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Show Because a home is in the country on a farm is only an added it date reason u hy it should be more up-tand attractive, for those w ho are fortunate enough to live m the countiy really spend mote tune in their homes than do those who live in cities. And it is o tiue that farm homes and farm life is dady becoming more and more attractive, 'ilie inside of our house is our home, so why not make it nice and attractive, homely and cheerful, and modern. You w'ouldnt think of burning tallow Land Conservation Measure Is candles, yet why use wall paper? Considered Important by In order to educate a few refined people in every community to the artistic President. beauty of soft velvety alabastmed walls of solid color, a free offer of beautiful wall stencils of classic design is made to every reader of this paper. It is also possible to secure without any IS OPPOSED BY WESTERNERS expense color suggestions for your home telling you the most suitable colors, to use the licit arrangement, curtains and over curtains, etc.m fact the services of a Democrats Hope to Elect Successor decorative architect are at your disposal to James Breck Perkins in New without charge to you. In cities there are many and most exYork Senators Are Against cellent designers of interior decoration, but Proposed Treaty with it takes money and time to carry out their ideas. This same service is at the Liberia. of every reader if he asks for it, and better than all, it tells you how you can It Is becoming sharpWashington either do the work yourself or direct some one cbe. It gives you exact shades and ly evident that the presidents consercolors, and the stencils to do the work vation measures will be beset by without charge. may difficulties, but finally 1 TAFT INSISTS OH o WITHDRAWAL iil-- Treatment for Lump Jaw. Lump jaw la due to a fungus which is usually taken Into the animals system In feed consumed. Lump jaw Is liable to afreet the glands of the throat or the bones of the head, writes Doctor David Roberts In American Cultivator. It is not advisable to keep an animal thus afflicted lingering in a herd. On the other hand it Is advisable to either treat such an animal or kill it, as such animals invite diseases into the herd, owing to the fact that they are so reduced in vitality that they have no resisting power. A remarkably large per cent, of such cases can be successfully treated if taken in time by opening up the enlargement and washing it out with a strong antiseptic solution, like five of carbolic acid in water, and putting the animals on a tonic. In this way the afflicted animal Is not only save), but the entire herd Is protected against disease. Something Stronger Than Wind. Senator DepeW, apropos of March winds, said, at a dinner in Washington: An old fashioned fellow, one year when Easter came in March, paid too many Easter calls and drank too many cups of eggnog, and, alas, was quite overcome. As the oid fashioned fellow lurched, In the late afternoon, toward home, a little girl watched him from her window, curiously. Oh, mamma, she said, come and look at Mr. Stuyvesant. Isnt the wind blowing him about! Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and Bure remedy for Infants and children, aud see that It Bears the Signature ot In Use For Over IK) Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought From the first to last, and in the face of smarting disillusion, we continue to expect good fortune, better health, and better conduct; and that so confidently, that we judge it needless to desi rve them. R. L. Stevenson. Bill many they see the light of passage. One of the bills as prepared authorizes the president to withdraw from the public domain any lands which he may deem advisable In order to protect the peoples Interest. Many of the western senators and representatives and a goodly number of those from the east oppose this measure as putting, as they think, too much power Into the hands of the chief executive. It will be recognized at once that the reasons back of the desire to pass this legislation have for their basis the wish to find a way to prevent valuable water Bites and mining lands front passing into the hands of per- who intend eventually to turn Cons over to the uses of corporations which on once securing control might make millions out of property which has cost them comparatively little, and would then be In a legal position which would bulwark them against any attempt to force them to pay the original owners, the people, any lease Inoney. Only Two Bills Have Chance. It was supposed when congress first rame together that several conservation bills of different kinds would be Introduced and that the president would Insist that all of them be passed. The length of the presidents program and the lackadaisical way In which congress has gone at the work of the session