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Show Vmr-'rn:- miri nir f THE BAfJKOF RANDOLPH is prepared to take - .: . Efi Home 8j$ Baked Er needs. Our ft Spring Goods out of the county for i y Biscuit, Cal Fresh, TasieF i your Not necessary to go p-- i (f care M& ' financial accomodations. Let us know your needs. Dont forget our safe 9 ful, and EconciiiFci! made with vk A:. Nuf Sod JOSHUA EL.DREDGE Deposit department. Department $1.25 per year for your life ins- urance policies, deeds, notes, and all valua- - stf&sa. mss&ssnexsss&ssf &ss&Kiie& No Alum No Lima y f . Royal is the from Royal Grepc . v New Dry Goods Hree j catling Cstrcyed r uidcil tnaiigh vv illi a liar over on It ft shoulder Inform Flakier Bios at Woodruff by 'plume or Utter and be rewarded. In c! Tc.r;?nr is at ,For Sale. File Rich County Resiling to change ttie blood, we 'oile fur hale or trade our pure bred - ' W 2 Business Directory. k For First-cU&- Service Ajpl s To Them. Fire 2T k vv , ood J52-- ! .1 fl. E. WING m. D. t m . i Ot j U i It Ui. ioi Otu. l s i O I. ailing j ii i'ii -, f i n Hit Physiciarj aod Surgeoi). n lni Jill . J c Ask to see our New Embroidery i ill k VtVC Loose Seeds opii.ni. Office in Residence opposite Bar,k & RANDOLPH, A Ii U.r si ti uo Iiiatit tt'v ii jj i i . Health Officer. S i4y ...iu tiuii AiiOu it HUIit.b auti f UTAH. Jk HOTTtHDORF ' Eiai;-iation- . Successor to Bids Wanted w J.4C mV. 1.3 . Doctor Reay: AND PHYSICIAN rnzCEZS' The Randolph Hospital Dk. A. J. WAHtr, Mara Street; between and HcKinaon Hotel A cntti-taii.c- RANDOLPH MEAT MARKET Marshall ALL B.dg & Evans Props - KINDS OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS We pay u ud-isa- ble ssi-ta- 3m.i V a I SURCEON S&IJBf mtendent Of j v vA Licensed In Utah by " Iiad eteryonc obsirved Arbor di y For the eonetruetion of a bridge on um KitAj kJl UtUu.tUilRSS Uvt ii as Mime of our cURene did, bow Uiueu Otter Creek at Sam Nslsiia mind. ... .. awU tyiVi Vvv.t UOi.u more improted our town would be. Also for a t r dge on prlllg Ceik be W AlUt? A Wa U U) iciw iA Hi t'ueu Hound Valley in' Meadow ilk, oIv AtlOblUitUCA Ktili.La Mbs Ada McKinnon is ather.woik F u plans and a eelfleations see the C Jilt OaiaC i L tv I a Uj 1, again at the Furniture to. store innr County t'lcik. All hulsni 1st lie delivi M U1 tun j a tew days illness. ed to tire County ( lei k on or liefoie May 20th 1910. 'I he County Commiss.4VUUJ uuUii reserve the right to lejeet any ioners lyou are iu need of a pretty sliiit Av.it Jnva. or alt bids. John Weston CJqrk. or diess waist should pattern you go O .tu tUOUiWIiU yicv.M i n to Spencer llros. a vi uitut lUtj uutb U tUi Notice IUC 'Uiiat. iiit,! tKju t iU nOj) ui tiait Woik on (lie It, cV W. Canal will IUmIVC UiiOiC IHV.J Mr. Joe. Fmith lett for liis home commence l iuiii. Monday Apiil 553th . For in in bait Lake alter spending a lew day-- , foimaiion see iostruction committee. lou ought to tee luo new line oi in Randolph as guest of Alias bma V. Jackson i.i.icv i i4iltJii.il a uuii iiiu.i. McKinnon. " II, Nidiolls 'Ulutua ill tail Uavkituu Cv JUv t liL it ta T. Wilson Committee ci at tpc.ic,:. Itlua. II. J, Norris