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Show Royal Neighbors Elect. TWIN FALLS. Idaho. 1 tec. 1 1. Twin Kalis Uoyal Neighbors of America have elected the following officers for the eom-intr eom-intr year: Oracle. Kffie Watkins; past oracle, Kffie Kmes ; vice oracle, Gnu e Heart field: chancellor. Mabel Skinner; recorder, Lola Mihs: receiver. IJatlte liessier; marsiiai. Ornhr. Leoner: inner sentinel, Anna Teters; outer sentinel. Elizabeth Andrew?: manager. Mart Pad-gtT Pad-gtT ; m;-s: ian. ?::iiel Bickford ; phv?!--ckims. Ir. H. W. Wiison. Dr. T. S. Was-, son ;-.r.J Dr. C. A. Ernes. |