make it seem certain now that only two conservation measures have any real chance of passage this year. One of them is the withdrawal bill of which mention has Just been made, and the other is the measure which looks to the separation of the surface lands from the mineral lands which may lie underneath in order that different methods of disposing of each may be found. In the Lecond conservation measure the Idea is to secure means by which the government can lease the right to develop mines while disposing of the surface lands for agricultural purposes in any way that may seem best While the extreme west and northwest have been markedly progressive along the lines of the "Roosevelt It is nevertheless true that n conservation matters the former president did not have the entire sympathy and support of men who stood By him upon all other matters of pub-dpolicy to which he gave his adher ence. President Taft is most insistent that a law which will give him and succeeding presidents the power to withdraw public lands when it seems necessary shall be passed at this Bession. He Is constantly refer-linto the subject when the senate and house leaders visit him in the White House and he is telling them that this bill must go through In virtually the form in which it was drawn, fie is trying hard to win the northwest to bis views. Involves Ballinger Trouble. It Is perfectly easy to understand why Mr. Taft is so anxious that this particular piece of legislation shall go on Ihe statute books In the form In which it has been sanctioned by him and by the attorney general and the secretary of the Interior. One of the first acts of Secretary Ballinger was to restore some of the lands which had been withdrawn by his predecessor. Secretary Garfield. Mr. Ballinger did not believe and does not believe today that Mr. Garfield had the legal authority to withdraw the lands As soon as the new secretary of the interior had restored a part of the rniblic domain which Mr. Gorfield had withdrawn, harsh criticism of the act was made by the principal advocates of the Roosevelt policies of conserve tion. Gifford Finchot and others made representations to President Taft, and as a result Mr. Ballinger was compelled to withdraw some of the lands which he had restored to their former status. It Is needless to say that the secretary of the Interior did this with no very good grace, for by the act he was compelled to go In the face of his own belief of the rights in the matter This difficulty over withdrawals and restorations of the public domain add ed coals to the already hot fire of controversy between Mr. Ballinger, Mr. Pinchot of the forestry service and some of the officials of the land office and reclamation service Hope to Gain Another Seat, There has been great activity In the Democratic congressional committee for the last few days. The membeis are taking particularly sharp interest in the outcome of the special election in the Thirty-seconcongressional district in New York state, where a representative in congress is to be elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of a Republican member, James Breck Perkins. The Democrats hope to carry this western New Yoik district, which in the past ordinarily has been Repub c W. L. DOUGLAS S4.00&S5.00 $3.50, $3.00, 8 on 1 S Vo on OliMEiO Made $2,G0t250 W. L. Douglas nIioo.h are worn bjrnioremeiithau any other make, BEGAUSEt W. I.. X.O'I Dougins and I3.AO ulioen are the lowmt prk, eoitsltlered, h. he world. W.L. lHiglts St.no horn and 9.VU0 let (It and equal. In wear, other mnkM S.OO. ijeletz. name amt prli The iienmn have W. I Ihmir! MuhaillMle. Twin tamp I onft th hoMotn. I W ahoee for ruler votiAsk Uthejar not for al In vour town wnle for M All order Oalalow. UtrlitK full tlireHmtm how to order hy mall. 8loe from fa lory delivered to the wearer ordered d charges preiwtui. U . U Douglas, Hroeklon, Mtua eoatingSO.OOto Fast Color io diit Hiliousness I have used your valuable Cascarets and I find them perfect. Couldnt do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness end am now completely cured. Recom- mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them in the family." Edward A. Mane, Albany, N.Y. ' Pleasant, Palatable, Pot-n- t, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Slcken.Weakeo or Gripe. 