injuud ins right eye' tiuougli a peiee ot wood arseuuiy Call for County Warrents Alaigecioui i.i ladies were it thut it was lliot striking in inc upua nouse .Montla., tve to I am now prepaied to F.OT1CI3 weep him at tiie hospital a few days nmg by tiie bcnlor locinocm ol the all County Warrents issued hefme ns week. t pay P. .c . . D,(i..., u..cm0, .aiuct. pnl 1910. Above warrents will he . uuo l so a, oils woe at my otlic'e at Randolph, I'tali uumigilie paid ieiilub. muse pieatnt upint XlaMug Mrs. Oluf Laison is home again Interest oil t lie above warrents wilt with her tolks in months had a ciy eijoyuolc time cease from amt after the date of this bait Lake City. listed April loth 1910. notice. DOCTOR JL jg v. ioo.W LT. U Machinery The place to buy t Reached Dayor Night by Botl) Phones City Reg Pongees, Calicos, Ging- hams, Chalie, Linon, Mohair, Voile and white Goods. Ladies Voil Skirts, W aists etc, etc. rfi r 4Ue Articles fcrSals 4.- 2 V X .....- f. Sill vS, gis'ered pen heron btalhon, IleKalli 011 llie $1 CO aliud at 62400.00 '1 hose interested inquire fiom the L. It. (i. Jlorse ( o. . John II Weston Fee. 11 v Furniture! Co Highest prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs. Mail orders Solicited Utah. Randolph, 11 1 aft-e- ra or Day Night 'Phone Rod 40 Mr, Itolieit .NuKinnon Jos. F. Neville is spending hti sister Mis. J. b. ucKiunoii at l.vanstou. a tew nays will) Countv Surveyor dnd Engir)2er Co FIVE PER CENT interest, NINE years time with privilege of paying any time. Return payments monthly, quarterly, semi-anny or annually, to suit borrowua amt copies of M.s. (ail Mills uiime up from l.er Information, plats rgmding home in bait Lake atu.dny on a visit House cleaning is now on and you Land Cmted Stater and State (School) W com-llius hax e to in r iv iU & in. u. cjii e ed Lace cm tains, will in luuiini slie ai ci hi r nushamt will leave plete lines call utid see them at D. h r Vauluiuia ne.l montil w liele they bpenoer Flos. eApeel to xuaselm.li home. Avoid the expense of a trip to the fe the State ull. Mr. F. I Capitol by turning your land r, J tin representing hus Ldward low r, who jastro-o. of mutters over to me for proper attention btrevelt taterson Jiamwaie till lied lion the i'lilumg Academythat lie will sjent bat and. iinmty w.tli .nisi bawl lave announces FEES REASONABLE ll tuxonn lt iuuid (.Hung oidcis lor Llanche bpeni-elie e.iUs 10 leave eve,- - l1,iUj S. L. City Ut. 232 Atlas ux.e mr u imvon to .w w demand , F.ngmeer-in- g Wiiomu Address Henry J. Hauser, Treas Rich Fetor Johnson wasowr from Carden tily baituuay last. 1 Am prepared to do Cn d in general. FARM CITY & TOWN LOANS -it ers. For Particulars write at ' JACKSON P. LEWIS l f ClAH. LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. 