Show ihil t 4 1 4 LEROY sit amt ny notary public now randelph utah ulah 4 s 5 S fi lt 4 i i 1 8 H probate and guardia guardianship biship notice for further apply appl y t county clork clerk notice to creditors 1 eliete I state of holert calder alder deceased cre diters will clA illis with youthers You chers to ill lie tit lit hia city in ill tho connit ty of nicci tic and state of utah on oil or be fore the of A 11 1013 date of first publication cation april 0 1010 edwrard calder Cu liler executor oft if tho lie estado of robvrt ailder decet ell ker hart thatcher attorneys fur the executor notice motice for publication di i 01 Ob TIIE U 8 land office suit Illi utah april aplin oil dill lolu 1010 notice ig abt n that albert EL NI ay it up of city U butali tali iho lo 10 lon on nov ard 3rd floo estead serial no lor for I 1 bei action crt loii 30 township 1 hange in lige 6 emiil ESI il has tiled notice noti of intention tent loii to final live year proof to the land ilbo above e de seri bed before the hie clerk of tho the district court at randolph utah on oil the iff M lay day of juno 1010 1910 ns as t 0 lo 10 0 fit ter ed ehte hess ati cador ilav gilb 1 u tl i and tha a hodges till ill of city utah E B D it thompson register notice sittia entes litile fatu 1111 at lake city utah 1 april 10 lah h IU 1 I 1 ji i stay may edtl concern erti it luu I 1 h hereby given 11 en that theSia tin te has lias died in effalee lists listii 0 of lands by y tit yente under lanile ler section G of the act of congress approved july 10 1801 M anden school lailda lai VIZA st SE soo IN 19 NISI NISE ac c 20 a binl tV I 1 hee 1 ll 11 I I 1 T 12 it 11 ak ah S LM M trial 0 as jec IS kenw 8 NV N EI sec ln N cism I 1 see 7 S si ja favl 8 IV 1 see sec 8 N lo 10 sec 0 9 12 tt 12 N 11 71 11 1 Sef berlyl fill I 1 oples copies I flea or of if aid litto lists so RO fur far as they relate tracts ly fly descriptive sub d n have been conspicuously poI posted ted in fit tit Is 14 office for or inspection b by anny perio int litte and liy hy th the 1 generally the period of of ifil otice notice or ur any toiuo thereafter fit d bcd irto fitial approval and certification under til regulations 0 of arll akrit 20 5 1007 protests enta or conte condet 1 tx ts hist tile the alahn of tile the to ally 0 of athe the tracts or afons described till tho the ground found that lite lionais liona sane ii 13 more valti abla for mineral ahn alinn ti to for agricultural poso will to bo received pi ral mid id noted for report to tile Oen Gel erril lerel ittin altce onica nt at wn D C U J failure so to protest or conet within the una time specified will be conal derril derri of tile non mineral tract sand the lie se select ert foni ther therbor eor being io five fice from object lon will be approve approved I to the santi j II 11 I 1 it Thoi upion pion it egister foundations fin for fortunes 1 Y are right here in the advertis advertising in I 1 col columans of this if what youre delfing siiri has haa merit A ADVERTISE D VE i IT T an ad will vill sell it for or you yott 5 it 5 watches diamonds silver ware are cut glass WO hand painted aisted pc chinca china 2 F hinesl I 1 i ties t stock carried in ill R wyoming at atas edholm akin co ta and Blee plesy j evanston green cre en river wyoming 44 FORMERLY FOR the randolph Randol tb jewelers jj tM 1 ww W vw i blacksmith wheelwright 8 1 Car carringer repaired and painted lit in first class style repairing ilnia abild farin farill a specialty shoes nos I 1 to 3 per span 00 4 and 5 42 i 3 nw nos 6 7 per span no north r I 1 I 1 main imalis street N 33 13 TR pzoie CD cf randolph utah V uinta elevator milling company evanston wyo we ike will till fill any nr derand in any amount und and for any kind of grain at the tha lowest market cricos our prices defy competition got get the sanie same before buying wo vo are for or the coleb celebrated rated garton carton pedigree oats handling BLACK VICTOR and RE REG SWEE DISH SELECT FARMERS OF THE DEAR BEAR air RIVER ER VALLEY you want ant to tai tanise ese vals oats and increase ybur crop from 