10c.25c. 50c. Never sold In bt.lk. The veil nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or vour moDey back. S3 OPIUM n.K 0 or Morphine Habit Treated. t rce trial Cae where other remed es have failed, sitecially ve rameunrR desired. COKTIEIX, Blits BM, 400 W 33d Bt .HewTorfc PARALYSIS Sriffi tor Pmof rrve doc it Write JSortb iutii a4 Arivlcp dt, Fim i'ulUkde.puia. I d lican. Having elected a successor to David A. DeArmond in a Missouri district by a largely increased majority, and being successful in the Fourteenth Massachusetts district In the election of Eugene N. Foss on the Democratic ticket in a Republican section of the state, the present minority party naturally hopes to make a further gain In western New York. The Republicans say that in the Massachusetts district where the Democrats won, conditions were abnormal and that Foss who was elected by the Democrats was in reality a Republican and that his opponent was a man not at all popular, and therefore the Democratic success is easily to be accounted for. The Democrats reply simply that the Republicans are whistling to keep up their courage, and that the election of the Democrat in western New York In a few days, or the cutting down greatly of the Republican majority, will prove that the country is ripe for a change in the party control of the lower house of congress Will Congress Pay Tariff Board? It is still a question whether President Taft is to be given the $250,000 which he has asked from congress to pay the expenses of the tariff board for the next fiscal year. The president has urged congress hard to sanction the appropriation. Early in the season Senator Hale of Maine, who is a protectionist of the old school, gave sharp Intimation that If the president Intended to employ the tariff board for any purpose except to consider the questions of maximum and minimum tariff rates and their relation to our foreign trade and to customs discriminations, congress ought not to give him money to carry out his wishes. The downward revision Republicans, and the Democrats with them, say that the fear of the high protection element Is that the tariff board will conduct investigations for the purpose of getting material which can be used In future tariff legislation and that the high protectionists fear also that some of the facts which are adduced will lead the people to believe that low rates are a necessity. Treaty with Liberia Opposed. If the administration is to secure, what it so heartily desires, a treaty with Liberia, the boon will be given only after troubles that may take on the form of a congressional fight. In reality it seems wholly improbable that the Benate will consent to negotiating any treaty with the African republic at this session. There is a good deal of sentiment in America in connection with Liberia because its government was modeled in the beginning, after that of the United States, and because in the old slavery days it was considered a sort of haven for negroes, and it was the hopeful belief of many of the old time abolitionists that In Liberia the black race would prove that it was thoroughly capable of self government. In his annual message to congress. President Taft gave considerable space to the troubles in Liberia. He called attention to the fact that there is a provision in an early treaty with the African republic under which the United States may be called upon for advice or assistance to Pursuant this provision and In the spirit of the moral relationship of the United States to Liberia, that republic last year asked this government to lend, assistance in the solution of certain of their national problems." . Not long ago the report of the commission which the United States sent to Liberia was made public, and the president has said that he hopes as a result of the commissions report some helpful measures might result and so through the department of state he has called the attention of the senate to the subject. Position of United States. Recently Secretary Knox invited the members of the foreign relations com mlttee of the senate to a dinner at his residence, and there he laid before them the reasons as he saw them for the negotiating of a treaty with Liberia It seems to be the feeling in the state department that the African country Is likely to be made the scene of exploitation of English, French or German Interests, and that it may be eventually that one or the other of these countries may actually threaten the territorial Integrity of a country which in a sense is considered a ward of tde United States The members of the senate committee made It plain to Secretary Knox that they were not in favor of a treaty with Llbei ia that in any way would bind this country to a course which might run counter to the wishes of the three great European countries which have been named Mr. Knox's guests told him that while the Uni ted- - States was extremely cordial In its good wishes to Liberia and had done much for that country. It had done no more than Great Britain, and that it would seem like a slur at the English people if this country were even indirectly to intimate that it feared the Biltibh government was to be an ag- gressor of the D. A. R. The advance guard of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, who will meet in Washington April 18, already has entered the city. Within the next week there will be hundreds of representatives of the society in the capital and already preparations