Show I 1 11 uncle joe As an agent of dan cupid r V ASHINGTON on L white bus W beys beya desk in the speakers spen hera at anteroom ante ite room 0 of if the national house ot of represent representatives natives reposes a picket of letters indorsed endorsed Indor sed cupid it la Is the filing cabinet of 0 the uncle joo JOB matrimonial Bu burdall established by accident and not incorporated every day brings additions to tho the speakers mall from men and women young and old from every quarter of tho the land seeking surcease lur cease from the pangs of at loneliness some of them are arc rich they say bay and others want to make themselves happy some ot of the writers are quite choosey chiosey cho osey na an to the sort of at a helpmeet they want and others othere will take almost any old thing thine that la is willing to trot or even amble in double donzila harness harn egg the uncle joe JOB matrimonial unreal had a most moat modest beginning out in Stow stewardson ardson ill there lives a young farmer who has been reading all alii I 1 sorts forts 0 of newspaper stories and magazine articles about the higher cost coat 0 of living lie ile read that lots iota or of young people did not get married because the cost coat of living was such auch that penury and sorrow stared them in the face ace ile ho was a bachelor and prosperous roua and it occurred to him that somewhere in the land there must be the mate that would make his home happier and brighter that might be just juat yearning to get married yet scared by all this thin talk of poverty and trouble the young man wrote to speaker cannon ile he wrote a modest postal card caid to say lay that he fie bad a farm of acres and that like the hotel business there was wi always room for one more lie ile out nut it up to the iho speaker to furnish the ono one more then uncle joe in the goodness of his heart told a newspaper man about the young farmer daid nd the newspaper man put a piece in the paper and the flood flee of letters started |