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Show STOCK MARKET TRADING LIGHT AND DAT WITHOUT INTEREST l Oils, Motors and Other Speculative Specialties Register Gains of From Two to Eight Points. NEW TORK. Doc. 11. Aside from oils, motors and other speculative specialties, which registered gross gains of 2 to S points, today's stock market presented no features of interest. Trading was Hpht, easier money conditions failing to stimulate public support. The petroleum group contributed far more tluui its usual quota, Mexican recording re-cording a gross Rain of 8 points after an early setback, while Royal Dutch. Texas company and Fan-American common and preferred undo extreme advances of 2 to -1 points. Uuijed States Steel and associated issues is-sues were steady to firm during the early and intermediate periods, but fell back later. RiliIs were apathetic throughout, even the secondary or low-priced shares of that, division evincing none of their recent activity or .strength. Shippings rose and fell within narrow bounds, advices ad-vices from London aneut the Mercantile Marine deal occasioning restraint. Rotors were irre Kiilar, mainly in con-sijuonce con-sijuonce of the uncertain movement of Stmiebaker. which suffered from further selling pressure in connection with the company's proposed financing. Metals, tobaccos, leathers, fertilizers and the distilling issues lacked definite tendencies on preatly reduced operations, becoming moderately unsettled, however, in the general reaction uf the last hour. Total pales amounted to 54O.000 shares. Healings in bonds were without especial espe-cial feat u re, both domestic and foreign issues allowing moderate irregularity. Liberty bonds eased again, but held above recent low records. Total sales (par value) aggregated f 9, 650,000. Old United States bonds wero unchanged un-changed on call. |