Show lake laketown town 6 11 j A r Lake laketown town utah jvon Alith I 1 lOlO 1910 Mos danies ja joeln 1106 eldred eldradge o and dal on to abill 11 liolu atsu to their bi bun bolher her at ai garden oily city tarried her harz over sat A and sun and exe exchanged ban ed I 1 attai I 1 of ospar lonco ienco with their gl bijil oo 00 d kins man from dristel 41 Y visited anil oro v ith our last week tile tho lis society gave the 6 church ell it 11 bileti asplen W did thayl uld beavy c cinat t alun blung tile the and stair ays irtys tile carew 1 iba wis ull all tile iree vill all 14 nf f ladies idies li alting ill giuy ahey d live tn in I 1 the land of thi bittie and i d tho the t free Circle dalo had ii n butle fit fl baily arty last v iea ek raising siny aven dollars fur for eft euh h nession sion nry Y I 1 in t itu field N aiom oni their bary barg last u coin wee of at tho 60 analo persuasion pur suasion diun hilve ot it I 1 among us oho ohe to tile the family of victor H B Satt erth anu unu thu C friar more recently to alfared nearis a home Leel cull tit y havo have f A cicat M at desin to yec get tier hem 0 on oil thu the 1910 ci anus fc tholon I 1 ie ra I 1 w 0 at bardun G arbet ardet city baht sunday with elders vichi kichi iirth ards I 1 I 1 and luy Ilay I 1 wards presiding i I 1 was cc assion and att oridea via e s 4 sanny 11 tins has cocq coni ahu thu jhu birds bird lre are her bore U und Y id so arc aft tho the uru f i urs ors from I 1 mcdonaldd McDonal db 0 bodon dan phar co ceaud and others last lasit week it horay borse fell over un oil a rocky incline so lin tho canyon with nephi ild H Is re dively from tho the ont our carpenter georgo webb is with us once af ter his bis artistic labias in tho the 0 anty an ty capital josiah and luthor tuft are preparing to leave thir himo in III bradfor r d for a now new 1149 in basalt idaho thy the good wll nv all ol 01 C tile the people goes with them oio aio 0 of if his bib little boys wits was thrown off a pony and on oil it a stich slick stuck under above tho the throat zit ho he was taken down io to I 1 paris by his father fatherty fAt herto to be tre and so fur far as wo we can call learn hol hei J doln doin nicely mr it mrs george early earli vill I 1 J I 1 summer sum vilor in their former homo lit in Circle dalo dale win early purposes to soon leave for canada avit with h se several veral 1 of tile tho younger hodges where they it ii I 1 hope to establish homes A V Rk istman of nf woodruff beamed rn en us as tb 06 arito getting the iho spuds ho he bari baro 0 albod for foi last winter |