are being made for the meeting, which will last Just one week. The Daughters of the .American Revolution, curiously enough, have the same kind of trouble on their hands that recently beset congress The Daughters are divided into two factions which have been named regulars and Insurgents. The insurgents in the main, are opposed to the rule of the presiding officer, who, like Speaker Cannon, comes from Illinois. GEORGE CLINTON. Meeting Be Enforced. ordinances, laws and Kidney Troubles Grow Worse Every regulations in more than of the cities and towns of the country Year. are not enforced as they should be, Charles S. Bailey, 808 Locust St., alleges the National Association for I suffered the Study of Tuberculosis in a recent Yankton, S. Dak., says: agony from kid- report. While most of the larger cities ney complaint of the United States have such laws Will purify your blood, clear and was almost on their books, in the great majority your complexion, restore your helpless. The dis- of cases they are ignored or overrelieve your tired feelease grew worse looked. The report covers in detail appetite, aleach the enforcement of the ing, build you up. Be sure to year docI ordinances in 80 of the largest cities take it this spring. though tored and used in the country. During the year 1909 Get It In usual liquid form or choco! many remedies. in these 80 cities, 3,421 arrests were lated tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses $L. There were excru- made for violation of the laws regardciating pains in ing spitting in public places. Over my back and the 2,900 convictions were secured and urine passed too $4,100 87 was collected in fines. freely. Doans It Seemed So. " Kidney Pills gradually helped me and The little son of the family hapsoon I was cured. Some years ago I recommended them and have had no pened to be idling his time in the combine to make home kitchen when the colored porter came trouble since. had cheerful, but no one thing he wheie up out of the cellar, Remember the name Doans. . For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. been shoveling coal into the heater, plays so important a part Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. grasped the white towel hanging on as artistic taste in wall the door and passed into the hall. For decoration. an instant the youth gazed aweA PARADOX. struck at the coal dust Impressions cleanly and wholesome is left on the towel, then yelled after the retreating negro: colors coming Oh, Sam, your off! Judge. DOWNWARD COURSE. Good Law That Should IKbodTs Anti-spittin- g five-eight- Sarsaparilla anti-spittin- g Many things n Beautiful, Her Worry. Mrs. Hoyle You seem unhappy. Mrs. Doyle I am; I dont believe that if I were to die my husband would wear as deep mourning as he did for his first wife. Kor Hed, Itrhluis Kjelldo, Cysts, Stye Falling Eyelashes and All Eyes Thai Need Care Try Murine Eye Salve. Aseptic Tube Trial Size 25c Ask Your Druggist or Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Remember that life is not a fulfilment of ones ideals, but an eternal compromise with them. Manager That drinking song went rery badly tonight. Stage Director I know. The tenor had been drinking. WHEN and mo notes sore from cold, rheumatism or neiiral- you slip, strain or bruise yourself use Jia; when Ouror Painkiller. The borne remedy 70 years. Where She Scored. Sheldon Kerrulsh tells this story on He is a cheap man who lets his actions give him away. esteemed father: a long time ago, a number of children in our neighborhood were talking about the bad habits of their patents.' My father smokes 15 cigars a day, said a little girl, boastfully like. v My father swears something awful when supper is latg,' said another. My papa came home tight the other night, remarked a third. "It was my little sisters turn next. 'You just ought to see my papa read Cicero, she said, and all the other little girls Mired In confusion, gladly admitting that sister had won his One day the pilze. Cleveland Leader. Care of Horses Feet. If the horse already has defective feet keep them carefully trimmed and The soft hoof shod if necessary. Bhould be shod and reshod every six or eight weeks in winter where the ground is frozen and at all times of the year where the roads are rocked or graveled. By keeping the horse with poor feet properly shod it will do good service without loss of time. But it is best to breed for good feet. yoi;r joints are Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup. Korohildren teething softens the gums, reduces colic. gca boUie. And much is done in the name of also many. charity We have idea, oo color harmonica, classic stencils, and much that will interest the discriminating house owner. These Ideas have cost us money but are free te you. Ask your dealer or write direct. Alabastine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED A "moving picture machine free will be Vi ti ial boxes of to boy or girl celling given itny Bailey Very Miarp Razor Strop dressing. W ill put a perfect edge on the duileut safety or grind heavy blaue razor. No more honing or ing razors. PatLsfaction guaranteed or yonr 10 cents for box aud bend money bark, particulars. 