310 Century Bid? Denver, Colorado V V - Reuel Walton & COUnS'?!or at law Salt Lake City & Woodruff Utah' Attornev Thepiopeity I'd diging - - Bik -- ,vt 011 Rusi- - LS Land Matters and all Legal dl,a tu' ness given Prompt Attention, Irngat, j u lon and Probate Matters gnen Espee-- j j lal Attention. II J. M. Hbndfrson Prop, ' After tpt ndmg sevxral lnoiit ,s in v. mi r k.tives and friends xMr. ixtui W.AuiiHd, ided i mu HandiJ lx might iooa good to him again ills ne.ee Nib .o iL.ia Bui in ae com pal i led him u-- ' tl 1,1 Ul l Hit Will , ' it tU Dll 011 lut ideal I hut Uiiitt ltl-- If fill uu-te- a U'Mj i A,t 1 DC id U pu cer nial Hfcbort lo alt Latte City ttllb u.urt li U ukhiu tan itti in, till 0 u w i bw & Spent Notary Public Utah: bttbin- - Selecting Spring Clothes will save you money before the season is over. in Dont Foi'et LAKETO'WN HOTEL 4 Accommodation, lvt" for Transient and Otncr Guests. Randolph, ; that for the same price you pay for ordinary clothes yoa can have G. B Thompson Prop. yours Tailored To your Individual measurements from the very patern you choose from the his Hay, Crain & Stabling Also tk- iUtiit Mom) ei u ami, iMr- - David Jaek-o- n returmd to K!llUl,t'J Kauuolpli and Evanston. Ixie new tab home in Logan last vvxek. Ills bun JlslH.lllb msued because ut Insuilnem1 j,raK i.as cJiseuntmueU eclmol there tune to coixsnli r tne tir- -t Inds ri the amt come to Randolph fur tne summer, time allotted before March this year.! j nrsi-cias- s Abstractor he-m- I A John Snowball prm , Cuh ' I Mi ai h ha- - xi " t'uu ll'" JUl' "et RANDOLPH HOTEL I t ieU UiUt 1 'l i ,ms L Tirre ar)d CoosiderGtion 500 All Wool Glothes Jfi3rfltl(lfir we are showing and in any style. ou may select from any one representing the Optometrist Mbs and Annie bpencer Elijah of ' 1j0 different authorative and very correct fashion features. Co. 2 is Mam street ',EkJU own young pxoi Is Alexander Optual lv 0 w "lH 1an'Io,th Lake 'islt Call K '"O ' tlty up Red 8 and make a date to look overall these attractive llllir tovMii.fi nroule lor bait Lake ,aU 4 op- i needing inontli14; evirv vl Anyone i M, v r tin v were mar i No matter bat oolen samples See what is right in style this j ear. should have word at the .1 tie 'i .x lx i rx i l..u, mii.o . (i ten pit! wed. April Jl.til. tiealvnrk how fastidious or conservative you may be in your dress, there is Oku e. Ii it ilt' eu I i i to xrom le the inarri- - Post tv O iXIvx i). something here that will just satisfy your tastes Made to your ,g ut tin c young pe pli and vi wufl, NOTARY PUSLIO to 'in in Notice hearty congratulat.oi 8 pleasure by the Puritan Tailors of Chicago The reiuar quarterly HtUe Confer- iv mu En ik g w is taken d mv ii si All kinds of legal papers ltxf-uenee of the Woodruff Stake will o evil, axial k ot ap draw n up and athnovv ledtre.L denlj v, -r & Mrs Juex b Hi nzley vene at Lyman on bat. & Sun A j ni t)' enou ltix. lliat it loi.e .'c.oie sjie cud . d pril LO. and to Mr, & 3Jth and Slay. 1st Local Representative NEWS Office Randolph, Utah. be opt i ah d upn i sue ilxcd I vim the a gul, s JoLns' Jis. 1. jii a boy, lbui-- . Apr. j Jno, M. Bnxtx'r Cit'hJvJl CUli!tJllL..tui liefltollllis A rolld McKinnon 2it. brnifiy night. T. J. Tingcy Presidency ' Hay. drain and Ftahhng in Connection Terms Reasonable. tlu. tlis.ul the .lo.npe,ier mute is considered too lm.h, b xi s i m.u s aiiiouni ut hid tills u.n , L u- , vv LeRoy Shelby W ,m r j -- 11 x , 1. ; ! , I , I -- j j x con-R0P- xi Wm. Jacobson .N i I VV 1 I - ( j , |