25 05 pel per bent ent to 50 pe it ve the best OAT on tho the ni market arket jf wo we mr dan an mckinnon of it it d ri tai a li our it 10 authority to sell any of the tha g d hand band led lea by y t this h 1 cigany Ci pany j all GRAIN x and 11 BY US gel geb in touch with us or our agent owr f reward rec received elved and noted for report to lie I 1 will give 5 reward to any person beneral 1 j bald y office at washington illy horzie iw follows follow D failure allure so to protest protea t or contest oil ao bay ahre branded oil 0 tile the left w athin tho the time specified will v 11 be con siim clent evidence of tho the nou noir one bay horse with a strip lit in race face nil mineral character or of the tr tract and the branded it i a wan neck ye rya on oil left selections thereof being otherwise free front from all lynnr tl shoulder ass fa tato into objection wilt will ll lie be approved to the brown horse branded s c on oil left E K D n R thompson shoulder all horses branded P on oil register left shoulder and a all I 1 tran ded deil d 40 on oil left shoulder all horses brand N 0 T I 1 C E el ed bob hit setd 11 blaw I 1 united state 14 land onice office 0 on 11 left shoulder one buy bay I 1 salt bait lake city utah horse branded with stirrup feb 19 1910 stirrup on oil right shoulder alt all horsy horse 4 eel 15 to choin it may concern branded with t double lou arrow notice W 1 i hereby riven given that the state li it end cad tj ast fyn ayn af it i aft shoulder should tr or utah lias has filed it in this office fists of 4 1 A w lands selected ily by the alien laid aid state under i m section tion 6 of the lite act of congressi Cong resti B approve ell eil july 10 as indemnity school giai li ai lauds vy alz wyo gee 26 ni NEI rz ott 0 11 c e N nwe vf sec 25 T n 1 N it 11 0 6 E wi united states land olllie jill c W 3 N wa 1 E I 1 sec 34 T 0 N S I city utah it II 4 E SI bej 11 1 wl vt N kis i see sec IS alar 0 1010 0 lo 10 lots ts I 1 and 8 yec sec 6 5 ota lota 1 L 1 and 3 sec ec ITO to whon whom it 1 may 18 T I 1 la N it 6 5 E 1 l notice ay iy kiven given that lie of utah ling 1 blied flied in ill till onice listh lf of I 1 coplen arto of sald hald hits flits so far ni they rel relate a to s tracts cristh still landi selected liy liv the sald state kanh under by y descriptive c 1 nee ion 6 of tile the act of congress con division have been beau conspicuously pool poni ampro ali i 11 i thlu roe any by bcd july 16 asiu isa a indemnity school I 1 1 lands landa viz ni interested eted and by the public getie generally ridly I 1 N na 1 a S EJ ac 21 T 12 N H R 6 E during alo period of publication of 18 yat 1 aki N 11 SF HE wa and lot 1 sec bee I 1 ill this Is notice otlee ti or ally ny time thue thereafter shereaf bert ani and T 13 N it 0 6 E 1 a L M serial omos before fitial approval and ople pill 9 auf 11 1 bald 1 I ld 1144 so far aa they under departmental regulations of apr aar 1 tracts by duser sub 25 1007 prote tm or contests cont cata against liolla have been conspicuously the i clithia of the state to any ally of the in ill this ol 01 onice fur inspection by t racia or subdivisions hereinbefore n anny person interested and by alie public described on tile the grounds that tile generelly gene rully naine Is in more valuable for mineral than miring during tile the period or of publication of purposes seB will ivill be received this notice or any tittle time thereafter hereafter anda and intire noted fr for to the general final approval alari certin cation land office nt at washington 6 v fall under departmental oya of tire bof o contest within tile ilia A april april 25 23 1907 protests or coatto pacified will be sull the el of trio slat slate to ally of i the isusi of the tracts or ar s subdivisions herein character of the tract 4 and al sele gileot si leot at before on oil the ground hat flint lo 10 lona ris thereof behrig otherwise free from froll the val valuable bable for or nl mineral rl ja will wil 1 w e alar I 1 oiled t 0 llie t 1 e lian alldor for purposed pur posea will will bs diat E I 1 it q n tr |