Show tie kc uva homo home la Is sn in the country lw be on eluo use it is on a farni Is only an jn a n ali it raould 0 o il be up to il ite lt and nao 1 atu foi toioi c who are fortu nate nale enough to live in it the country really leilly end in inori to biroc in ill aale it bomea onies than d do 0 mose aloe who live io in in cities and it il JH is ilo 1110 true thai tint firm arm homes and farm lift life 1 is daily nily becoming more and attractive tt the die inside of our haume houme u is one oili home so MI why not make it nice nice and at racene homily antl anti cheerful up to date ij tie and an I 1 modern you ou think of burning lurkins tallow canalis cand lis A yet why vip wall papery imari in order to a 11 few lle fined people aele in every community to the ard ti idy of foft velnew walls a of in bolor aloi it freed ane offer r of bi wull lencibi len cili 4 of it blassic Its nic design is ia raido made to every lealler of una this paper it id is ako foible to h without any e olor lor gug suggestion for your our homo hom v lin y on tie the most suitable ui tahle colors ors to tille the elt taina anti over curtains etc in fact the bervice eraci ert ci of if it lee anlie architect are at your disposal without lit ciure charge to you in e it of there aro jnnny anti anil moot mont ex cell ellent tnt designers design erm of in brior decoration lt it takes taken money and tune to carry out ant luicir air NOW this dime bervice is ill at the llie di of every reader if lie alak aalta for fop it and better than all it tells you how you vall nil either il do the work vork yourself or direct some one cc cl c it gives you exact rind color and the to ilo do lie ilia work without charge |