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Show j DELINQUENT NOTICE. i I. phi Tintie llinin company, incor- poratcd innlcr-Uie laws of the state of I Utah. Principal place of business. Salt j l,ak; Oily, Utah. Notice There arc- delinquent upon the I folio win k descrliicd si ock on account of ' assessment No. 0, levied on the 22nd day j of October, A. D. IP is. (,f one-fourth of , one cent per share, the several amounts 1 s(-:t opposite tho names of the respective I stockholders, as follows: I Cert. No. No. fc'hares. Amt. &7 ;j w. I-: . Kelly 2,000 $5.00 02G W. M. Ilavenor 3M .88 loril Ixjrenzo .Jefis 3,0O 7..".0 IL'dO i;. A. Ulazier 1,S7. A fifl 1 2.1S J. il. Whitney i.rtoo 2.hu V.. J. Allen l.flno 4 75 HM W. H. lilmer A.0,Q 10.13 MILS W. JI. Watamuk't J.oorj 2,i,0 iriSl Petor Iniff priilO 2.50 15'i K. Ii. Howell l.rmo 2.50 lTiSfl V. H. Monger- 2,oi)0 5.00 ltinij Planch Rnekhill 1,000 2.T.0 p;-Ti '. S. Carter 710 l.flS W. M. AVaLiniuki 1,000 2.50 pi:;W. T. "W'atamuki 1.000 2.50 16:?!' "W. M. Ilavenor 1,000 2.50 1i;SG .lames Marcroft 2,500 6.25 17S .1. It. i?phree 2,000 5.00 l'JT) P. l Plack lf5 " 13 1S:!2 IT. O. Waters 800 sm) ISr.flW. S. Irvine 1,000 L'.nu is.i7 V. S. Irvine 1,000 2.50 IS 72 Kaiir-r Rros MO 2.2!t li'.'.u Harold Morgan .M2 1 1 1 lftn 1 1. V. Cram -. . S75 219 2O07 Mrs. V. K. Mkioff 1.000 2.50 20! I Walter Monscr 2.OO0 5 .00 I 2017 It. W. Cram 1.000 2 50 fjis 11. W. Cram -. 1.000 2.50 21120 H. W. Cram 5fo l I 21121 II. W. Cram 125 32 j 202211. W. Cram IS !o5 I And In accordance with tle law and ! the order of the boarfl of directors, made on the 22nd day of October, A. D. HPS, j so many shares of earm parcel of stoek ! ns may be necessary will he sold at pub-! pub-! lie auction at room No. -125 Atlas block, SaU lake Cby. Utah, on the lflth day of December, A. I . !)is, at the hour of 11 a. m.. to pay the delinquent assessment and expenses of sale. HART J. FITZCrcrtAT.D, sjecretarv. 85337 |