Have you any engagement for music incessantly and I was at a loss what to do when I remembered dear? she asked. None; anything special? having beard a glorious voice creeping Would you mind taking me to tbe through these little casement windows" Mrs Cuthbert turned with a opera qharming gesture to indicate the win"Theopera! I thought you mother! dows. around which rose buds were What Is It? you are hiding! Then peeping suddenly: "I know! She is , When her gaze returned to the girl Yes, boy Ruby is singing Juliet. she was startled by the change In her. She sent me word with this. The eyes glowed with an Intense fire, Mrs. Cuthbert drew a scarf from her the slight figure was drawn and tense neck, disclosing an exquisite necklace. while her entire being expressed It represented a few bars of music; latent emotion. Mrs. Cuthbert was no tbe lines were fine golden strands held longer In doubt as to the owner of tbe together by the bars of tiny diavoice; this girl was music incarnate. monds; each note was a matchless She arose and went to the girl pearl. "Will you come and sing to my Gavin turned "It Is beautiful! son? she asked. away his head quickly the girl seemed The wistful appeal In the mothers suddenly very near and a great gladeyes went straight to the girls heart. ness thrilled him. 1 shall come My boy," said his mother, tenderly, with you as soon as I can wind up my hair. you need not hide It from me I have "It looks so pretty as It Is. coaxed always known. He turned and caught her In his Gavins mother, running a hand down two silky braids, "and it cant have arms. Gavin sat far back In tbe box. He been up very long. She had her way and a few moments seemed to be chained down waiting later Ruby Wallace was sitting at Ga- for the entrance of Juliet only the vins piano which was visible through sight of her could release him His heart gave a great bound for she the doorway of his private sitting room. Like the ripple of a woodland was there and his whole being went brook, the prelude to an old negro out to meet her. Every note, every melody drifted into the. room. Her gesture was like a long drawn breath voice was not ordinary; In fact, it was from a garden of flowers to the man very rare, possessing the quality of who waited She was the same Ruby whose voice tone that goes right to the heart and lightens tbe shadows of life. As she had coaxed him back to life. Now she sang, tbe patient became Interested, stood leaning over the balcony with a then calm, and finally the dull apathy moon casting Its light on her head and faded from his eyes and they closed trailed down her back and yes It Into tranquil sleep. A deep sigh of re- ended In two golden tassels. Gavins lief escaped Mrs. Cuthbert and she, bands clenched on tbe velvet of tbe box railing when the Romeo of tbe too, was soon lost in a rest A tear glistened on her lashes opera clasped Juliet In what looked and Ruby Wallace, seeing it and tbe like an unnecessarily close embrace, To obtain a good stand of grain It is vanished when, sleeping man, knew that she bad won but that memory necessary to use the largest and one of the greatest triumphs of her afterward, Juliet sat beside him In so close that the soft plumpest grain for seed. Small or She played on. from one melody the carriage life. was warm against shrunken grain gives weak plants, cloak of her down to another arm bis many of which will fail to mature In Gavins eyes opened slowly; they arm under coat that the He slipped m unfavorable season. A sudden who a of on girl the profile rested 1 have waited lhange In temperature, a prolonged seemed to be all delft blue and gold; and drew her to him. an aureola of sun 6hone on her head three years dear, he said. drought or a slight frost Is more likeShe dld not speak, but somehow ly to destroy the weak plants than md trailed down her back where It Gavin there In the darkness of the carriage, The increased yield at Jhe strong. nded In two silky tassels and tried he knew that be need wait no longer arm one on himself raised larvesting time Is quite a considera Dear. Why do people use the expression there is nothing left at the center, asked the being absolutely full, and even then Dear sir so frequently? the petals which have become some- man who was writing a letter. I don't know," answered the man what bleached can he removed and It is 6 till a perfect flower. If Jack Rose who was figuring on bis expenses, unblooms were cut in the same condi- less sir' Is shorf for sirloin. tion and with the same regularity as Retribution may come from any Lyndhurst, there would be no com- voice. Surely, help and pity are rarer plaint that the color was not everymore needful for the rightthing that could be desired. The only things to bestow. George Eliot. eous criticism made on Jack Rose has been Dr Plcnw'ft Plrannt Pellets rwrnata and tort length of stem and color, and, as AUmmch, liver and bowels. am only answering the criticism, I am orate Uay granules, easy to take as ommIv. not extolling the other merits of No, Cordelia, rain checks never the flower. 1 bugar-uats-4 check the rain. MOST DESIRABLE GRAIN SEED AFTER t, SUFFERING FORYEARS to-da- y long-neede- d Cured by Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Compound ms I was sick for years while passing through the Change of Life and was hardly able to be Park Rapids, Minn. around. After taking six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhams vegetable L Com- gained 20 am now ponnds, able to do my own pound work and feel well. Mrs. Ed. La Lou, Park Rap- ids, Minn. I was Irregular Brookville, Ohio. and extremely nervous. A neighbor recommended Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to me and I have become regular and my nerves are Mrs. iL Klnsisok, much better. Brookville, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Comound, made from native roots and erbs, contains no narcotic or harmholds the record ful drugs, and y for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, tion. In the illustration the heavy and indigestion and nervous prostration. suffering woman owes it to herlight samples of barley A, II, C, and D Every self to give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegecorindicated with as plants produced table Compound a trial responding letters above. I f you want special ad vice write Mrs. Pinkham, Lyn n, M ass., for it. It i3 free and always helpful. Germinating Seeds. Garden seeds germinate quicker and RELIABLE t PROMPT better when soaked In warm water ANNA T . tolL7oc Gold nd Hilver, t 00; 1 w Gold, Hilver and tUd. is nwwfl This before planting. especially Gold and Hilvar rottoed and bought, Corner, wr'te for noticeable with seeds having thick and mailing sack. (MiOLN CO, 15J6 Court IUcoi Denver, Colorado heavy seed coats. to-da- |