Show important to mothers examine carefully overy bottle of CASTORIA agate a ante anil and surara auro medy for or infants ana and children and see it deare the he signature ot in vw use for over M byj years the kind voi have always bought is 75 G L DOUCLAS u SHOES 0 KB C 0 aliw aro sro A f a d s W y 1 I kliots shoes li suo su o vior ori lii by more until liny other ninke 91 al BECAUSE wt iMi imielski elKi nil tir ac th prior biilly th world a 11 flo W hinl wl ul afi 10 lidd hakl 11 war r 1 sam A fast r t color call cutlets clr hr W I 1 W nl V ali ask for V 1 1 1 1 nut for in dwir lu n 11 ll far full linn 1 if arlt khurt fr froin r aft wr burr lurr u th I 1 warr 11 II altril lt ril d IV V I 1 X k finran e 0 B B 91 U ia 31 1 I have used your valuable CAS Carets end and I 1 find them perfect berfect erfe ct 10 lo do without them I 1 have used them for some time for and biliousness mid and am now completely cured recommend them to everyone once tried you will never be without them in tile tha amaly family edward A ma marr albany NY aleas 4 palatable pot taste gool good do hood good noar tit or aripa lucesc lUcZ Sc soc never sold brak the a d ulna tablet stam lied C CC Cuart atee d t to 0 cure or your asorey odey back OS lhnn tre ma til c h h U edna edh h alanl nUy 13 r B 49 Is all th 7 ii mr batula ratula LY aa IL i a aft ArfAt tn auy g iii Tr 11 ti d dow it arl tor for i fm it 1 XIA fifth d tit 1 11 COLDS AFFECT THE KIDNEYS ZI U ra your liver is clogged up that thais why youre tired out of sorts sort have no appetite LITTLE LIVER PILLS w will al put you right caarten i ir a fut few ew days day SM bydo do gsg their duty y cu cal ia 1 I LIVER PI PILL L IS cuipa ct ipa y V tib M w In la assess iaci indigestion uj and sick H Vo Jacke riu SMALL SMALL GENUINE murt beat bear signature t Ss U y AL color beadi bir sad anil filler faster colors colon thlin thin volt ten cam CA die df any il hul faull ing art anti R ur it hims ICel lil lf cysts bires I 1 and all X ayea yen that thai nem care try marine eye salve asp tie tic tubes trial rial SW ask your drug atiat p st or write murine kt eye remedy Rm ely co h arago W voilla fill J JOINTS g f THA ank R r 8 TIFF aind airn froni calil i U or r 1 I aln lip imin or ir aruille bruille youit you lour milt it HT ihira er tile flie bome boma redy re dy 70 years airs lr Soot soothing hinc syrup bor arn t thina biln a culic e ilc a autu kutu M 1 I H dodl 1 sarsaparilla will purify your blood clear your complexion restore your appetite ppe tite relieve your tired feeling build you up be sure to take it this spring get it in usual liquid form or choco tablets called doses doada 1 many things combine to make home cheerful but no one thing plays so imp important orant a part as artistic taste in wall wah decoration beautiful cleanly and wholesome is A laurn da the coaling we have ides ide de s on color elbic and much that will in I 1 in terest the discriminating house home owner these ideal have cot cost us ua money but are free to t you ask aik your dealer or write direct Ala bastine co grand rapids mich BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED A picture lne free will trill ix bs gi lit to anny Y velince buy y or orl of 11 mallry 11 Y very miner 1 dasing d asing will pot a clr oil the a f or heavy blane blai no wore ore boning r d ing guarante or your oar 21 money ley back L lad ad 10 II 11 isetts eul for bux box aud particular C R DAILEY BAILEY 99 franklin street new york IDAHO IRRIGATED LAND th 1 diff li I lund awat ater nv III ut 1 14 llila A 6 of f iu idaho ciul acro 11 ur r tt I 1 for diore r eash wn will rent I 1 it not ot soon old address ita toiler y kit bit F 0 9 DEFIANCE STARCH 1 W N U salt lake city no ii 17 W 1910 10 facts for weak women nine tenths tenth of alt all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis di case of the organs franx distinctly emin inc such sickness lic koei can ca be b cured is ii cured every day by dr pierces Pier cers favorite prescription ati on it makes weak women strong Stron jf sick women well ivell it acts att ctt directly on the organs affected end nd is ii at the tame some time a general brei cetor tors tive five tonio lor for the whole system it cure cures female complo complaint int right in the privacy oth 0 home onte it makes unnecessary the disagree disagreeable tible questioning que tion miji examinations end local treatment so BO universally insisted inflated upon by doctors doctor and so 10 abhorrent to ti every Flo odest wo worna mal ii we shaIl loot parti cule ize here MS 9 to the tha symptoms of 0 thone peculiar effi incident to women but those wanting full inform information atio as t to their apr ap aar means macins 0 of positive cure are referred to the peopled People Ile oples 1 cora raon men jense medical adviser 1003 1008 pages newly reviled sad and up to date daia edition sent free on receipt of 21 on os 3 cent stamps bamps to cover cost ol of mailing only or in cloth binding for 31 stamps address dr R V pierce buffalo Buff ato NY ff JL S I 1 he distemper among the corn H t vaa im planting Plan B tind may iw be near v luscor alg mares are re foal foullie in w r may take ta k e mome of thew 0 a pluming planting duay be late if your four bobar lie li e DISTEMPER CURE Is ill your true agn firm rl l lk t curf cure am al ns preventive mo and wt t 1 41 M IN anil a nd 8 1000 don do n del I 1 vered large in 1 wore more than twice awk e the get it tir bend to man a medical co Che alisis mi and goshen lad ind USA 0 11 1 AN U P T V on A TE STOVE do you realize there is no longer any reason why you u should use a coal range rang oil is cheaper than coal it is lighter and easier to handle and gives an intense heat provided you have the right stove oil is more economical cleaner and less trouble have you seen the 4 new perfection tovel 1 the accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of its appearance you really cant appreciate it until you either use it yourself or talk to someone who has used it it does everything that a coal range aiu do except heat the tha room the new perfection oil cook stove will do anything from beating a kettle of water to cooking a course dinner but it wont beat a room it smell it smoke it cant get out of order light it and it is fa ready turn it down and it is ailt out only a woman who knows the trouble of carrying coal and cooking coking in a hot t 4 kitchen itchen fc can appreciate what it means to have a clean perfect stove that will cook anything rny eny thing boil bake or roast and yet wont heat the kitchen how is 13 it done the flame is controlled in tur luoise luoise blue enamel chimneys and directed against the bottom of pot pat ran pan kettle or oven and only there the flame operates exactly where it la 13 needed end and nowhere else with this stove your kitchen is cool the nickel finish finith with the bright blue of the chimneys makes the stove orna and attractive made with 1 12 2 note decors and 3 burners the 2 and 3 burner you get this above sto stoves can be had or without that jho n me alto reads cabinet r d it if dani tl i lo 10 III ct alio llio continental oil company L IE S it othir dye on one iao icka I 1 colars ill all fiber thet d die in n cold aar better than any hinr dr dro r in booklet how to a oi 81 baltich ap h and m ali I 1 colors colon MONROE CO Quin cil illinois |