Show HIS HANDS CRACKED OPEN 1 I am a man seventy years old my mr hands were very sore avid and cracked open on the insides for over a year with large sores they would crack open and bleed itch burn and ache so 30 that I 1 could not sleep deep and could do but little work they were so bad that I 1 could not dress myself in the in morning 0 aning they would bleed and the blood dropped on the floor I 1 called on two doctors but they did we me no good I 1 could get nothing to do any good till I 1 got the Cuti cura soap and Cuti cura ointment about a year ago my daughter got a cake of cutt cura soap and one box of Cuti cura ointment and in oni week from the tha time I 1 began to use them my hands were all healed up and they have not nob been a mite sore since I 1 would not ze be without the Cuti cura remedies Hem edles they also cured a bad sore on the hand of one of my neighbors children and they think very highly of the cuff curn cura re remedies M edles john W hasty so ef engham N if mar 5 and apr aar 11 09 |