99 Franklin Street, New York. C. R. BAILEY, IDAHO IRRIGATED LAND 8 There's s difference! Lund leveled, watered, years in alfalfa, producing now is better Will sell 10 to 70 seres of this 6 miles northeast of Nampa. Idaho. cash balance easy. Interest fhO per acre One-ten- th 6f, discount for more cash Will rent if not aooa sold. Address today PR. bkiosks, OEFIANCE STARCH taro ties clothes nioesfc W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Fads for 10. Weak Women of all the sickness oi women is due to some derangement or die ease oi the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can ba cured is cured every day by Nine-tent- Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. , It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restorative tonio for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy o( home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and to abhorrent to ' N . every modest woman. We shall not particularize here Ls to the symptoms of those peculiar affection, inciderrt to women, but those . wanting full information', as to' their symptoms sof means of positive cure are referred to the Peoples Common dense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised and Edition, sent fret on receipt of 21 oss-ceetampa to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth 1 binding for 31 atamps. Address Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.YA j - nt Dyola la the Best Dye have ever used. It makes a nice color on any kind of goods, cotton, wool or mixed goods. So Mrs. Corbett writes. 10 cents per package at dealers. If not in stock, send 10 cents to Dyola, Burlington. Vt Mention color desired and wo will send you same with color ganl erd direction book. Ljorn naming I A stiff The SaniiaiyWall Coatiqg UIttITB BI V lAMbUllg DIHWIliprr may take gome of them corn planting may be late if your horse have Distemper. SPOHNS DISTEMPER CURE in yonr true safeguard a cure as well as preventive 50c and II 09 bottle 95 00 and 11000 dovn, delivered. Large is more than twice th smaller size. Don't put it off. Get it. Druggists or send to manufacturers. SpohiMedlcal Co., ChemUta and Bacteriologists, Goshen, lod., (J.S.A friendship which makes the least noise is very often the most useful; for which reason I should prefer a prudent frtend to a zealous one. dison. Ad- COLDS AFFECT THE KIDNEYS. jiuiiinmxN AN s STOVE UP-TO-DA- TE there is no longer any reason why coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it you should use a is lighter and easier to handle, and gives an intense heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the Do you realize He? IPerctioR ilCbok-- r The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of its appearance. You really cant appreciate it until you either fSSSS Your Liver is Clogged up Thats Why Youre .Tired Out Sorts Have No Appetite. CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS SKdr'V Jj Carters) OITTLE They do their duty. Cur Bil- rfA X - llVER PILLS. te ieoMcst, Iadigeatiea, and Sick Safidt. SMALL PUL. SMALL COSE. SMALL PRICE GENUINE mud bear use it yourself, or talk to someone who has used it. It does everything that a coal range will do except heat the room. The New Perfection Oil Cook- -, Stove will do anything, from heating a kettle of water to cooking a course dinner, but it wont heat a room. It doesn't "smell, it doesnt smoke. It cant get out of order. Light it and it is ready. Turn it down and it is out. Only a woman who knows the trouble of carrying coal and coaking in a hot kitchen can appreciate what it means to have a clean, perfect stove that will Cook anything, boil, bake or roast, and yet wont heat the kitchen. How is it done? The Same is controlled in turquoise-blue enamel chimneys, and directed against the bottom of pot, paa, kettle or oven, and only there. The flame operates exactly where it is needed and nowhere else. With this stovo your kitchen is cool. The nickel finish with the bright blue of the chimneys makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and steves can be had with or without that the name-plaCabinet. reads New Perfection.', It not at yonrs, write for PwT'tral.rewrwher: tar Descriptive Clmi to the nearest agency of tba signature: PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Csler were goods brighter and taster colors than sny other dye. 0n tOc gacksge colors all libers. They dye In cold water better then any other dya. MONROE DRUG CO., Quincy, WinCim. Too ccn dye any garment without rigging apart Wrl'e lor tree booklet How to Ore. 8lesch end Ml Colors. |