Show ground aund rank faker says moore E 5 W T A 0 me S faa 0 I 1 I 1 L AlO nr chief of the wallis weather bureau la is thu tho victim ot of a professional gr grouch ile he lias has become incensed at the ground hog as a busl bunt ness rival ho believes e lila him competitor should be lot let in for a share of caiti clam cism and not all of 0 it thrown at his head you yen never pick up a 0 paper said prot prof moore that you dont see harsh barab criticism of the weather bureau bureada we get roasted if the weather la Is hot we get roasted it the v weather eather la Is cold and when it rains the abuse heaped upon us in id terrific no ina matter tier what we do tt it la Is wrong it we miss inelss the time of the coming of rala by half an hour wo we a ar re de lared grossly incompetent naturally 1 being director of the bu reau I 1 havo to bear the ha brunt of 0 this thim criticism that Is na as it should be moreover I 1 nin am used to it hut while the ho abuse Is aning around why not tio liw impartial with it what about that great brent weather prophet the ground hogl hog what about ground hogs bogal I 1 ask you ou la is he be not the greatest faker abd tbd greatest tho the greatest bun bull combo artist that ever pretended to look at a 11 louil HII and tell you what was in it what did he be do this year did he be inake good not a bit of it 11 he ha crawled out of his hole on february 2 saw his shadow got his picture in every paper in the country find aud I 1 then beat it back to his lair leaving behind him the idea that ho tho t remainder of february and nil all of march alarca would bo be marked by bad weather was it a reliable forecast I 1 should say not we have had bad tho the mildest and most beautiful march in years yet the ground bog ga off without a singly roast and next year people will be just as eager to believe la in hla his jud judgment guiont 1 |